Introduction to SPMA for the TSX-1620
1-2 Using the TSX-1620 User’s Guide
mode); in addition, several applications can also be accessed from within the Hub
View, a graphical display of the TSX-1620 and its ports.
The TSX-1620 User’s Guide describes how to use many of the applications
included with the module; note that the instructions provided in this guide apply
to the TSX-1620 module regardless of the operating system or management
platform you are using. Instructions for launching each individual function from
the command line (stand-alone mode) are also included in each chapter.
Following is a description of the applications documented in this guide; while we
provide as much background information as we can, we do assume that you’re
familiar with Ethernet networks and general bridging and network management
• Chapter 1,
Introduction to SPMA for the TSX-1620
, describes the TSX-1620
User’s Guide
and the conventions used in this and other SPMA manuals,
explains where to find information about the TSX-1620, and tells you how to
contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support.
• Chapter 2,
Using the TSX-1620 Hub View
, describes the visual display of the
Hub and explains how to use the mouse within the Hub View; the operation
of some basic functions (changing the Hub View display, opening menus and
windows, enabling and disabling ports, checking device status, and so on)
available only from within the Hub View is also described. You can access the
Hub View application from the icon menu or the command line.
• Chapter 3,
Using the TSX-1620 Bridge
, provides detailed instructions
for configuring and managing the TSX-1620’s powerful bridging capabilities,
including monitoring bridge operation, using the filtering database, and
setting forwarding thresholds and notification options. You can access the
Bridge View from the Hub View, the icon menu or the command line.
What’s NOT in the TSX-1620 User’s Guide. . .
The following standard SPMA tools are available through the TSX-1620 module
and are explained in the
SPECTRUM Portable Management Application Tools
• MIBTree
The MIB I, II application is available from the Hub View, the platform console
window Tools menu, the Stand-alone Launcher window, or the command line.
The MIBTree application is available from the platform console window Tools
menu, the Stand-alone Launcher window, or the command line.
Instructions on discovering Cabletron devices, creating icons, and accessing the
icon menus within your management platform are included in your
and Using SPECTRUM for...
guide. If you are using SPMA for the TSX-1620 in
stand-alone mode — that is, without benefit of a specific network management