7. Confirmation tone is heard on car speakers
Test Operation:
2. Press the "CD" button on Radio until display
changes to Fig. 3
Fig. 3
CD Changer Mode
Note: If radio does not switch to CD, cycle ignition OFF/ON and try again.
3. Launch Smartphone or Tablet streaming application.
4. Use the radio volume control button to set the playback level.
If distorted, lower the volume on phone or if inaudible, raise
volume on phone.
5. If correct operation is confirmed go ahead and reinstall the
Frequently asked questions
1. Does the A2D-HON work on all Honda Radios?
NO; The A2D-HON98 works on select 1992-01 Honda Radios with CD
Changer controls (8-pin port on back of the Radio).
2. My radio has a built-in 6 CD Changer, will the A2D-HON Work?
Most (if not all) Honda 6-CD Changer radios (changer built-into
radio) do NOT support an external device (lacks 8-pin Connector) and
are therefore not compatible. Many Acura 6-CD Changer radios DO
support external Devices. Check for 8-pin DIN connector prior to
3. Can I use the Radio buttons to control Streaming Audio Device
NO; the A2D-HON does not control audio device. Use the device built-
in controls to browse music library.
4. Will I be able to make phone calls using this Device
NO; the A2D-HON does supports Hands-Free Profile.
5. What happens if while streaming and a call comes in?
Streaming audio will mute when phone rings and resume as soon as call
Honda, Acura.
© 1995-Aug-18 Discount Car Stereo, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is
subject to change without notice. Other products and companies referred to herein are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders