2.6 First connection of a device
• To commission the logger, proceed as described in the instruction manual (insert the battery or
remove the protective film). The logger is ready to operate and can be connected to the PC.
• Connect the logger to the PC via the USB connection cable.
• When you connect the logger for the first time, there no drivers available. When the computer is
on or after connecting the logger, the operating system detects a "new unknown hardware" and
wants to install the necessary drivers. They are on the CD or, if the software has already been
installed, in the folder "Drivers" of the program directory where the software was installed.
• For this purpose, proceed as described in "Installing the USB driver".
Installing the drivers and the software
2.7 Installing the Log-Graph software
The Log-Graph software is delivered on CD or its newest version can be downloaded from the
Internet. To operate the logger on the PC, a driver that must be installad prior to software
operation in order for the software to function properly with the logger, is necessary. The driver is
also located on the CD.
If no logger 100/110 has previously been connected to the PC, the drivers first must be installed.
2.7.1 Installing the CD (must be reviewed for precise order of the paragraphs)
a) Insert the CD into your drive and close the drive door. With most systems, the CD is
automatically detected and the installation routine starts. If this is not the case, launch the
installation via the taskbar by using the sequence Start-> Run-> [Your CD drive] -> Menu.exe.
b) Now, follow the instructions of the installation routine. During installation, a target directory
Programs\Log-Graph that can be changed if necessary is proposed to you.
c) The installation process creates a program group for the selected directory on your PC and a
program icon called "Log-Graph".
d) For a subsequent run, launch the program, for example, by double-clicking on the program icon
"Log-Graph" on the desktop or by using the sequence Start-> Programs-> [Selection: Log-Graph] -
> Mouse click.
e) In addition to the program "Log-Graph.exe, the online manuals, the help files and other files
needed for setup are located on the CD.
2.7.2 Installing the downloads from the Internet (must be reviewed for precise order of the paragraphs)
a) After downloading, launch the installation via "Run". Setup.exe installs the software and copies
the drivers to a sub-directory "\Driver" of the selected program directory.
b) Now, follow the instructions of the installation routine. During installation, a target directory
Programs\Log-Graph that can be changed if necessary is proposed to you.