Electrolux BRAVO1700E User manual

Vacuum cleaners
User manual
Vacuum cleaner
Sta ubsauger
Istruzioni d'uso
Instructions for use
Mode d'emploi
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ESCRIPTIO N .Do not vacuum matches, ashes orD cigarettes butts that have not been
completely extinguished.
A On/off ped.al .Do not use this equipment on wet
B Cable re.wlnd pedal surfaces.
C Electromc power control .Do not block the vacuuming noule or the
(only on .so~e models) air outlet.
D Full-bag Indlcator
E Accessory c:ompartment The manufacturer reserves the right to make
F Dust-c~lIectIng. compartment changes in this equipment and in the
G C~ver Ild opemng tab furnishing of accessories without any prior
H Grlp t"f r
I Air outlet grid and micro-filter no I Ica lon.
Always unplug before any assembly or
.Read this instruction booklet carefully disassembly of the accessory items.
and keep it in a safe piace for future
consultation. ..Preparing for use ..
.Do not vacuulT:' IlqUI~S. First-time use of your new appllance requ~r~s
.Never leave thls equlpment l:!nattended that you carry out the following steps: Joln
while it is ~unning, and keep rt far out of the flexible tube to the rigid handle. Follow
small chlldren and unflt perso':1s. the diagram for help:
.Before using this equipment for the hrst 1. Insert the soft tube's ring lug int~ the
time, check ~o be sure th.at the voltage apposite slot found on the rigid handle (hg.1 ).
of your electrlcal network IS t~e same as 2. Apply pressure on the ring near the other
that indi~ated. on the ratlng plat~. lug and press down hard until it
.Employ thls equlpmen~ only f.or dom~stlc locks it to piace (fig. 2).
use and as indicated In the Instructlons
booklet. Assembling the appliance .
.Donotoperatethlsequlpmentlfrtseems Connect the coupling portlon to
defective in.any w.ay. corresponding ho~sing lo.c1:'ted in t~e coverlid
.Connect thls equlpment only to out!et turning it clock-wlse untll rt locks Into piace
with minimum 10Acurrentcarrycapaclty. (bayonet-type attachment) (fig.3)
.For repairs or the purchase of accessory
parts, contact only your p!ivate ret~iler Suction tubes
or go directly to an authorlzed techmcal Your cleaner can be equipped with telescopic
center. .or single wands.
.Always discon~ect thlS; plug .from the If your vacuum cleaner is with single wands
main when equlpment IS not In u.se or connect the two tubes, hock them up to the
before any maintenance or cleamng of handle of the flexible tube, and attach the
the equipment itself. nozzle you want to use to the othe.r hand.
.The manufacturer shall accept no N.B.: AlI the suction-type accessorles can
responsibility whatsoever for harm or be connected either directly to the handle of
damage resulting from t~e imp~oper or the flexible tube or to the stiff tube. The
ill-considered use of thls equlpme~t. flexible and the stiff tubes may also be used
.Never wash this equipment wlth without the suction-type accessories.
thrichloroethylene or other solvent.
.~ever pull on this equipment's feed cable Accessory compartment .
In order to unplug from the socket. The crevice nozzle and the multi purpose
.Never let this equipment run over the nozzle are located in the accessory
electrical feed cable. compartment. (E)
USE OF THE COMBINATION something is blocking the accessory in use.
NOZZLE We recommend you to change the bag
before the full length of the indicator turns
..red so as to assure yourself of a more
Carpet ~nd floor brush wlth t~o settlngs s.anitary environment as well as high-quality
Sett!l:'g 1. to clean hard floors, wlth the brush alr and, as well, the maximum efficiency of
1posl~loned outwards. your cleaner.
Settlng 2: to clean rugs and carpets, with
the brush positioned inwards. Replacing the paper bag 1
To change the paper bag, push down on the .J
opening lever placed on the accessory
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE compartment (G) raise the lid, gently slide
Before using the cleaner, pull the feed cable out the ~ag into the runners and push it ali
out alI the way and then plug it to an electrical the way In.
socket. To rewind the cable, disconnect the PI.a~e the new paper bag on its runners
plug and push down on the rewind cable (B) wlthln the frame and push it ali the way
Operations Fold the tongue of the cardboard insert into
The vacuum cleaner can be turned on and the hole-punched point.
off by exerting slight pressure on the switch Replace the bag support frame and using
pedal (A) gentle pressure, close the lid of the appliance.
The coupling of the vacuum cleaner hose
Electronic control of the vacuuming will fit automatically into the opening of the
power (fig. 4). vacuum cleaner bag.
In some models, the variation in vacuuming Freq~ent replacement of the vacuum cleaner
power can be controlled by making use of bag IS recommended when fine dirt items
the electronic regulator device (C) located are to be cleaned, such as flour, talcum
on the equipment itself. powder, etc.
The electronic regulator makes it possible
~o vary the suction power in order to adapt ATTENTI.ON ..
It to the type of surface being cleaned. The appllance IS equlpped with a security
It is thus possible to benefit from the feature which does not allow the lid of the
equipment's maximum power potential appliance to be closed without the vacuum
whenever you must vacuum dust from cleaner bag inserted.
carpets or hard floors (marble, ceramic, tiles
etc.) or whenever you need reduced suctio~ Motor protection filter (fig. 7)
to clean curtains and other delicate fabrics. To guarantee long life for this equipment
and to safeguard the motor, it is mandatory
Mechanical control of vacuuming power that the motor protection filter be kept clean.
(fig. 5) To gain access to the filter, open the
In some cleaner models, the handle of the accessory compartment, take out the paper
flexible tube has a built-in-mechanical device b~g, and rez:nove the filter. If the filter is stilI
1to control the suction. By simply moving the ~alrly clean, J.ust remove the dust. If the filter c
cursor, you .can quickly and easily change IS really dlrty w';tsh .and then dry it.
1the vacuumlng power. Be certaln that the fllter IS dry before putting
it back in piace. When replacing the filter, ~
be c';treful to fit it perfectly into its proper
CLEANING houslng.
Full-bag indicator (Fig. 6) ~ir filte~/Activeted-carbon filter/Cassette
The full-bag indicator (D) lets you know when hlter (h9: 8) ..
it is time to change the paper bag or that Y?ur .appllances m.ay be provlded ~lth an
Alr Fllter or an Actlvated Carbon Fllter or
Cassette Filter. can not be closed without force please check,
This filters can be found under the air outlet if the dust compartment is placed in its correct
slots. To change the filter, push down on and position.
raise the grid (I). Replace the filter by fitting In some versions there is a filter support as
it firmly into its housing, then close the grid optional accessory. In case, that the
once again by applying slight pressure until traditional filter bag shall be used instead of
the closure hook snaps into position. the Bagless device, put the support for
We recommend you to replace the filter at traditional filter into its position and give the
least after every 5 replacement of the dust- filter with its plate into the fixation at the
collecting bags. support.
The coverlid can only be closed, if either the
Bagless device or as optional possibility, the
TUBE HOUSING traditional filter is placed in its position.
Then the cleaner can be used for work as
In order to have this equipment kept in a usual.
safe and orderly manner, we have given it
a housing point to be used for the extension
tubes. WARNING
To store the tubes correctly, fit the support ,
device found on the brush hinge into its If this equipment is running in a irregular
proper housing on the bottom of the vacuum manner (reduced power, unusual noise or
cleaner. even a complete breakdown). the cause
may be that something is blocking the
In the event that your cleaning work has to nozzles or the suction tubes or that an electric
be interrupted for a short period of time, your part is broken. You must therefore check the
vacuum cleaner is equipped with a nozzles, the paper bag and the motor
convenient storage system: fit the support protection filter. In the event that none of
device found on the brush hinge into its these items is the source of the particular
housing on the back side of the vacuum trouble, take your vacuum cleaner to any
cleaner. authorized service center for a thorough
Use of Bagless device (fig. 9)
The Bagless device is used instead of a filter
In order to have always the maximum
efficiency of cleaning we recommend
emptying the dust collector after a couple of
uses, but later when the full bag indicator
shows full.
Open the coverlid and remove the Bagless
device. For dust emptying remove the grid
and the internai cover. Between the grid and
the internai cover is a constant filter. Clean
this filter with running water, it can also be
cleaned with warm running water. Please
take care, that this filter is fully dry before
being replaced in its position. Put the Bagless
device into the dust compartment of the
cleaner and close the coverlid. If the coverlid
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Electrolux BRAVO1700E User manual

Vacuum cleaners
User manual

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