Measurements and result displays
19User Manual 1173.9392.02 ─ 42
3 Measurements and result displays
During a pulse measurement, I/Q data from the input signal is captured for a specified
time or for a specified record length. Pulses are detected from the signal according to
specified thresholds and user-defined criteria. The measured signal is then compared
with the ideal signal described by the user and any deviations are recorded. The
defined range of measured data is then evaluated to determine characteristic pulse
parameters. These parameters can either be displayed as traces, in a table, or be eval-
uated statistically over a series of measurements.
Measurement range vs. result range vs. detection range
The measurement range defines which part of an individual pulse is measured (for
example for frequency deviation), whereas the result range determines which data is
displayed on the screen in the form of amplitude, frequency or phase vs. time traces.
The detection range (if enabled) determines which part of the capture buffer is ana-
lyzed. The pulse numbers in the result displays are always relative to the current
detection range, that is: pulse number 1 is the first pulse within the detection range in
the capture buffer. If disabled (default), the entire capture buffer is used as the detec-
tion range. See also "Detection range" on page 58.
Time sidelobe range
If the additional option FSW-K6S is installed, the sidelobes are analyzed in addition to
the pulses themselves. The time sidelobe range defines which part of the signal (in
relation to the pulse) is analyzed.
As a result of sidelobe vs. time measurements, additional result displays are available.
Furthermore, characteristic sidelobe parameters are added to the pulse result tables.
Result displays that require the additional option FSW-K6S are indicated by an asterisk
(*) in the following descriptions.
Exporting Table Results to an ASCII File
Measurement result tables can be exported to an ASCII file for further evaluation in
other (external) applications.
For step-by-step instructions on how to export a table, see Chapter 8.4, "How to export
table data", on page 181.
●Pulse parameters....................................................................................................19
●Evaluation methods for pulse measurements.........................................................37
3.1 Pulse parameters
The pulse parameters to be measured are based primarily on the IEEE 181 Standard
181-2003. For detailed descriptions refer to the standard documentation ("IEEE Stan-
dard on Transitions, Pulses, and Related Waveforms", from the IEEE Instrumentation
and Measurement (I&M) Society, 7 July 2003).
Pulse parameters