USE OF THE COMBINATION something is blocking the accessory in use.
NOZZLE We recommend you to change the bag
before the full length of the indicator turns so as to assure yourself of a more
Carpet ~nd floor brush wlth t~o settlngs s.anitary environment as well as high-quality
Sett!l:'g 1. to clean hard floors, wlth the brush alr and, as well, the maximum efficiency of
1posl~loned outwards. your cleaner.
Settlng 2: to clean rugs and carpets, with
the brush positioned inwards. Replacing the paper bag 1
To change the paper bag, push down on the .J
opening lever placed on the accessory
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE compartment (G) raise the lid, gently slide
Before using the cleaner, pull the feed cable out the ~ag into the runners and push it ali
out alI the way and then plug it to an electrical the way In.
socket. To rewind the cable, disconnect the PI.a~e the new paper bag on its runners
plug and push down on the rewind cable (B) wlthln the frame and push it ali the way
Operations Fold the tongue of the cardboard insert into
The vacuum cleaner can be turned on and the hole-punched point.
off by exerting slight pressure on the switch Replace the bag support frame and using
pedal (A) gentle pressure, close the lid of the appliance.
The coupling of the vacuum cleaner hose
Electronic control of the vacuuming will fit automatically into the opening of the
power (fig. 4). vacuum cleaner bag.
In some models, the variation in vacuuming Freq~ent replacement of the vacuum cleaner
power can be controlled by making use of bag IS recommended when fine dirt items
the electronic regulator device (C) located are to be cleaned, such as flour, talcum
on the equipment itself. powder, etc.
The electronic regulator makes it possible
~o vary the suction power in order to adapt ATTENTI.ON ..
It to the type of surface being cleaned. The appllance IS equlpped with a security
It is thus possible to benefit from the feature which does not allow the lid of the
equipment's maximum power potential appliance to be closed without the vacuum
whenever you must vacuum dust from cleaner bag inserted.
carpets or hard floors (marble, ceramic, tiles
etc.) or whenever you need reduced suctio~ Motor protection filter (fig. 7)
to clean curtains and other delicate fabrics. To guarantee long life for this equipment
and to safeguard the motor, it is mandatory
Mechanical control of vacuuming power that the motor protection filter be kept clean.
(fig. 5) To gain access to the filter, open the
In some cleaner models, the handle of the accessory compartment, take out the paper
flexible tube has a built-in-mechanical device b~g, and rez:nove the filter. If the filter is stilI
1to control the suction. By simply moving the ~alrly clean, J.ust remove the dust. If the filter c
cursor, you .can quickly and easily change IS really dlrty w';tsh .and then dry it.
1the vacuumlng power. Be certaln that the fllter IS dry before putting
it back in piace. When replacing the filter, ~
be c';treful to fit it perfectly into its proper
CLEANING houslng.
Full-bag indicator (Fig. 6) ~ir filte~/Activeted-carbon filter/Cassette
The full-bag indicator (D) lets you know when hlter (h9: 8) ..
it is time to change the paper bag or that Y?ur .appllances m.ay be provlded ~lth an
Alr Fllter or an Actlvated Carbon Fllter or