System Administration Manual Part No.: 4417598_Rev13
1 - 4 CIU 888
NOTE: The password must meet the following requirements as regards to complexity:
It must:
- Not be the same as the previous password
- Not be a dictionary word (e.g. password)
- Have a minimum length of eight characters
- Contain at least one digit and one special character
- Not contain special characters !, ʼ and ˮ
The Change Password window is closed. If the password has been
changed successfully, the following dialogue box is displayed (see
FIGURE 1-6).
FIGURE 1-6 Password changed successfully dialogue box
7. Click OK to close the dialogue box.
1.2 Enforcing a password change during next login
To further improve system security, a user can be forced to change the
password the next time he logs in to the CIU 888.
Perform the following steps to enforce a password change during next
1. Click in the section menu bar of the CIU 888 Web
Make sure you do not forget the password to log in to the CIU 888! There is no possibility to
retrieve a forgotten password.
Note: Although there is no possibility to retrieve a forgotten password, there is a way to reset
the password to the initial password (i.e. CIU888@Enraf) by performing a Reset to factory set-
tings operation via the CIU 888 display. Downside of a Reset to factory settings operation is
that it removes the site database, which has to be re-uploaded to the CIU 888. Also, the W&M
and configuration key switches must be opened before performing this operation.
If you wish to change the password of the ciuadmin user account in a redundant system setup,
you need to change the password for both the primary CIU 888 and the secondary CIU 888. It
is recommended to keep the same password for both CIU 888s. In this case, you only need to
remember one password.