FS 2500 6
5.1 Manual operation
If necessary, the FS 2500 can be operated manually. It depends on
the situation which procedure for manual operation you must fol-
Inadvertent movements of the manual operation
Risk of injury and/or damage of components.
X Do not operate the control switch during manual
X Reset the control system after operating the
FS 2500 manually. See chapter 5.2.
5.1.1 Manually moving the FS 2500 over a
short range (less than 25cm)
X Gain access to the motor assembly.
X Insert the tool for manual operation in the slot in the motor
(See Fig. 06).
X Turn the tool to close or open the FS 2500.
Fig. 06: Manual operation tool
5.1.2 Manually moving the FS 2500 over
more than 25cm
X Gain access to the motor assembly.
If the FS 2500 is closed and locked, always first un-
lock the FS 2500 by means of the manual operation
X Insert the tool for manual operation in the slot in
the motor (See Fig. 06).
X Turn the tool to open the FS 2500 at least 10cm
to unlock the system.
X Remove the tool for manual operation.
X Disconnect the wiring harness (1) from the motor.
X Remove the 3 bolts (2) from the motor.
X Remove the motor.
Fig. 07: Motor removal
X Push the front beam of the FS 2500 to the desired (open or
closed) position.
Fig. 08: Manual closing or opening
5.2 Reset procedure
Make sure there is a minimum of 20A available.
X Press and hold the close button.
The FS 2500 closes as far as possible.
X Release the close button.
X Press and hold the close button.
After approx. 10s the FS 2500 slides with small steps until it is
completely closed
The motor produces a loud click sound.
X Release the close button.
The system has been reset.
Fig. 09: Control system reset