This maintenance guide is intended to help you to study the operation and maintenance
principles of Fire and Alarm Console ‘S2000M’ version 2.04 (elsewhere the console). Console
version is shown on the label on the processor, which can be seen when console back cover is
1 Description of the product and its operability
1.1 Purpose
1.1.1 ‘S2000M’ fire and alarm console is designed to work as part of fire-alarm system.
It checks device states and gathers information, logs system events, indicates alarms, controls
arm, controls disarm, controls by automatics. Console joins connected to it devices in one
system, providing interaction between each other. It is necessary for using ‘Signal-20P’, ‘S2000-
KDL’, ‘S2000-SP1’, ‘S2000-BI’, ‘S2000-K’, ‘S2000-IT’ devices.
1.1.2 Console can be connected to receive-checking devices ‘Signal-20’, ‘Signal-20’
version 02, ‘Signal-20P’, ‘S2000-4’, 2-wired line ‘S2000-KDL’ controllers, keyboards
‘S2000-K’ and ‘S2000-KC’, relay’s ‘S2000-SP1’ modules, ‘S2000-BI’ indication blocks,
‘S2000-IT’ phone informators, ‘S2000-ASPT’ extinguish control devices, checking-start
‘S2000-KPB’ units, ‘S2000-2’ access control devices. Devices and console are jointed in the
system through RS-485 interface. In the system console plays role of central controller, which
gathers information from connected devices and controls by arm/disarm alarm loops of devices
and by system outputs (relay outputs or ‘open collector’ outputs). One can be only one console
‘S2000M’ in the system! Receive-checking devices ‘Signal-20’, ‘Signal-20’ version 02,
‘Signal-20P’, ‘S2000-4’ analyze the state of the alarm loop, control by their outputs, transmit to
the console through RS-485 interface information about state of alarm loop and allow
arm/disarm alarm loop by console commands through RS-485 interface. Controller
‘S2000-KDL’ analyzes the state of addressable detectors and connected via 2-wire addressable
communication line expanders, transmits the status information to the console and allows to
arm/disarm them by console command. Keyboard ‘S2000-K’ is design for additional partition
control points and word under console control. It also allows displaying transmitted by keyboard
messages on the liquid-crystal indicator with alarm message sound indication. LED ‘S2000-KS’
keyboard is also designed for additional control points. It can show up to 20 partitions on the
LED indicators. Signal-start ‘S2000-SP1’ unit allow the console controlling by their relay
outputs through RS-485 interface and is design to contact system relay outputs. ‘S2000-BI’
indication block is design for indication at built-in LED indicators and sound indicator states of
system partitions. ‘S2000-IT’ phone phone communicator is design to transmit console messages
through phone lines in form of voice or pager messages, and also ADEMCO ID Contact format
1.1.3 Console displays at liquid crystal display (LCD) messages about fires, alarms,
faults, arm, disarm and other system events. There is the opportunity of sound alarm message
signaling. Console can log device messages on printer with с sequential RS-232 interface (for
example, EPSON LX-300, LX-300+). Console keeps messages in nonvolatile event buffer. Its
content can be viewed on LCD. Console may print buffer content on the printer. Console may
transmit messages to the ‘S2000-K’ keyboards for displaying and to the phone informators for
transmission through phone.
1.1.4 Console has set of standard messages, displayed on LED indicators and printed, and
also allows set non standard alarm loop message displaying.
Console allows one to control by arm/disarm of any alarm loop of connected devices, and
also check alarm loop states. Access to the functions is password protected.