OFDM VSA measurement and results
10User Manual 1179.3844.02 ─ 04
Parameter Description SCPI parameter *)
**) Maximum EVM of each carrier (frequency domain) and in
each data symbol (time domain) for each analyzed signal
frame. The results are provided in dB or percent.
**) Maximum EVM of each carrier (frequency domain) and in
each pilot symbol (time domain) for each analyzed signal
frame. The results are provided in dB or percent.
MER [dB] Average Modulation Error Ratio (MER) for all data and all
pilot cells of the analyzed frames. If more than one frame is
evaluated, mean square averaging is used.
The MER is the ratio of the RMS power of the ideal refer-
ence signal to the RMS power of the error vector.
For the average MER, the ratio of (power of the error vector)
to (power of the ideal reference signal) is averaged.
I/Q offset [dB] Transmitter center frequency leakage relative to the total Tx
channel power
Gain imbalance [dB] Amplification of the quadrature phase component of the sig-
nal relative to the amplification of the in-phase component
Quadrature error [°] Phase angle between Q-channel and I-channel deviating
from the ideal 90 degrees; measure for crosstalk from the Q-
branch into the I-branch
Frequency Error [Hz] Frequency error between the signal and the currently defined
center frequency
The absolute frequency error includes the frequency error of
the R&S FSW and that of the DUT. If possible, the transmit-
ter R&S FSW and the DUT should be synchronized (using
an external reference).
Sample Clock Error Clock error between the signal and the sample clock of the
R&S FSW in parts per million (ppm), i.e. the symbol timing
If possible, the transmitter R&S FSW and the DUT should be
synchronized (using an external reference).
Frame Power Average time domain power of the analyzed signal frame POWer
Crest factor [dB] The ratio of the peak power to the mean power of the ana-
lyzed signal frame
*) Required to retrieve the parameter result, see Chapter 8.8.1, "Retrieving numerical results", on page 284
**) not included in Result Summary, remote query only
The R&S FSW OFDM VSA application also performs statistical evaluation over several
frames and displays the following results:
Table 2-2: Calculated summary results
Result type Description
Min Minimum measured value
Average Average measured value
Max Maximum measured value
OFDM VSA parameters