Materials defect liability and ŠKODA
warranty for new cars
Materials defect liability
Your ŠKODA partner, as a vendor, is liable to you for material damage to your new
ŠKODA car, ŠKODA Genuine Parts or ŠKODA Genuine Accessories in accordance
with statutory regulations and the purchase agreement.
ŠKODA warranty for new cars
As well as the materials defect liability, ŠKODA AUTO a.s. grants you the ŠKODA
warranty for new cars (hereafter referred to as “ŠKODA warranty),” according to
the terms described later.
As part of the ŠKODA warranty, ŠKODA AUTO a.s. will guarantee the following
Repair of damage to your vehicle that occurs within two years from the start of
the ŠKODA warranty;
Repair of paint damage to your vehicle that occurs within three years from the
start of the ŠKODA warranty;
Repair of rust perforation to the bodywork of your vehicle that occurs within
twelve years from the start of the warranty. Only rust perforation on the inside
and the outside of body sheets is included in the rust perforation to bodywork
definition and covered by the ŠKODA warranty.
The start of the warranty is the date on which the original purchaser acquires the
vehicle upon purchasing it from the ŠKODA partner or the date of first registra-
tion. Whichever one occurs first and is recorded by the ŠKODA partner in the serv-
ice schedule accordingly is the one that applies.
Repairs may either occur by replacing the faulty part or by restoring it. Replaced
parts become the property of the ŠKODA service partner.
There are no other entitlements arising from the ŠKODA warranty. In particular,
there are no entitlements for replacement, cancellation, provision of a courtesy
vehicle for the duration of repairs or compensation for damages.
If your ŠKODA vehicle was purchased from a ŠKODA partner in a country of the
European Economic Area (i.e. the countries of the European Union, Norway, Ice-
land and Liechtenstein) or in Switzerland, claims arising from the ŠKODA warranty
must also be made through a ŠKODA service partner in one of these countries.
If your ŠKODA vehicle has been purchased from a ŠKODA partner outside the Eu-
ropean Economic Area and Switzerland, claims arising from the ŠKODA warranty
must also be made through a ŠKODA service partner outside the European Eco-
nomic Area and Switzerland.
One of the conditions of a service from the ŠKODA guarantee is that you have
carried out all service works in a timely and adequate manner and in accordance
with the manufacturer's provisions. You must prove that service works have been
carried out properly and in accordance with the manufacturer's provisions when
raising a claim from the ŠKODA warranty. In case of a missed service or in case of
a failure to carry out a service according to the manufacturer's provisions, you
may still be entitled to warranty claims as long as you can prove that the missed
service or the failure to carry out a service according to the manufacturer's provi-
sions was not the cause of the defect.
Natural wear and tear of your vehicle is not covered by the ŠKODA warranty. The
ŠKODA warranty also does not cover defects to bodywork, installations and con-
versions provided by third-parties, nor vehicle defects caused by these. The same
goes for accessories which are not factory installed and/or delivered.
In addition, this warranty does not apply if the defect was caused by one of the
unauthorized use, improper handling (e.g. use in racing competitions or over-
loading), improper care and maintenance, or unapproved modification to your
Non-compliance with provisions in the service schedule and the Owner's man-
ual or other factory-supplied instructions;
External causes or influences (e.g. accidents, hail, flooding, etc.);
parts fitted or installed on the vehicle, whose use is not approved by ŠKODA
AUTO a.s., or modification of the vehicle in a manner not approved by ŠKODA
AUTO a.s. (e.g. tuning);
damage caused by you which was not immediately seen to by specialist garage
or was not fixed properly.
It is the customer's responsibility to prove that it was not the cause.
This ŠKODA guarantee does not affect the purchaser's statutory rights arising
from liability to defects from the vehicle vendor and other potential claims from
product liability laws.
Materials defect liability and ŠKODA warranty for new cars