ABB Bomem Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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This document contains product specifications and performance statements that may be in conflict
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cations, product characteristics, and performance statements included in this document are given
as suggestive specifications only. In case of conflict between product characteristics given in this
document and specifications given in the official ABB Inc. Product Catalogs, the latter take pre-
ABB Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the specifications of all equipment and software,
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ABB Inc. makes no representations or warranties with regard to the product and instructional and
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ABB Inc. does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or
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All equipment, software, and manuals are sold as is. The entire risk as to the results and perfor-
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Copyright © 2008 by ABB.
All rights reserved.
May 2008
AA003700-01 rev. G. 2.0