Poly RealPresence Distributed Media Application (DMA) Quick start guide

Quick start guide

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Poly RealPresence Distributed Media Application (DMA) is a scalable video collaboration platform designed for large enterprises and service providers. It offers high-quality video conferencing, content sharing, and collaboration tools for a variety of use cases, including remote meetings, training sessions, and presentations. With its powerful features and flexible deployment options, DMA enables businesses to connect and collaborate seamlessly, enhancing productivity and communication.

Poly RealPresence Distributed Media Application (DMA) is a scalable video collaboration platform designed for large enterprises and service providers. It offers high-quality video conferencing, content sharing, and collaboration tools for a variety of use cases, including remote meetings, training sessions, and presentations. With its powerful features and flexible deployment options, DMA enables businesses to connect and collaborate seamlessly, enhancing productivity and communication.

v. 5.0 | July 2012 | 3725-76311-001G1
7000 System
Getting Started Guide
© 2009-2012 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Polycom, Inc.
6001 America Center Drive
San Jose CA 95002
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Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Polycom, Inc., is not
responsible for printing or clerical errors. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Trademark Information
Polycom®, the Polycom logo, and the names and marks associated with Polycoms products are trademarks
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Java is a registered trademark of Oracle America, Inc., and/or its affiliates.
Patent Information
The accompanying product may be protected by one or more U.S. and foreign patents and/or pending patent
applications held by Polycom, Inc.
End User License Agreement
Use of this software constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Polycom DMA 7000 system end-user
license agreement (EULA).
The EULA is included in the release notes document for your version, which is available on the Polycom Support
page for the Polycom DMA 7000 system.
Polycom, Inc. iii
System Server Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
End User License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Collect the Necessary Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Complete the First-Time Setup Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Unpack and Install the Hardware Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Configure the Polycom DMA System Server(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Alternate Procedure: Configure the Polycom DMA System Server(s)
Without Using the USB Stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
DMA Getting Started Guide
iv Polycom, Inc.
Polycom, Inc. 1
System Server
The sections below describe the steps required to perform the initial
installation and setup of a Polycom
Distributed Media Application
) video collaboration infrastructure server or two-server cluster.
At the end of this procedure, you will have successfully logged into the
Polycom DMA system and be ready to finish configuring the system.
If your enterprise ordered two Polycom DMA servers, it’s imperative that you know
whether the intent is to set up a single co-located two-server DMA cluster or to set
up two separate single-server DMA systems. Once you’ve configured two DMA
servers as a two-server cluster, reconfiguring the servers as separate single-server
DMA systems requires re-imaging the servers.
This document does not address creation of a supercluster (the integration of
multiple geographically distributed DMA clusters into a centrally managed system).
This document addresses only initial installation and setup in a single location.
You can’t create a supercluster until all the systems to be superclustered have been
individually installed in their distributed locations, set up as described in this
document, and then properly configured as standalone systems, as described in
the Polycom DMA 7000 System Operations Guide and online help.
Before you start, we strongly suggest that you read “Introduction to the Polycom
DMA System” in Chapter 1 and all of Chapter 2 of the Polycom DMA 7000 System
Operations Guide, available for download from support.polycom.com.
The servers in a two-server cluster must be co-located. If possible, use the 18"
Ethernet cable included in the server shipment to connect them to each other.
If you have a Polycom CMA system, be aware that a two-server DMA cluster is not
functionally the same as a CMA system with a redundancy server, and the proper
procedure for installation is not the same. We strongly recommend installing and
configuring both servers of a two-server cluster as a single system, as described in
this document.
If you have an existing fully configured and operational single-server system that
you want to expand into a two-server cluster, see “Adding a Second Server” in the
Polycom DMA 7000 System Operations Guide or online help.
DMA Getting Started Guide
2 Polycom, Inc.
End User License Agreement
Use of this software constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions of the
Polycom DMA 7000 system end-user license agreement (EULA).
The EULA is included in the release notes document for your version, which
is available on the Polycom Support page for the Polycom DMA 7000 system.
Collect the Necessary Materials
Before you install a Polycom DMA system, collect these materials:
Polycom DMA system server shipment
Completed First-Time Setup Worksheet
PC running Microsoft® Windows® (XP Pro, Vista, or Windows 7) with:
1280x1024 (SXGA) minimum display resolution; 1680x1050
(WSXGA+) or greater recommended
USB and Ethernet ports
Java™ 1.6 or newer
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 7 or newer, Mozilla Firefox® 3 or newer,
or Google Chrome 11 or newer
Adobe® Flash® Player 9.0.124 or newer
The Polycom DMA USB Configuration Utility, which you can download
from support.polycom.com.
This document describes only the installation and initial configuration of a DMA
server or two-server cluster up to the point where you can access its management
interface from your enterprise network. At that point, the majority of the system
configuration work is still ahead of you.
The tasks required to complete the system configuration are described in the
“Polycom DMA System Initial Configuration Summary” section of the online help
(Chapter 2 of the Polycom DMA 7000 System Operations Guide).
The Polycom DMA system’s Flex-based management interface requires Adobe
Flash Player. For stability and security reasons, we recommend always using the
latest version of Flash Player.
Even so, be aware that your browser’s Flash plugin may hang or crash from time to
time. Your browser should alert you when this happens and enable you to reload
the plugin. In some cases, you may need to close and restart your browser.
In the Google Chrome browser, use the Adobe Flash plugin, not the built-in Flash
System Server Setup
Polycom, Inc. 3
Complete the First-Time Setup Worksheet
Before you begin system setup, fill out the My System Values column of this
First-Time Setup Worksheet
System Configuration
Information My System Values Description
One server or two? For a single-server system, skip the
Server 2 section below.
Be sure you’ve read and understand the
cautions on page 1 and know whether
you’re setting up a two-server cluster.
Split management and
signaling interfaces, or
If the same network will be used for both
management (administrative access) and
signaling, skip the signaling IP addresses
and the Shared Signaling Network
Settings section below.
Caution: Split networking is for network
configurations in which signaling and
management traffic are not on the same
network. To split the network
configuration, you must use different
gateways and subnets for management
and signaling, and separate physical
connections for the management and
signaling networks (eth0 for management,
eth2 for signaling).
If management and signaling traffic are
combined on the same network (subnet),
both use the same physical and virtual IP
addresses and the same network
If you aren’t sure whether split networking
is appropriate, possible, or necessary for
this installation, consult the appropriate IT
staff or network administrator for your
IPv4, IPv6, or both? Complete the address fields below for
IPv4, IPv6, or both, depending on your
network environment.
DMA Getting Started Guide
4 Polycom, Inc.
Server 1
Management host name Local host name of the first (or only)
Polycom DMA system server’s
management (or combined) interface.
Host names may contain only letters,
numbers, and internal dashes (hyphens),
and may not include a domain. The
reserved values appserv* and dmamgk-*
may not be used for host names.
Management IPv4 Static, physical IP address(es) for the first
(or only) server’s management (or
combined) interface.
Management IPv6
Signaling IPv4 Static, physical IP address(es) for the first
(or only) server’s signaling interface.
Signaling IPv6
Server 2
Management host name Local host name of the second server’s
management (or combined) interface.
Host names may contain only letters,
numbers, and internal dashes (hyphens),
and may not include a domain. The
reserved values appserv* and dmamgk-*
may not be used for host names.
Management IPv4 Static, physical IP address(es) for the
second server’s management (or
combined) interface.
Management IPv6
Signaling IPv4 Static, physical IP address(es) for the
second server’s signaling interface.
Signaling IPv6
Shared Management Network Settings Required even for single-server
Virtual management host
Local host name of the virtual
management host.
Host names may contain only letters,
numbers, and internal dashes (hyphens),
and may not include a domain. The
reserved values appserv* and dmamgk-*
may not be used for host names.
Virtual management IPv4 IP address(es) of the virtual management
Virtual management IPv6
System Configuration
Information My System Values Description
System Server Setup
Polycom, Inc. 5
Subnet mask IPv4 network mask that defines the
subnetwork of the system’s management
IPv6 prefix length IPv6 CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain
Routing) value that defines the
subnetwork of the system’s management
IPv4 gateway IP address of the gateway server used to
route network traffic outside the subnet.
Auto-negotiation Yes or no. If no, indicate speed and full or
half duplex.
Shared Signaling Network Settings Needed only if signaling network is
separate. In that case, required even for
single-server installation.
Virtual signaling host
Local host name of the virtual signaling
Host names may contain only letters,
numbers, and internal dashes (hyphens),
and may not include a domain. The
reserved values appserv* and dmamgk-*
may not be used for host names.
Virtual signaling IPv4 IP address(es) of the virtual signaling
Virtual signaling IPv6
Subnet mask IPv4 network mask that defines the
subnetwork of the system’s signaling
IPv6 prefix length IPv6 CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain
Routing) value that defines the
subnetwork of the system’s signaling
IPv4 gateway IP address of the gateway server used to
route network traffic outside the subnet.
Auto-negotiation Yes or no. If no, indicate speed and full or
half duplex.
General System Network Settings
DNS search domains Space- or comma-separated list of fully
qualified domain names to query on the
DNS servers to resolve host names
(optional). The system domain is added
automatically; you don’t need to enter it.
System Configuration
Information My System Values Description
DMA Getting Started Guide
6 Polycom, Inc.
DNS 1 IP address of the primary Domain Name
System server.
Optional, but strongly recommended. At
least one DNS server is required in order
to import global groups from an enterprise
directory, for superclustering, and for
integration with a Polycom RealPresence
Resource Manager or CMA system.
DNS 2 IP address of a second DNS server
(optional, but recommended).
DNS 3 IP address of a third DNS server
Domain Fully qualified domain name for the
system (optional).
Signaling DSCP The DSCP value is used to classify
packets for quality of service (QoS)
purposes. If you’re not sure what value to
use, leave the default of 0.
Default IPv6 gateway The interface to use for accessing the
IPv6 gateway, generally eth0. Optionally,
the gateway’s address and the interface,
specified as:
Default IPv4 gateway In split network configuration, select which
of the two networks’ gateway servers is
the default.
Your choice depends on your network
configuration and routing. Typically, unless
all the endpoints, MCUs, and other
devices that communicate with the system
are on the same subnet, you’d select the
signaling network.
System Configuration
Information My System Values Description
System Server Setup
Polycom, Inc. 7
System Time
Time zone Time zone in which the system is located.
We strongly recommend selecting the
time zone of a specific geographic location
(such as America/Denver), not one of the
generic GMT offsets (such as GMT+7).
If you really want to use a generic GMT
offset (for instance, to prevent automatic
daylight saving time adjustments), note
that they use the Linux/Posix convention
of specifying how many hours ahead of or
behind local time GMT is. Thus, the
generic equivalent of America/Denver
(UTC-07:00) is GMT+07, not GMT-07.
NTP server #1 IP address of the primary NTP time server
(optional, but strongly recommended;
required before creating or joining a
NTP server #2 IP address of a second NTP time server
(optional, but strongly recommended).
NTP server #3 IP address of a third NTP time server
(optional, but strongly recommended).
Routing Configuration If you know you need to set up a special
network routing rule or rules, specify the
information below for each rule.
In a split network configuration, routing
rules are necessary for proper routing of
network traffic.
Caution: In split network configuration,
the management network and signaling
network must use different gateways and
Destination host/network The IP address of the destination network
host or segment.
System Configuration
Information My System Values Description
DMA Getting Started Guide
8 Polycom, Inc.
Unpack and Install the Hardware Components
The Polycom DMA system uses either one or two Polycom-branded Dell
To unpack and install the hardware
1 If you purchased Polycom RMX conference platforms (MCUs) with your
Polycom DMA system servers, unpack and install them as described in
the Getting Started Guide for the model you purchased.
2 Examine the Polycom DMA system shipping containers for damage.
Polycom is not responsible for damage sustained during shipment.
3 Open and review the container packing slips.
4 Open the containers and examine the contents. A single-server Polycom
DMA system shipment includes:
1 Polycom DMA system server
2 power cords
1 rack-mount kit (four-post)
1 bezel key
1 server documentation set
1 copy of the Polycom DMA
System Quick Start Guide (which contains
this procedure)
1 Polycom DMA system recovery disk (included for recovery
purposes; the software on the disk is already installed on the server)
Prefix length The CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain
Routing) value that, together with the
destination host/network address, defines
the subnet for this route.
For IPv4, a prefix length of 24 is
equivalent to specifying a subnet mask of A prefix length of 16 is
equivalent to specifying a subnet mask of
Interface In split network configuration, specify the
interface for this route.
Via IP address of router for this route.
Optional and only needed for non-default
System Configuration
Information My System Values Description
System Server Setup
Polycom, Inc. 9
1 blank USB memory stick on which you can install the Polycom DMA
USB Configuration Utility (available at support.polycom.com).
1 USB memory stick containing server diagnostic utilities (to be used
only under the direction of Polycom Global Services)
2 Ethernet cables, short and long (not used for single-server system)
Your license document
If you ordered the optional 2-post rack mounting kit, it’s in a separate box.
A two-server system shipment contains a second set of the above items.
5 Examine the contents for damage.
If you find damage, file a claim with the delivery carrier. Polycom is not
responsible for damage sustained during shipment.
6 Remove all of the components from their containers.
7 Install the Polycom DMA server(s) according to the server
documentation. To rack-mount a server, refer to the Rack Installation
Guide and use the brackets provided.
8 Connect the Polycom DMA server(s) to the network:
a Connect the GB 1 Ethernet port of each server to the enterprise
network to be used for management (or combined) traffic.
This is the eth0 network interface, which must be used for this
b For a split network configuration, connect the GB 3 Ethernet port of
each server to the network to be used for signaling traffic.
This is the eth2 network interface, which must be used for this
c For a two-server system, connect one of the Ethernet cables included
in the server shipment between the GB 2 ports of the two servers.
This is the eth1 network interface, which must be used for this
If the system recovery disk is inserted into a PC that can boot from the optical drive
and that PC is rebooted, it performs a full disk wipe and a clean installation of the
operating system and DMA software, destroying all existing data on the PC.
If your server shipment was sent shortly after a new release, the box may contain
two disks. One contains the software installed on the server at manufacturing, and
the other contains the newer version, which was added before shipment but not
installed on the server. In that case, you should use the newer version disk (check
the version number on the label) to install that version of the software.
DMA Getting Started Guide
10 Polycom, Inc.
9 Remove the bezel(s) from the server(s).
Configure the Polycom DMA System Server(s)
You can configure the Polycom DMA system server(s) using the Polycom
DMA USB Configuration Utility you downloaded from support.polycom.com
and the USB memory stick included in the server package.
To configure the Polycom DMA system server(s)
1 Connect the blank USB memory stick to the Windows PC to which you
downloaded the ZIP file containing the Polycom DMA USB
Configuration Utility.
2 Unzip the Polycom DMA USB Configuration Utility files to the USB
memory stick.
3 Start the USB Configuration Utility by double-clicking
Don’t turn on the server(s) at this time.
To configure the system server(s) without using the USB Configuration Utility, see
“Alternate Procedure: Configure the Polycom DMA System Server(s) Without Using
the USB Stick” on page 15.
The USB Configuration Utility files must be at the root of the drive, not in a folder.
One of the files is autorun.inf, which enables the USB Configuration Utility to start
automatically when the USB stick is inserted into a PC that supports autorun. In a
highly secure environment, this file may not be allowed.
System Server Setup
Polycom, Inc. 11
4 In the DMA USB Configuration Utility window, click Configure the
System Parameters.
5 On the Network page, select the System server configuration and
System split network setting that you specified on the First-Time Setup
Be sure you’ve read and understand the cautions on pages 1, 2 and 3.
6 Enter the network values from the First-Time Setup Worksheet.
7 If you need to set up a special network routing rule or rules, click
Routing Configuration, create the rule(s), and click OK.
8 Click Next.
9 On the System Time page:
a Select the correct System time zone for your location.
We strongly recommend selecting the best location-specific setting,
not one of the generic GMT offset settings. The location-specific
settings automatically include the correct daylight saving time
adjustments (if any) for that location and will be updated as locales
change their time policies in the future.
In a split network configuration, routing rules are necessary for proper routing of
network traffic. If you aren’t sure what rule or rules you need, consult the
appropriate IT staff or network administrator for your organization.
DMA Getting Started Guide
12 Polycom, Inc.
If you really want to use a generic GMT offset (for instance, if you
don’t want the location-appropriate daylight saving time
adjustments), note that they use the Linux/Posix convention of
specifying how many hours ahead of or behind local time GMT is.
Thus, the generic equivalent of America/Denver (UTC-07:00) is
GMT+07, not GMT-07.
b Under NTP servers, enter the IP addresses (or domain names) for the
time servers from the First-Time Setup Worksheet.
We strongly recommend specifying at least one and preferably three
time servers. Use NTP stratum 3 quality time servers if possible. At
least one time server must be specified before creating or joining a
10 Click Done.
The utility confirms that the configuration file was created and returns
you to the initial menu.
11 Verify that the initial menu now states that The USB stick is set to apply
system parameters (as shown below).
12 Close the program.
13 In your system tray, click Safely Remove Hardware and select Safely
Remove USB Mass Storage Device. When a message tells you it’s safe to
do so, disconnect the USB memory stick from the PC.
System Server Setup
Polycom, Inc. 13
14 To replace the system software on the server(s) with a newer version, do
the following:
a Turn on the first (or only) server and insert the system recovery disk
for that version.
b Insert the USB stick into one of the server’s USB ports.
c Reboot the first (or only) server. Leave the second server off.
The server boots from the DVD, and the installation commences.
About 15-20 minutes later, the DVD ejects and the server reboots.
After it reboots, the server reads its network and system parameters
from the USB stick and applies them.
d Go to step 16.
15 If you’re not replacing the system software, do the following:
a On the first (or only) server, insert the USB stick into one of the server’s
USB ports.
b Turn on the first (or only) server. Leave the second server off.
After it boots, the server reads its network and system parameters
from the USB stick and applies them.
c Go to step 16.
16 Wait for the front panel LCD to display DMA Ready. Then disconnect
the USB stick and if applicable, remove the disk. If you’re installing a
single-server system, skip to step 19.
Make sure the server(s) are still turned off.
The Polycom DMA system software is already installed on the server(s), so the
system recovery disk isn’t needed to set up a new system. Using it overwrites the
same software already on the server and needlessly lengthens the setup process.
Put the disk away in a safe place in case it’s ever needed to restore the system.
Exception: If your server shipment was sent shortly after a new release, the box
may contain two disks. One contains the software installed on the server at
manufacturing, and the other contains the newer version, which was added before
shipment but not installed on the server.
If you receive two disks containing different versions of the software, you should
use the disk with the newest version (check the version number on the label) to
install that version of the software (on both servers of a two-server system).
Note: During the initial installation and setup process described here, the only
software that can be installed is the version on a system recovery disk. Any later
patches or upgrades posted at support.polycom.com can be installed from the
system’s Software Upgrade page after configuring the system (but before
DMA Getting Started Guide
14 Polycom, Inc.
17 If you’re installing a two-server cluster and replacing the system software
with a newer version, do the following:
a Turn on the second server and insert the system recovery disk for that
b Reboot the second server. Leave the first server on.
The second server boots from the DVD, and the installation commences.
About 15-20 minutes later, the DVD ejects and the server reboots. After it
reboots, the second server detects the first server, gets its configuration
settings from it, and joins the cluster. When done, both servers’ LCDs
display DMA Clustered.
c Go to step 19.
18 If you’re installing a two-server cluster and not replacing the system
software, turn on the second server. Leave the first server on.
After it boots, the second server detects the first server, gets its
configuration settings from it, and joins the cluster. When done, both
servers’ LCDs display DMA Clustered.
If the LCD displays DMA Installed, the system software is installed, but not
configured. Make sure the USB stick is set to apply system parameters and
inserted into a functioning USB port, and then reboot the server.
If the LCD displays anything else or nothing, stop. Contact Polycom Global
Services for assistance.
If you’re not sure whether you’re installing a two-server cluster, please re-read
page 1.
Both servers in the cluster must be running the same version of the software, so if
you installed a newer version on the first server, you must do so on the second.
If the LCDs aren’t displaying DMA Clustered, stop. Contact Polycom Global
Services for assistance.
If the LCDs aren’t displaying DMA Clustered, stop. Contact Polycom Global
Services for assistance.
System Server Setup
Polycom, Inc. 15
19 On a PC with network access to the Polycom DMA system, point your
browser to the system’s virtual host name or IP address and log in with
user ID
and password
The Polycom DMA system’s management interface appears, displaying
the Dashboard. From its menus, you can complete your system setup.
The tasks required to complete the system configuration are described in
the “Polycom DMA System Initial Configuration Summary” section of the
online help (Chapter 2 of the Polycom DMA Operations Guide), which
refers you to the relevant online help or Polycom DMA Operations Guide
topics for detailed descriptions and procedures as appropriate.
Alternate Procedure: Configure the Polycom DMA System
Server(s) Without Using the USB Stick
If for some reason you can’t use the Polycom DMA USB Configuration Utility
on the USB memory stick, the following procedure enables you to complete
the initial setup using only a laptop PC and an Ethernet cable.
This is possible because Polycom DMA system servers are shipped with
default network settings you can use to connect to the system. The settings are:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
To configure the Polycom DMA system server(s) using a laptop PC
1 Follow the unpack and install procedure (page 8) through step 7. Do not
connect the server(s) to the enterprise network.
2 Configure the network settings on your laptop to put it on the same
network segment as the Polycom DMA system server(s) (see the server’s
default settings above). For instance, you can use the following settings:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
Don’t turn off a Polycom DMA system server by simply unplugging it or otherwise
removing power, especially if it’s going to remain off for some time. If a server loses
power without being properly shut down, the RAID controller fails to shut down,
eventually depleting its battery. If that happens, the server can’t be restarted without
user input, requiring a keyboard and monitor.
DMA Getting Started Guide
16 Polycom, Inc.
3 Connect an Ethernet cable between your laptop and the GB 1 interface of
the first (or only) server and boot the server.
You can use the cable that will later connect the server to the switch
(enterprise network) or one of the cables included in the server shipment.
Be sure you connect to the server’s GB 1 interface, not the GB 2 or GB 3
4 Wait for the front panel LCD to display DMA Installed.
5 On the laptop, point your browser to
(if a
security certificate warning appears, ignore it) and log in with user ID
and password
The Polycom DMA system’s management interface appears, displaying
the Dashboard.
6 Go to Admin > Local Cluster > Network Settings and enter the network
values from the First-Time Setup Worksheet.
7 If you need to set up a special network routing rule or rules, click
Routing Configuration, create the rule(s), and click OK.
8 Click Update. When asked to confirm restarting the system, click Yes.
The system begins to reboot.
9 While the server is rebooting, disconnect the Ethernet cable from the
laptop and connect the server’s GB 1 port to the enterprise network to be
used for management (or combined) traffic. For a split network
configuration, connect the GB 3 port to the network to be used for
signaling traffic.
The reboot process takes several minutes. When it’s finished, the front
panel LCD displays DMA Ready.
If the LCD displays anything else or nothing, stop. Contact Polycom Global
Services for assistance.
In a split network configuration, routing rules are necessary for proper routing of
network traffic. If you aren’t sure what rule or rules you need, consult the
appropriate IT staff or network administrator for your organization.
If the LCD displays anything else or nothing, stop. Contact Polycom Global
Services for assistance.
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Poly RealPresence Distributed Media Application (DMA) Quick start guide

Quick start guide
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Poly RealPresence Distributed Media Application (DMA) is a scalable video collaboration platform designed for large enterprises and service providers. It offers high-quality video conferencing, content sharing, and collaboration tools for a variety of use cases, including remote meetings, training sessions, and presentations. With its powerful features and flexible deployment options, DMA enables businesses to connect and collaborate seamlessly, enhancing productivity and communication.

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