Quick Reference
notice the tool bar will change to playback icons)
c. Now CLICK on the SELECT HDD icons (this is your search window)
d. This window will allow you to perform a search on the following:
4. TIME & DATE – enter START time & date and END time &
date (this is the range in time you want the DVR to retrieve from
the HHD), then press the SUBMIT icon and then OK button.
5. EVENT – select an EVENT from the listing and CLICK OK.
6. LOCATION – select HHD number and then set BLOCK,
(NOTE: if you receive an error message stating “NO ANY DRIVES”
this means the HDD is not recognized. Make sure the HDD are in the
LOCK position and reboot the DVR)
e. After CLICKING OK on the select HDD page, click on the Camera that
you want to put in PLAYBACK MODE. A gray window will appear in
the middle of the screen place DOT next to PLAYBACK and CLICK
f. Next CLICK on Archive button.
g. This window will allow you to perform a archive on the following:
1. Select Camera – set the Camera in which you wish to archive.
2. Select Media – select the ZIP drive.
3. Size – by default its set to unlimited.
h. PRESS the PLAY icon (arrow pointing to the right).
Network Settings Connected Directly to a High Speed Modem
1. Gather the following from the ISP: Static IP address, Subnet mask,
Gateway IP, DNS (Static IP address from ISP).
2. Plug in the network cable into the network port in the EDR1600.
3. Enter the menu screen by pressing the Config button.
4. Then enter the system menu and enter the info into IP Configuration.
5. Enter the IP Address specifically assigned for the EDR1600 on your
network. This can be achieved using the Arrow buttons. (NOTE: IP
Address is DNS Address)
6. Enter the Subnet Mask Address assigned to your network.
7. Enter the Gateway Address assigned to your network.
8. Exit the Menu and Reboot the EDR1600 by powering it down and
back up.
(NOTE: Please be sure that ports 80, 1111,and 1600 are open.)