Sutron Satlink 3 Operation & Maintenance Manual

Measuring, testing & control
Operation & Maintenance Manual

This manual is also suitable for

Satlink 3
Models: SL3-1, SL3-SDI-1, SL3-XMTR-1
Operations & Maintenance
Part No. 8800-1207 Rev 8.04.2
November 3, 2016
Sutron Corporation Satlink Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 8.04.2 11/3/2016 pg. 2
1. Scope of Supply............................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1. Ordering Numbers ................................................................................................................................... 9
2. General Safety Information ........................................................................................................................... 10
3. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1. SL3- 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2. SL3-SDI-1 ................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3. SL3-XMTR-1 ............................................................................................................................................ 13
3.4. Multi-function Button ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.5. Status LEDs ............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.6. RS232...................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7. USB Micro (OTG) .................................................................................................................................... 14
3.8. USB Host ................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.9. RF Output ............................................................................................................................................... 15
3.10. SL3-1 Left Terminal strip ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.11. SL3-1 Right Terminal Strip ...................................................................................................................... 17
4. Installing Satlink............................................................................................................................................ 18
4.1. Attaching SL3-1 ...................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2. Attaching SL3-SDI-1 & SL3-XMTR-1 ........................................................................................................ 19
4.3. Earth Ground Point ................................................................................................................................ 20
4.4. Connecting the GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT antenna ................................................................................ 20
4.5. Connecting the GPS Antenna ................................................................................................................. 21
4.6. Connecting the Power Supply ................................................................................................................ 21
4.7. Connecting SDI-12 sensors ..................................................................................................................... 22
4.8. Connecting RS485 Sensors ..................................................................................................................... 23
4.9. Connecting Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge ................................................................................................. 23
4.10. Connecting Pulse Sensors ...................................................................................................................... 24
4.11. Connecting Frequency Sensors .............................................................................................................. 24
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4.12. Connecting 0-5V Analog Sensors ........................................................................................................... 25
4.13. Connecting 4-20ma Analog Sensors ....................................................................................................... 25
4.14. Connecting Status Sensors ..................................................................................................................... 26
4.15. Connecting Potentiometer Sensors ....................................................................................................... 27
4.16. Connecting mV Sensors .......................................................................................................................... 27
4.17. Connecting Thermistors ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.18. Connecting Thermocouples ................................................................................................................... 29
4.19. Connecting Strain Gauges ...................................................................................................................... 31
4.20. Programmable Excitation References .................................................................................................... 31
4.21. Connecting Prop/Vane or Anemometer/Vane Wind Sensors ................................................................ 32
4.22. Connecting Lufft Wind Sensors .............................................................................................................. 33
4.23. Connecting Digital Outputs .................................................................................................................... 33
4.24. Connecting Samplers Triggered by Stage ............................................................................................... 34
4.25. Connecting to the Switched Power ........................................................................................................ 34
4.26. Connecting Protected Power ................................................................................................................. 34
4.27. Connecting External Modems ................................................................................................................ 34
4.28. Connecting External Cell Modems ......................................................................................................... 35
5. Installing and Running LinkComm ................................................................................................................. 37
5.1. Installing the LinkComm mobile app ...................................................................................................... 37
5.2. Installing the PC version of LinkComm ................................................................................................... 37
5.3. Stations List View ................................................................................................................................... 37
5.4. Main Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 42
5.5. Station View ........................................................................................................................................... 44
5.6. Dashboard Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 48
5.7. Measurements Tab ................................................................................................................................ 49
5.8. Data Tab ................................................................................................................................................. 50
5.9. Telemetry Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 51
5.10. GPS Tab .................................................................................................................................................. 52
5.11. Other Setup Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 53
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5.12. Diagnostics Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 54
5.13. Password Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 57
5.14. Quick Status Dialog ................................................................................................................................ 58
6. Operating Satlink .......................................................................................................................................... 59
6.1. Creating a New Station in LinkComm ..................................................................................................... 59
6.2. Connecting to an SL3 in Your Station List ............................................................................................... 59
6.3. Importing Setups From Another User Or Station ................................................................................... 59
6.4. Testing Measurements ........................................................................................................................... 59
6.5. Examine Measurements ......................................................................................................................... 60
6.6. Examine Transmissions .......................................................................................................................... 60
6.7. Examine Transmission Data ................................................................................................................... 60
6.8. Entering Manual Data ............................................................................................................................ 60
6.9. Calibrating Sensors ................................................................................................................................. 60
6.10. Configuring SDI-12 Sensors .................................................................................................................... 60
6.11. Downloading Log Data ........................................................................................................................... 60
6.12. Viewing/Clearing the Status ................................................................................................................... 61
6.13. Software Version .................................................................................................................................... 61
6.14. Setting Time ........................................................................................................................................... 61
6.15. USB Thumb Drive (Flash Drive) Operation ............................................................................................. 62
7. Security ......................................................................................................................................................... 64
7.1. Steps to Take to Protect your Station .................................................................................................... 64
7.2. Password Protection .............................................................................................................................. 64
8. Satlink Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 67
9. Measurement Setup ..................................................................................................................................... 68
9.1. Sensor Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 68
9.2. Schedule ................................................................................................................................................. 71
9.3. Configuration Settings ............................................................................................................................ 75
9.4. Processing Settings ................................................................................................................................. 87
9.5. Alarm Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 91
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9.6. Alarm Computation Details .................................................................................................................... 93
9.7. Logging Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 94
9.8. Measurement Setup Defaults ................................................................................................................ 96
9.9. Measurement Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 96
9.10. Multiple Measurements Using the Same Sensor ................................................................................... 97
10. Telemetry Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 98
10.2. Environmental Scheduled Transmissions ............................................................................................. 100
10.3. Random Transmissions ........................................................................................................................ 104
10.4. Iridium Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 105
10.5. Cell Setup ............................................................................................................................................. 107
10.6. Telemetry Status .................................................................................................................................. 111
11. Other Setup ................................................................................................................................................ 115
11.1. Wi-Fi ..................................................................................................................................................... 115
11.2. Log Daily Values ................................................................................................................................... 116
11.3. Digital Output DOUT ............................................................................................................................ 116
11.4. Output .................................................................................................................................................. 118
11.5. Cutoff ................................................................................................................................................... 119
11.6. Iridium .................................................................................................................................................. 120
11.7. Cell ........................................................................................................................................................ 120
12. Telemetry ................................................................................................................................................... 121
12.1. Iridium Telemetry ................................................................................................................................. 121
12.2. Cellular Telemetry ................................................................................................................................ 124
12.3. Missing Data Retrieval .......................................................................................................................... 125
13. Logging ....................................................................................................................................................... 128
13.1. Downloading the Log ........................................................................................................................... 128
13.2. Log Events ............................................................................................................................................ 129
13.3. Logged Time ......................................................................................................................................... 129
14. Errors .......................................................................................................................................................... 131
14.1. Clearing Errors ...................................................................................................................................... 131
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14.2. Measurement Errors ............................................................................................................................ 131
14.3. System Errors ....................................................................................................................................... 132
15. Transmission Data Formats ......................................................................................................................... 134
15.1. Pseudobinary B Data Format ............................................................................................................... 134
15.2. Pseudobinary C Data Format ............................................................................................................... 139
15.3. Pseudobinary D Data Format ............................................................................................................... 141
15.4. Six Bit Binary Encoded Format ............................................................................................................. 143
15.5. Pseudobinary over SMS ....................................................................................................................... 144
15.6. SHEF and SHEFFIX Data Format ............................................................................................................ 144
15.7. Sutron Standard CSV ............................................................................................................................ 146
15.8. ASCII Column ........................................................................................................................................ 146
15.9. ASCII Sensor ......................................................................................................................................... 147
15.10. TCP/IP Session ...................................................................................................................................... 148
15.11. Iridium Telemetry Header .................................................................................................................... 149
16. Connecting to Another Logger .................................................................................................................... 152
16.1. Connection ........................................................................................................................................... 152
16.2. Configuring Satlink ............................................................................................................................... 153
16.3. Transmit Data ....................................................................................................................................... 154
16.4. Random Transmissions ........................................................................................................................ 156
17. Command Line Interface ............................................................................................................................. 158
17.1. Why Use Command Line? .................................................................................................................... 158
17.2. About the Command Line Interface ..................................................................................................... 158
17.3. Status.................................................................................................................................................... 159
17.4. Setup .................................................................................................................................................... 159
17.5. Measurements ..................................................................................................................................... 160
17.6. Recording ............................................................................................................................................. 161
17.7. Downloading the Log ........................................................................................................................... 161
17.8. Machine-to-Machine Communication ................................................................................................. 162
17.9. Command Reference ............................................................................................................................ 162
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18. See the Security .......................................................................................................................................... 165
18.1. Steps to Take to Protect your Station ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
19. More about SDI-12 ...................................................................................................................................... 169
19.1. Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 169
19.2. Wiring Guidelines ................................................................................................................................. 170
19.3. Connector ............................................................................................................................................. 170
19.4. Setup of SDI sensors ............................................................................................................................. 170
19.5. Useful SDI commands .......................................................................................................................... 170
20. Appendix A Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 172
21. Appendix B Sutron Customer Service Policy ............................................................................................. 175
22. Appendix C Commercial Warranty ........................................................................................................... 176
22.1. Sutron Manufactured Equipment ........................................................................................................ 176
22.2. Non-Sutron Manufactured Equipment ................................................................................................ 176
22.3. Repair and Return Policy ...................................................................................................................... 177
23. Appendix E Approvals and Certifications .................................................................................................. 178
23.1. NESDIS .................................................................................................................................................. 178
23.2. Eumetsat .............................................................................................................................................. 178
23.3. INSAT .................................................................................................................................................... 178
23.4. CE ......................................................................................................................................................... 178
23.5. Wi-Fi Module ........................................................................................................................................ 178
23.6. IRIDIUM ................................................................................................................................................ 179
23.7. Cellular (Verizon LTE modem) .............................................................................................................. 181
Sutron Corporation Satlink Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 8.04.2 11/3/2016 pg. 8
1. Scope of Supply
GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT/GMS Satellite transmitter including 11 physical input
channels (1xRS485, 2xSDI-12, 2xpulse/status, 2x5V analog, 3xDifferential
Analog, 1x 4-20mA), 4 isolated switched supplies, 1 isolated non-switched
supply, 2 switched open collector outputs, RS232, USB host, USB device, Wi-Fi,
power supply/ground connector, 9 2/3/4 pin connectors for sensors, 32 MB (1
million readings) measurement memory, 2 status LED, multifunction button
with LED, GPS receiver, 2 slots for expansion cards: optional Iridium modem,
optional LTE modem
1 quick start guide
1 factory acceptance test (FAT) certificate
1 USB cable
1 screwdriver
GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT/GMS Satellite transmitter including 2 physical input
channels (2xSDI-12) RS232, USB host, USB device, Wi-Fi, power supply/ground
connector, 32 MB (1 million readings) measurement memory, 2 status LED,
multifunction button, GPS receiver
1 quick start guide
1 factory acceptance test (FAT) certificate
1 USB cable
1 screwdriver
GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT/GMS Satellite transmitter including RS232, USB host,
USB device, power supply/ground connector, 2 status LED, multifunction
button, GPS receiver
1 factory acceptance test (FAT) certificate
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1.1. Ordering Numbers
GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT Satellite transmitter with 11 physical input channels
Base SL3-1 with Iridium option module installed
Base SL3-1 with DOD flashed Iridium option module installed
Base SL3-1 with Verizon LTE cell option module (no fallback)
SL3-1-C2 (ETA 2017)
Base SL3-1 with AT&T/Rogers LTE cell option module with HSPA plus fallback
SL3-1-C3 (ETA 2017)
Base SL3-1 with Europe LTE cell option module with HSPA plus fallback
SL3-1-C4 (ETA 2017)
Base SL3-1 with 2G GSM/GPRS option module (primarily for India)
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure
SL3-1-IR in NEMA enclosure
SL3-1-IR-D in NEMA enclosure
SL3-1-CX in NEMA enclosure (“X” represents the different cell variants by number)
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure with 2 line display
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure with 2 line display (“X” represents cell variants)
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure with 2 line display with IRIDIUM option module
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure with 2 line display with DOD IRIDIUM option module
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure with 2 line display with PSTN modem
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure with 2 line display with PSTN + Cell modem
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure with 2 line display with PSTN + Iridium modem
SL3-1 in NEMA enclosure with 2 line display with PSTN + DOD Iridium modem
GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT Satellite transmitter with 2 SDI-12 input channels
GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT Satellite transmitter
Optional Modems
PSTN modem
Cell modem for use with SL3 only
Iridium SBD Modem for SL3
DOD flashed Iridium SBD Modem for SL3
Verizon LTE Modem for SL3 (no fallback)
AT&T/Rogers LTE Modem with HSPA plus fallback for SL3 (coming 2017)
Europe/LTE Modem with HPSA plus fallback for SL3 (coming 2017)
2G GSM/GPRS Modem for SL3, primarily for India (coming 2017)
OMNI antenna, Full Wave
YAGI GOES Satellite Antenna
YAGI GOES Satellite Antenna, Stainless Steel Mast and Elements
GPS Antenna, Bullet (High Gain)
Cable Assembly, Antenna, 15ft
RF COAX lightning protection, Bulkhead
RF COAX lightning protection, panel mount
SL3 stand-alone display (“X” represents -1(disp only),-2(w/PSTN,-SD(w/SD card))
Sutron Corporation Satlink Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 8.04.2 11/3/2016 pg. 10
2. General Safety Information
Read this manual before using Satlink for the first time. Become familiar with the
installation and operation of Satlink and its accessories.
Make sure that Satlink is protected against moisture (NEMA 4, IP 66 or better).
Operate Satlink only with approved antenna connected.
Protect the line of the battery supply voltage with a safety fuse (10A/fast).
Before connecting the power supply, check that all wires are properly attached to the
screw terminal strips.
Do not open Satlink. There are no user serviceable parts inside.
Have a defective Satlink checked and repaired by the Sutron repair center. Do not
attempt to repair Satlink yourself.
Operate Satlink only with approved antenna connected.
Direct current.
Protective earth ground. Connect to an earth ground electrode for lightening
protection of internal components.
Digital ground. Attach digital sensor ground to this terminal. Batteries and solar
panel negative terminals are also connected to this terminal.
Signal ground. Attach analog sensor ground to this terminal.
Chassis ground.
Shock hazard.
Do not dispose in trash.
Sutron Corporation Satlink Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 8.04.2 11/3/2016 pg. 11
3. Introduction
Sutron’s Satlink 3 is a datalogger with a built-in satellite transmitter that is especially designed for
hydrometry, meteorology and environmental monitoring. It is available in three models: SL3-1,
SL3-SDI-1, and SL3-XMTR-1.
Satlink 3 can:
Make measurements from sensors monitoring the environment
Perform special calculations
Record data into non-volatile memory
Transmit data to automated receiving systems.
Satlink 3 is certified to operate on the following satellites:
GOES Domestic 300, 1200 bps, timed and random reporting
GOES International
Meteosat, MSG (Meteosat Second Generation), Meteosat HDR, timed and alert
GMS 100 bps domestic and international channels
INSAT 4800 bps domestic channels
FY2B 100 bps domestic channels
Satlink 3 improves on its predecessor SatLink2. Satlink 3 does everything that Satlink 2 did with
the following and other enhancements:
Expanded measurements from 16 to 32
Improved analog accuracy & additional channels
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Expanded SDI-12 capacity with 2 independent SDI-12 inputs
Optional cell/Iridium modems for redundant 2-way communications
Expanded log from 120,000 to 1,000,000 readings, expandable to 1,000,000,000
readings (32 GB) via internal SDHC card
Improved GUI program that runs on Android, iPhone, PC or MAC devices
3.1. SL3- 1
The figure below shows the connections provided by the SL3-1. A description of each of the connections
is provided in the following paragraphs.
Status LED
RS232 to PC
5 separate
terminal blocks
5 separate terminal
Earth Ground
GPS Antenna
2 Expansion Slots
USB Host
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3.2. SL3-SDI-1
The figure below shows the connections provided by the SL3-SDI-1. A description of each of the
connections is provided in the following paragraphs.
3.3. SL3-XMTR-1
SL3-XMTR-1 is similar to the SL3-SDI-1 with the following changes:
The 2 SDI-12 ports are replaced with an auxiliary DB9 connector. This connector is for
factory use only.
There is no Wi-Fi module in the SL3-XMTR-1. The button will not turn on Wi-Fi but is
only for failsafe reset.
SL3-XMTR-1 is designed to connect to another logger via the RS232 port. The logger will
setup the SL3-XMTR-1 and regularly transfer data to it for transmission. The logger may
use Sutron’s Satlink Communicator Protocol (SCP) or command line protocol for setup
and data transfer functions.
Contact Sutron customer service for additional information.
3.4. Multi-function Button
Satlink3 has a multi-function button installed on the front.
Briefly pressing this button will turn on the Wi-Fi.
Additionally, if the failsafe has been tripped, briefly pressing this button will reset the
The multi-function button is also used to reboot Satlink. If the button is held down for 5
seconds, the red LED will come on. Keep holding the button until the red LED turns off
in order to reboot Satlink.
Status LED
RS232 to PC or
function button
2 SDI-12 Ports
GPS Antenna
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3.5. Status LEDs
The status LEDs give information on how Satlink is operating. The LED are multi-colored. The
following table describes the different colors and states of the LED.
Left/Top LED
Right/Bottom LED
Unit is operating
Green blink every 5
Unit has a Setup or
operating error
Red blink every 4
button pressed
Fast flashing blue
Wi-Fi turned on but
no one connected
Blue blink every 4
Active Wi-Fi
Solid Blue
Solid Blue
Power Fail
Red flash 9Hz
Unit is in Test mode
Green blink every
Red blink every
3.6. RS232
The RS232 connection is a standard DB9-F connection for serial communications to a PC or other
device. The RS232 port has a default baud rate of 9,600 (No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, HW
flow control) but other baud rates are supported. The primary use of the RS232 port is for
connecting to a PC for setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting. The PC will typically run
LinkComm software which will allow the user complete control over Satlink subject to the
password protection in Satlink.
The RS232 port also allows the connection of Sutron’s 8310, 9210 and Xpert loggers to Satlink.
With this connection, the Sutron logger can use Satlink as transmitter to send data that it
collects, rather than have Satlink collect the data. This is normally done where the field station is
very complex and the user desires the advanced capabilities of 8310, 9310, Xpert for the
collection and processing of the data.
3.7. USB Micro (OTG)
The USB OTG port is the primary port for connecting a PC to Satlink. The USB port is a micro-B
and compatible with a standard micro-B to Type A male USB cable that works with most PC’s.
The primary use of the connection is to allow the PC to setup, maintain and troubleshoot Satlink.
The PC will typically run LinkComm software which will allow the user complete control over
Satlink subject to the password protection in Satlink.
3.8. USB Host
The USB Host connection provides a simple way to download data from a SL3-1 or update the
firmware in the unit using a USB flash drive (aka USB thumb drive). Plugging in a flash drive will
Sutron Corporation Satlink Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 8.04.2 11/3/2016 pg. 15
automatically download all logged data since the last download and store the log on the flash
drive. It will also store station setup and status on the flash drive.
It is possible to change station setup, upgrade Satlink firmware, and execute a batch file via a
flash drive. Please see section USB Thumb Drive for details.
3.9. RF Output
Satlink has a type N connector on the bottom of the Satlink and side of the SL3-SDI. See
Connecting the GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT antenna for details on how to connect an antenna to
Satlink. Never operate Satlink without connecting either an antenna or dummy load to this
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3.10. SL3-1 Left Terminal strip
Two terminal strips built into SL3 provide the connections for sensors, and outputs. The table
below describes the purpose of each connection on the left terminal strip. Additional information
on using the connections is given in Chapter 4.
Main Battery/Power Ground
Main Battery/Power +VDC (5 amps max)
RS485 A
SDI-12 over RS-485,
RS485 B
SDI-12 over RS-485
Switched Main Power (9-20VDC) (turned on during
warm-up and analog sensor measurement)
Wind Speed or Digital Input 1
Ground for sensor
Tipping Bucket or Digital Input 2
Switched Main Power (9-20VDC) (turned on via
equations and commands)
Isolated Main Power (9-20VDC) to SDI-12 sensors
(500 ma max)
SDI-12 Data (Port 1)
Isolated Main Power (9-20VDC) to SDI-12 sensors
(500 ma max)
SDI-12 Data (Port 2)
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3.11. SL3-1 Right Terminal Strip
Two terminal strips built into Satlink provide the connections for sensors, and outputs. The table
below describes the purpose of each connection on the left terminal strip.. Additional
information on using the connections is given in Chapter 4.
Analog Ground
Analog ground
0-5V A
Voltage input for sensors with 0-5V output
Analog Ground
Analog ground
0-5V B
Voltage input for sensors with 0-5V output
Diff C+
Differential voltage input for bridge type sensors
Diff C-
Differential voltage input for bridge type sensors
Analog Ground
Analog ground
2.5V output (turned on during warm-up and analog
sensor measurement)
Diff D+
Differential voltage input for bridge type sensors
Diff D-
Differential voltage input for bridge type sensors
Analog Ground
Analog ground
2.5V output (turned on during warm-up and analog
sensor measurement)
Diff E+
Differential voltage input for bridge type sensors
Diff E-
Differential voltage input for bridge type sensors
4-20 mA
Input for 4-20ma sensor
Isolated main power (9-20VDC), 1amp max
Digital Output (open collector, turned on manually,
with alarms, or via equations)
Digital Output (open collector, turned on manually,
with alarms, or via equations)
Earth Ground
Attach via a heavy gauge (4 to 10 AWG) wire to
earth ground rod driven 6 feet into earth.
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4. Installing Satlink
4.1. Attaching SL3-1
Requirements of the intended installation site are:
Sufficient protection from moisture for an IP 63 device.
Proper space for the electrical cables
Temperature range -40C to +70C.
Space for installation using the mounting ears
Earth ground point for the connection of the SL3 earth ground.
Closed control cabinet or fire protection cabinet if the power supply is not a low power
source 12-20VDC.
The dimensions for SL3-1 are shown in figure below along with the locations of the mounting
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4.2. Attaching SL3-SDI-1 & SL3-XMTR-1
Requirements of the intended installation site are:
Sufficient protection from moisture for an IP 51 device.
Proper space for the electrical cables
Temperature range -40C to +70C.
Suitable mounting plate or DIN rail clip with Standard top hat rail (TS35) mounted at the
installation site.
Earth ground point for the connection of the SL3 earth ground.
Closed control cabinet or fire protection cabinet if the power supply is not a low power
source 12-20VDC.
The dimensions for SL3-SDI-1 & SL3-XMTR-1 are shown in the figure below.
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4.3. Earth Ground Point
A connection point has been provided for an Earth ground on SL3-1. On SL3-SDI-1 the chassis is
the earth ground point. Always connect the earth ground to a suitable ground at the site as
described below.
Any time a sensor cable is attached to the terminal strip, the unit may be exposed to electrical
surges such as those that come from nearby lightning strikes. The SL3 includes spark gaps and
other protection devices that shunt the energy to the earth ground. If there is no connection to
the earth ground point on SL3, the energy has nowhere to go and the unit can be damaged.
Failure to properly connect the Earth ground point will lead to failures in the field due to
To install a proper ground connection point:
Use a copper ground rod driven into the ground at least 6 feet.
Attach a very heavy gauge (#4 Solid Copper) wire between the rod and the Satlink Earth
ground point. The connection point can accept up to a 4 gauge solid copper wire. If a
heavier gauge copper wire is used to connect to the ground rod, a reducer may be
necessary to connect to the terminal on Satlink.
Firmly secure the screw on the ground point firmly on the copper wire. Do not rely on AC
power ground connections as they are not always properly grounded and may introduce other
Satlink features gas tube protection on all sensor inputs.
4.4. Connecting the GOES/METEOSAT/INSAT antenna
The transmitter must be connected to an approved antenna to operate with the selected
satellite system. Sutron offers a variety of antennae including YAGI and dome types that provide
between 3 and 11 dB gain. Satlink will adjust its transmission power based on the type of
antenna connected. As a part of the setup process, the type of the antenna will be entered into
the setup.
The typical antenna cable is 10 to 20 feet long. Outdoor antenna connections should we
wrapped with a self-vulcanizing tape to make sure they are water/weather resistant.
Users are encouraged to use a separate lightning arrestor for the antenna such as the one shown
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Sutron Satlink 3 Operation & Maintenance Manual

Measuring, testing & control
Operation & Maintenance Manual
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