Quatech DSE-100D User manual

User manual
5675 Hudson Industrial Parkway
Hudson, Ohio 44236-5012
Toll free: 1-800-553-1170
Quatech Device Server
User’s Manual P/N: 940-0183-155
Manual Revision 1.55
Serial Device Server
User’s Manual
Copyright Copyright © 2006-2008 Quatech, Inc. All rights are reserved. The
information contained in this document cannot be reproduced in any form
without the written consent of Quatech, Inc. Any software programs that
might accompany this document can be used only in accordance with any
license agreement(s) between the purchaser and Quatech, Inc. Quatech,
Inc. reserves the right to change this documentation or the product to
which it refers at any time and without notice.
Trademarks QUATECH® is a registered trademark of Quatech, Inc. Other product
and brand names listed in this manual may be trademarks of their
respective owners.
Disclaimer The information in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable at
the time of posting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Quatech assumes no
responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this
manual, and expressly disclaims any liability or damages for loss of data,
loss of use, and property damage of any kind, direct, incidental or
consequential, in regard to or arising out of the performance or form of
the materials presented herein or in any software program(s) that may
accompany this document.
Changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by
Quatech will void the user's authority to operate this device.
Feedback Quatech, Inc. encourages and appreciates feedback concerning this
document. Please send any written comments to the Technical Support
department at the address listed on the cover page of this manual.
Quatech SDS User’s Manual Introduction
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page i
Table of contents
Table of contents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i
Figures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii
Tables iii
Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Understanding how virtual communication ports work-------------------------------------------------------- 2
Understanding MAC and IP addresses and port numbers----------------------------------------------- 2
Identifying operating modes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Identifying Quatech’s SDS product line----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
System requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Features ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Protocol support------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
WiFi implementation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
TCP socket services – IntelliSock™----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Getting started-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Unpacking your SDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
Identifying parts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
Understanding LED codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Locating serial and network ports------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Making connections------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Enabling WiFi Device Servers----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
Installing the device drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16
Win NT Device Manager------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28
Win NT – Changing port numbers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------28
Uninstalling your SDS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
Uninstalling from Windows XP/2000--------------------------------------------------------------------------29
Uninstalling from Windows NT4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
Alternative installation steps -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30
Configuring the SDS using the Web interface-------------------------------------------------------------------------45
Setting network parameters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47
Setting TCP/IP (LAN) and WiFi (Wireless) parameters -------------------------------------------------47
Setting SNMP parameters----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
Viewing the serial port parameters----------------------------------------------------------------------------------55
Setting serial port parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------55
Setting Normal operating mode parameters ----------------------------------------------------------------55
Setting Tunneling operating mode parameters ------------------------------------------------------------58
Setting Raw TCP operating mode parameters--------------------------------------------------------------61
Setting Auto TCP operating mode parameters -------------------------------------------------------------64
Setting Raw UDP operating mode parameters -------------------------------------------------------------68
Running diagnostic tests------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73
Using the Port Status screen-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73
Running the Ping test ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73
Checking wireless status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------74
Performing administrative functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------75
Managing users ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------75
Giving the SDS a descriptive name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------77
Upgrading firmware ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------78
Introduction Quatech SDS User’s Manual
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Contacting Quatech ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------79
Troubleshooting and Maintaining an SDS------------------------------------------------------------------------------80
Troubleshooting an SDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------80
Maintaining an SDS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------83
Operating conditions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------83
Handling the SDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------83
Moving the SDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------83
Cleaning the SDS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------83
Servicing the SDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------83
Appendix A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------84
Appendix B -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------89
Declaration of Conformity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------89
Appendix C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------91
Warranty information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------91
Figure 1 – Connectors and Indicators......................................................................................................8
Figure 2 - DB-9 pinouts ..........................................................................................................................10
Figure 3 - RJ-45 pinouts (DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter).................................................................................11
Figure 4 - RJ-45 Ethernet port pinout ...................................................................................................12
Figure 5 - Connecting an SDS to a serial device....................................................................................13
Figure 6 - Main Menu screen .................................................................................................................16
Figure 7 - Welcome screen......................................................................................................................17
Figure 8 - Prepare to Install screen .......................................................................................................17
Figure 9 - Search network for Serial Device Server(s) screen...............................................................18
Figure 10 - Where is the Serial Device Server attached screen ............................................................19
Figure 11 - Network Connectivity Test screen ......................................................................................20
Figure 12 - Retrieving Unit Configuration pop-up box..........................................................................20
Figure 13 - TCP/IP Network Configuration Parameters screen ...........................................................21
Figure 14 - Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box ...............................................................22
Figure 15 - Restart confirmation pop-up box.........................................................................................23
Figure 16 - Information pop-up box .......................................................................................................23
Figure 17 - TCP/IP Network Configuration Parameters screen ...........................................................24
Figure 18 - Rerun network connectivity test pop-up box ......................................................................24
Figure 19 - Network Connectivity Test screen ......................................................................................25
Figure 20 - Retrieving Unit Configuration pop-up box..........................................................................25
Figure 21 - TCP/IP Network Configuration Parameters screen ...........................................................26
Figure 22 - Install the Device Drivers screen ........................................................................................26
Figure 23 - Installation Complete screen...............................................................................................27
Figure 24 - Reconfigure the Serial Device Server screen ......................................................................30
Figure 25 - Serial Device Server is Configured for a Remote Subnet ................................................... 31
Figure 26 - Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box ...............................................................32
Figure 27 - Restart confirmation pop-up box.........................................................................................33
Figure 28 - Information pop-up box .......................................................................................................33
Figure 29 - TCP/IP Network Configuration Parameters screen ...........................................................34
Figure 30 - Rerun network connectivity test pop-up box ......................................................................34
Figure 31 - DHCP confirmation pop-up box...........................................................................................35
Figure 32 - SDS Wizard Information DHCP screen ..............................................................................35
Quatech SDS User’s Manual Introduction
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page iii
Figure 33 - Locate the Serial Device Server screen...............................................................................36
Figure 34 - Locate the Serial Device Server using direct discovery screen ..........................................37
Figure 35 - Locate the Serial Device Server on a remote subnet screen...............................................38
Figure 36 - Describe the Remote Subnet screen....................................................................................39
Figure 37 - Locate the Serial Device Server options screen ..................................................................40
Figure 38 - Locate the Serial Device Server local discovery screen........................................................41
Figure 39 - Select Desired Serial Device Server from list screen..........................................................42
Figure 40 - Specify IP Address screen....................................................................................................43
Figure 41 - Network Connectivity Test Failed screen...........................................................................44
Figure 42 - Home page screen ................................................................................................................46
Figure 43 - Network Setup screen..........................................................................................................48
Figure 44 - IP Address Successful screen ..............................................................................................51
Figure 45 - Remote Reset screen............................................................................................................51
Figure 46 - SDS is now resetting screen ................................................................................................51
Figure 47 - SNMP Setup screen .............................................................................................................52
Figure 48 - SNMP Address Update Successful screen ..........................................................................54
Figure 49 - Remote Reset screen............................................................................................................54
Figure 50 - SDS is now resetting screen ................................................................................................54
Figure 51 - Serial Port Status screen.....................................................................................................55
Figure 52 - Serial Port Setup screen for Normal mode ......................................................................... 56
Figure 53 - Serial Port Setup screen for Tunneling mode..................................................................... 59
Figure 54 - Serial Port Setup screen for Raw TCP mode ......................................................................62
Figure 55 - Serial Port Setup screen for Auto TCP mode......................................................................66
Figure 56 - Serial Port Setup screen for Raw UDP mode......................................................................70
Figure 57 - Port Status screen................................................................................................................73
Figure 58 - Ping Test screen...................................................................................................................73
Figure 59 - Ping results screen...............................................................................................................74
Figure 60 – Wireless Status screen........................................................................................................74
Figure 61 - Show Users screen ...............................................................................................................75
Figure 62 - Add/Del Users screen...........................................................................................................76
Figure 63 - Network confirmation prompt.............................................................................................76
Figure 64 - Add/Del Users screen...........................................................................................................77
Figure 65 - Show Users screen ...............................................................................................................77
Figure 66 - Set Descriptive Name screen...............................................................................................77
Figure 67 - Firmware Upgrade screen ...................................................................................................78
Figure 68 - Remote Reset .......................................................................................................................78
Figure 69 - Contact Us screen ................................................................................................................79
Table 1 - SDS models................................................................................................................................4
Table 2 - SDS LED codes..........................................................................................................................9
Table 3 - RS-232 signals on DB-9 connector ..........................................................................................10
Table 4 - RS-422/485 signals on DB-9 connector ...................................................................................10
Table 5 - RS-232 signals on RJ-45 connector (DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter)................................................. 11
Table 6 - RS-422/485 signals on RJ-45 connector (DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter)..........................................11
Table 7 - RJ-45 Ethernet port signals ....................................................................................................12
Table 8 - Class A, B, and C address masks............................................................................................49
Table 9 - Complete list of address masks...............................................................................................49
Introduction Quatech SDS User’s Manual
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Quatech SDS User’s Manual Introduction
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page 1
Quatech’s line of Serial Device Servers (SDS) is designed to network-
enable any device currently using RS-232 or RS-422/485 serial
communications protocols. Our Device Servers provide industry-
leading hardware and user-friendly software to make connecting your
serial devices to an Ethernet network a surprisingly simple process.
There are many reasons to network your serial devices using a
Quatech Device Server, such as:
¾ Remote support – support personnel can diagnose and repair
many problems by communicating with your serial devices via the
Internet or Intranet.
¾ Remote management – install new firmware or software upgrades
on your serial devices without physically removing them from
¾ Efficient communications – instead of having one device
communicating with one computer, your device can communicate
with any computer on the network.
¾ Wireless freedom – WiFi-enabled Device Servers provide serial-
to-wireless connectivity to your network.
¾ Lower cost of ownership – no need to upgrade serial devices to
newer, costlier versions containing built-in Ethernet interfaces –
if such an upgrade is even available!
¾ Extended service life of software – your existing software can be
used to communicate with the serial device as if connected to a
local COM port; the network connection is “invisible” to the
After following the simple steps included in the Quick Start Guide to
attach your network and serial devices to the appropriate connectors
on the Serial Device Server, you’ll need just a few more minutes to
install the driver. You’ll then be able to communicate with the serial
device via its own application software and with the SDS using a Web
To network-enable a serial device, plug it into the serial port located
on the Device Server. Plug in the network Ethernet cable and power
source, and load the Quatech device drivers onto a host PC anywhere
on the network, using the instructions provided. The Quatech device
drivers will install the SDS’ serial ports as if they were additional
local COM ports in Windows. Simply change the settings in the serial
device’s application software to look for the serial device on the new
COM port. It’s that easy!
A typical scenario:
You have a serial device
that is operated by a PC.
The application software on
the PC “talks” to the serial
device using COM port 3.
Unfortunately, anyone who
wants to communicate with
that device must come to the
local PC. This can be very
time consuming if the serial
device is located in a remote
area, and expensive if you
need a PC for every serial
Device Server eliminates
the need for a local PC and
allows anyone with the
proper application software,
the Quatech Device Server
drivers, and authorized
access to the network, to
communicate with the serial
Note: For on-line technical
support, see Quatech’s Web site.
Introduction Quatech SDS User’s Manual
Page 2 940-0183-155 April 2008
Understanding how virtual communication ports work
Single port Device Servers allow you to network individual serial
devices such as printers, simple terminals, or medical monitoring
equipment that were previously accessible only via a direct link.
According to Dataquest, a Device Server is a “specialized network-
based hardware device designed to perform a single or specialized set
of functions with client access independent of any operating system or
proprietary protocol.” In terms of your new SDS, this means that you
can connect any serial device to your network by connecting the serial
device to a serial port on your SDS and connecting the Ethernet port
on your SDS to your network.
The SDS, once it has been correctly configured, makes accessing a
single serial device such as a time clock from your network a
transparent operation. This means that a PC can perform all the
operations in the same way it would if the serial device were plugged
directly into its serial port.
A network connection allows operation of serial devices at much
greater distances than can be accomplished with a direct serial
connection. Your SDS uses the TCP/IP protocol suite for network
communications. This means that communication through an SDS
can actually be more reliable than communication over long serial
lines, which lacks the advanced error checking built into TCP/IP.
Another benefit of accessing a serial device through an SDS is that
you can monitor and manage the device remotely, even from across
the world, if you have authorization and the network connection is to
the Internet.
Understanding MAC and IP addresses and port numbers
Identifying the Ethernet (MAC) address
Ethernet address, hardware address, and MAC address are all
equivalent names for a device’s unique network address. In the case
of an SDS, the first three bytes identify the unit as a Quatech
product. The last three bytes are unique to each unit and are
assigned when the unit is released from production. Colons separate
the bytes. The following is an example of an SDS Ethernet (MAC)
Assigning an IP address
Every device that communicates over the Internet must have a
unique IP address. You can assign an IP address to your SDS by
either of two methods:
¾ Through the Installation Wizard for initial configuration
¾ Through the Web interface for reconfiguration and maintenance
Note: Quatech Device Server
technology now allows access
to individual serial devices by
anyone with access to the
network on which they are
Note: Anyone in your organization
with a PC can connect to the
serial device over the network
just as though the two devices
were directly connected.
Note: A protocol is a set of rules
that notifies a transmitting
device and a receiving device
that the other is present and
ready to exchange information,
when the exchange is complete,
and whether it was successful.
Note: You can find the unit’s
Ethernet (MAC) address on the
product information label
located on the bottom of the
Quatech’s Unique product
unique identifie
Quatech SDS User’s Manual Introduction
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page 3
Using Port numbers
In order for devices to communicate via a TCP connection or a UDP
datagram, they must know each other’s IP address and port number.
The SDS driver automatically sets the unit’s port number for you.
A specific port number identifies each SDS serial port. An SDS
assigns a port number of 5000 to the first port and then increments
the port number sequentially for each subsequent serial port. SDS
drivers must see the first port as IP address: 5000.
Identifying operating modes
Normal, Tunneling, Raw TCP, Auto TCP, and Raw UDP are all
different schemes to make a serial connection across a network using
one or more Serial Device Servers.
Normal mode
If you use Quatech’s virtual COM port drivers or the IntelliSock™
SDK (see TCP socket services – IntelliSock™ on page 6), you should
use the Normal mode to make your network connections. Normal
mode is used in the vast majority of applications. Unless you are
certain that you need to use a different mode, go ahead and configure
your SDS in Normal mode. This mode allows for complete software
control of the serial port by an application program.
Tunneling mode
Serial Tunneling allows two Device Servers and their Ethernet
TCP/IP connection to act like a direct cable connection between two
serial devices. No host computer is required.
Tunneling is very simple to use. Use the SDS’ web interface to
designate one SDS serial port as the tunneling master and the other
SDS port as the tunneling slave. Configure the master with the serial
port settings desired for the connection as well as the IP address of
the tunneling slave. The master makes the connection and automatically
configures the slave with the corresponding settings.
Raw TCP mode
In Raw TCP mode, serial port data travels over the TCP/IP
connection without any protocol wrapper. You must configure the
serial port settings using the SDS’ web interface. Raw TCP mode
works with most third party universal serial device server drivers.
Auto TCP mode
Auto TCP mode is a special case of Raw TCP mode that allows the
SDS to act as a network client and to initiate a TCP connection to a
network host. You can configure the SDS so that it makes the
connection in one of two possible instances:
¾ It receives serial data (Data mode).
¾ It sees that the DSR input is active (DSR mode).
As with Raw TCP mode, you must configure the serial port settings
using the SDS’ web interface. You must configure the SDS with the
Note: You can think of the IP
address as a telephone number
and the port number as a
telephone extension.
Note: This information is
useful for firewall configuration.
Note: Normal is the standard
connection mode for an SDS.
Note: In Tunneling, a master
sends out the configuration
information to a slave so that
the slave can communicate
with it.
Note: You could use Raw TCP
if you were running a simple,
custom TCP application.
Note: Auto TCP is the only
communication mode that lets
an SDS initiate the connection.
Introduction Quatech SDS User’s Manual
Page 4 940-0183-155 April 2008
IP address and TCP port number of the network host to which it
should connect. If the SDS is idle, it will listen for normal Raw TCP
mode connections from the network host.
Raw UDP mode
Raw UDP is used primarily for broadcasting messages over a network.
It is lightweight and efficient; however, your application program
must handle all error processing and retransmission. Quatech
supports the following modes of UDP communication:
¾ Multicast (transmits to specified group of recipients)
¾ Broadcast (transmits to unspecified recipients)
¾ Point-to-Point (transmits to one recipient)
Identifying Quatech’s SDS product line
Quatech provides a family of SDS products. SSE-100, DSE-100, QSE-
100, and ESE-100 provide one, two, four, and eight RS-232 ports for
your serial devices, respectively. SSE-400, DSE-400, QSE-400, and
ESE-400 allow you to software-select between RS-232 and RS-
422/485 communications. For convenience, this manual refers to all
these products as SDS unless otherwise noted.
Table 1 - SDS models
SSE-100 1 SSE-400
DSE-100 2 DSE-400
QSE-100 4 QSE-400
ESE-100 8 ESE-400
Quatech’s SDS products all perform the same function (see notes),
differing mainly in the number of serial ports available or in the
serial protocol supported. All “D” models, which add a suffix of D to
the part number, (e.g. SSE-100D) are supplied with DB-9 connectors.
All “M” models, which add a suffix of M to the part number, (e.g.
QSE-100M) are supplied with 10-pin RJ-45 adapters that attach to
the DB-9 connectors.
System requirements
Quatech’s SDS ships with device drivers for Windows 2000, Windows
NT4, Windows XP, and Linux. Other operating systems can access
the SDS using Raw TCP mode or the IntelliSock™ TCP socket
services. Quatech will provide reference materials and utilities to
assist those who wish to do so.
Contact our sales department for details on current software
offerings. Most device drivers are available for download from the
Quatech World Wide Web site at http://www.quatech.com/
Note: All models are available
with surge suppression as an
–SS option. For example, the 4-
port RS-232 unit with DB-9
connectors and surge suppression
would have a part number of
Note: Raw UDP can provide
one-to-many communications.
Note: SDS products with a “W”
in their part numbers (such as
SSEW-100) implement WiFi
technology. They provide serial-
to-wireless communications in
addition to all standard SDS
Quatech SDS User’s Manual Introduction
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page 5
Quatech Device Servers can connect virtually any serial device to any
standard Ethernet network (Intranet or Internet) using TCP/IP
protocols. The following list details some of the serial devices an SDS
can bring to your fingertips:
¾ Security system alarm/access control devices
¾ Industrial computers and sensors
¾ Point-of-Sale (POS) peripherals
¾ Time clocks
¾ Banking peripherals and ATM machines
¾ Medical equipment
Protocol support
The SDS communicates over an Ethernet network using the standard
IP and TCP protocols to ensure data integrity and accurate targeting.
An SDS supports the following protocols:
¾ Network addressing, routing, and data block handling: IP
¾ Network communications: TCP, UDP, DHCP, HTTP, and ARP
¾ Network management: SNMP
SNMP Network management support
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent running on
your SDS collects network statistics such as the amount of data
transmitted and received, the number of frames that contain errors,
and the speed of the interface.
A network management system consists of these four parts:
¾ Network manager – One or more workstations used to monitor
and manage the elements comprising a network
¾ Managed system – Composed of managed devices on the network
running the agent process, such as an SDS
¾ Management Information Base (MIB) – Standard organization
scheme for storing data records; an SDS device with a firmware
revision of 5.0 and above supports MIB-II
¾ Network management protocol – SNMP is a set of rules governing
the exchange of management information between a network
manager and the elements of a managed system
The SDS supports MIB II, which is a standard set of statistics. It
includes information on system interfaces, address translation, IP,
ICMP, TCP, UDP, transmission, and SNMP group information.
For example, the agent running on the SDS collects network statistics
including the amount of data transmitted and received, the number of
frames that contain errors, the percentage of utilization of the
network, maximum packet size, speed, MAC address, and whether
the device is up and working. The agent provides a whole tree of
Note: Quatech Device Servers
capture data from legacy serial
devices without having to go
through a PC.
Note: Only SDS devices with a
firmware revision level of 5.0
and above can support SNMP.
To determine the revision level
of an SDS, check the bottom of
the Home page in the Web-
based interface (see page 43).
Note: The SDS is a read-only
device. You cannot set any
parameters via SNMP.
Note: SNMP is used to
communicate status updates
and parameter values between
a remote device such as an
SDS and a network manager.
Introduction Quatech SDS User’s Manual
Page 6 940-0183-155 April 2008
information that a management network host can retrieve using the
Get command.
In addition to providing information upon request, the SDS supports
a cold start Trap, which is a spontaneous message the SDS initiates
whenever it boots up.
WiFi implementation
WiFi, short for wireless fidelity, allows WiFi-enabled devices to
connect to an Ethernet/Internet network without cables or wires. You
can use a WiFi network to connect these devices to each other, to the
Internet, and to wired networks. WiFi is a fast, powerful, reliable,
and secure alternative to wired communication.
Quatech’s WiFi-enabled SDS devices provide serial-to-wireless
network connectivity. They enable you to connect to and communicate
with your serial devices over 802.11b/g wireless networks. These
units all have a “W” incorporated in their names, such as SSEW-100
or DSEW-400.
There are two access modes you can use with your WiFi SDS,
depending on whether or not an access point (AP) is involved.
¾ Infrastructure uses an access point to link the SDS to other
network devices.
For example, an SDS connected to a POS device by a serial cable
will send and receive POS data through an AP to a wireless
network. Any PC connected to that network (either by a wired
connection or via an AP) can communicate directly with the POS
device. Optional WEP and WPA security protocols can encrypt
data to protect it during transmission from the SDS to an AP.
¾ Ad hoc directly links a SDS with another device without going
through an access point. For example, if you connect a security
camera’s serial port to an SDS, a wireless PC can connect directly
to the security camera through the SDS without ever going
through an AP.
Before an SDS can communicate on an 802.11b/g wireless network,
the WLAN settings must match those of the wireless network. By
default, an SDS is set to Infrastructure network mode and its
wireless Network Name (SSID) is blank, which will allow it to
connect to any available wireless network.
TCP socket services – IntelliSock™
The SDS implements Quatech’s IntelliSock™ TCP socket services.
Quatech supplies device drivers for Windows 2000, NT4, XP, and
Linux to make the SDS look like it is a built-in COM port.
IntelliSock offers you the option of interfacing directly to the SDS
through a TCP socket programming interface rather than using the
virtual COM port device drivers. IntelliSock can be used with any
operating system that supports TCP/IP communication.
Refer to the IntelliSock Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) folder on the
installation CD-ROM for documentation and sample code.
Note: Traps are messages or
alarms generated by an SNMP
agent to indicate to the SNMP
manager that a significant
event has occurred.
Note: Quatech’s IntelliSock™
provides the most flexible and
powerful TCP socket services
available for custom applications.
Note: If you do not need the
power of the IntelliSock interface,
the Raw TCP mode provides a
simple way of using a direct
TCP connection with the SDS.
Note: WiFi is a wireless Ethernet
communication option.
Note: To setup the Wireless
SDS, you must first connect to
it in wired Ethernet mode to
obtain the IP address. Then,
use the Web browser to
configure the network settings
for WiFi communications.
See Enabling WiFi Device
Servers on page 14 for details
on installing and configuring
your wireless SDS.
Quatech SDS User’s Manual Introduction
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page 7
Getting started
Unpacking your SDS
Follow these steps to unpack your SDS.
Step Procedure Description
Step 1 Remove the SDS from the box.
Step 2 Remove all packing material from the SDS. Save the packaging in case you ever need
to store the unit or return it to Quatech
for service.
Step 3 Check the contents of the package to make
sure you have received everything listed
¾ Power cable
¾ Power source
¾ Loopback connector(s)
¾ CD-ROM containing the SDS device
drivers and configuration software
¾ Quick Start Guide
The complete SDS package ships in a
single box.
Step 4 Check the SDS and accessories for shipping
Pay particular attention to the SDS’ case
and port connectors. If anything is
missing or damaged, contact your
Quatech sales representative.
Introduction Quatech SDS User’s Manual
Page 8 940-0183-155 April 2008
Identifying parts
Figure 1 shows the connectors and indicator lights (LEDs) of the SDS.
See below for a description of each item shown.
Figure 1 – Connectors and Indicators
The SDS has several indicator LEDs:
¾ Power (blue) – indicates when the SDS has line power
¾ Data (red/green) – indicates serial port data activity by blinking red for RS-232 or green for RS-422/485
¾ Status (green) – indicates when the embedded processor is up and running
¾ Link (green) – indicates when a network link has been established; located in the Ethernet connector
¾ Speed (amber) – differentiates between 100Base-T (glowing) and 10Base-T (off) Ethernet connection speeds; located in
the Ethernet connector
The DB-9 serial port(s) connect to your serial device(s) and can support RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 connections. They are
located either to the left, to either side of the Ethernet port, or on the front panel, depending on the model.
The RJ-45 Ethernet jack connects the SDS to the Internet or to your Intranet. It has two small status LEDs: Link (green) and
Speed (amber).
The power jack should be connected to a +5V power source, as provided with the SDS.
The Reset button puts the SDS through a reset cycle and can also restore the SDS to the factory default settings.
The information label (not shown) is on the bottom of the SDS. It includes the following:
¾ MAC address
¾ Serial number
¾ Certifications
¾ Pinout diagram
Serial portsEthernet jack
The actual number and
location of serial ports will
vary according to the model.
Power LED Data LEDs
Link LED Reset button Status LED
Speed LED
Power LED
Data LEDs
Power jack
Status LED
Reset button
Serial ports
Speed LED
Link LED
Ethernet jack
Quatech SDS User’s Manual Introduction
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page 9
Understanding LED codes
The SDS LEDs inform you of the communications status and activity
of the SDS. The following table lists the possible states of the LEDs
and their meaning.
Table 2 - SDS LED codes
LEDs Meaning
Link (green) On steady = connected to network
On steady for WiFi SDS units:
¾ Infrastructure = SDS is
associated with Access Point
¾ Ad hoc = SDS has found
device to communicate with
Speed (amber)
Off = 10 Mbps network connection
established if Link LED is on
On steady = 100 Mbps network
connection established
Data (red/green) Red = RS-232 connection
Green = RS-422/485 connection
Blinking = data activity
Status (green)
The Status LED also works in
conjunction with the Reset button
as follows:
On = SDS is up and running
1. To restore the SDS to the
factory default configuration,
push in and hold the Reset
button. When the Status LED
starts flashing slowly, and
before it starts flashing
rapidly, release the button.
The SDS then restarts
If the Reset button is held during
the first 10 seconds of bootup, the
Status LED flashes at a rate of 1
flash every 2 seconds for 10
seconds. If the button is released
during this time period, the
configuration is reset to factory
2. To restore the SDS to the
factory default firmware
revision, push in and hold the
Reset button. When the Status
LED changes from a slow flash
to a rapid flash, release the
button. The SDS then restarts
If the Reset button is held past the
first 10 seconds of bootup, the LED
flashes faster at a rate of 1 flash
every second for 10 seconds. If the
button is released during this time
eriod, the SDS is reset back to the
factory default firmware revision.
Note: If you press and
immediately release the Reset
button, the SDS restarts
automatically with no changes.
Also, if you continue holding
the Reset button longer than 20
seconds, the Status LED stops
flashing and no changes are
Introduction Quatech SDS User’s Manual
Page 10 940-0183-155 April 2008
Locating serial and network ports
Serial port(s)
SDS serial ports connect via cables to your serial device(s). The
number of these ports will vary depending on the SDS model. All SDS
models come with DB-9 serial port connectors. RS-232 “M” models
include adapter plugs to convert the DB-9 connectors to RJ-45
connectors. See Making connections on page 13 for directions on
connecting an SDS serial port to a serial device.
The following figures and tables show the serial port pinouts for RS-
232 and RS-232/422/485 applications.
Figure 2 - DB-9 pinouts
Table 3 - RS-232 signals on DB-9 connector
RS-232 signal description DB-9
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 1
Receive Data (RxD) 2
Transmit Data (TxD) 3
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 4
Signal Ground (GND) 5
Data Set Ready (DSR) 6
Request To Send (RTS) 7
Clear To Send (CTS) 8
Ring Indicator (RI) 9
Table 4 - RS-422/485 signals on DB-9 connector
RS-422/485 signal description
four-wire mode
DB-9 RS-422/485 signal description
two-wire mode
Auxiliary Input (AuxIn–) 1 NC
Receive Data (RxD+) 2 NC
Transmit Data (TxD+) 3 Transmit/Receive Data (Data+)
Auxiliary Output (AuxOut–) 4 NC
Signal Ground (GND) 5 Signal Ground (GND)
Receive Data (RxD–) 6
Auxiliary Output (AuxOut+) 7
Auxiliary Input (AuxIn+) 8
Transmit Data (TxD–) 9 Transmit/Receive Data (Data–)
Figure 3 and Tables 3 and 4
show the RS-232/422/485
DB-9 pinouts and signal
Note: The location of the serial
port(s) varies, depending on
the model.
Note: Pins labeled NC are
indeterminate in two-wire mode
and should be left unconnected.
Quatech SDS User’s Manual Introduction
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page 11
Figure 3 - RJ-45 pinouts (DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter)
Table 5 - RS-232 signals on RJ-45 connector (DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter)
RS-232 signal description RJ-45
Ring Indicator (RI) 1
Request To Send (RTS) 2
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 3
Signal Ground (GND) 4
Transmit Data (TxD) 5
Receive Data (RxD) 6
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 7
Data Set Ready (DSR) 8
Clear To Send (CTS) 9
No Connection 10
Table 6 - RS-422/485 signals on RJ-45 connector (DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter)
RS-422/485 signal description
four-wire mode
RJ-45 RS-422/485 signal description
two-wire mode
Transmit Data (TxD–) 1 Transmit/Receive Data (Data–)
Auxiliary Output (AuxOut+) 2
Auxiliary Output (AuxOut–) 3
Signal Ground (GND) 4 Signal Ground (GND)
Transmit Data (TxD+) 5 Transmit/Receive Data (Data+)
Receive Data (RxD+) 6
Auxiliary Input (AuxIn–) 7
Receive Data (RxD–) 8
Auxiliary Input (AuxIn+) 9
No Connection 10 No Connection
Figure 4 and Tables 5 and 6
show the RS-232/422/485
-RJ-45 pinouts and signal
Note: If your serial port cable
uses an 8-pin RJ-45 plug, you
can use the center eight pins of
the SDS’ RJ-45 connector for
RS-232 communications. You
will lose access to the Ring
Indicator signal.
Note: Pins labeled NC are
indeterminate in two-wire mode
and should be left unconnected.
Introduction Quatech SDS User’s Manual
Page 12 940-0183-155 April 2008
Network port
All SDS devices have one eight-pin RJ-45 Ethernet port on the back
Figure 4 - RJ-45 Ethernet port pinout
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Table 7 - RJ-45 Ethernet port signals
Ethernet signal description RJ-45
Transmit Data (TxD+) 1
Transmit Data (TxD–) 2
Receive Data (RxD+) 3
No connection 4, 5
Receive Data (RxD–) 6
No connection 7, 8
Figure 5 and Table 7 show the
Ethernet RJ-45 pinouts and
signal descriptions.
Quatech SDS User’s Manual Making connections
April 2008 940-0183-155 Page 13
Making connections
You can easily connect each serial port on your SDS to any serial device
that you want to make accessible to an Ethernet network.
Figure 5 - Connecting an SDS to a serial device
Follow these steps to connect your SDS to one or more serial devices.
Step Procedure Description
Step 1 Make sure the serial device you are
connecting to the SDS is turned off.
The SDS should be unplugged.
Step 2 Connect a serial cable between the SDS
and your serial device.
See Serial port(s) on page 10 for pinout
and connector information.
Step 3 Connect an Ethernet cable between your
Ethernet outlet and the SDS’ 10/100 port.
The Ethernet port is located on the back
Step 4 Insert the power source jack into the
power plug on the back of the SDS.
An SDS requires a 5-VDC, 2-A (10-W
max) power source. The power source
ships with the SDS.
Note: These are the available power cables:
920-0111-01A Std North America
920-0112-01A Std Continental Europe
920-0113-01A Std United Kingdom
920-0114-01A Std Australia
Step 5 Plug the power source into a wall socket. The SDS powers up automatically.
Step 6 Power up the serial device. Now you are ready to install the device
Figure 6 shows a four-port
SDS connected to a printer.
Serial device
Serial cable
Enabling WiFi Device Servers Quatech SDS User’s Manual
Page 14 940-0183-155 April 2008
Enabling WiFi Device Servers
Quatech’s WiFi Device Servers need to have a wireless network
connection established before they can be configured for use. To
enable the wireless connection, you need to obtain the SDS’ IP
address as outlined below. Once you have the IP address, you can
configure the SDS for wireless communications via the Web interface.
In Infrastructure mode, you can use your wireless SDS just as you
would a wired SDS, but it will communicate via an access point on
the 802.11b/g network rather than through an Ethernet cable. The
SDS will scan all channels until it finds an AP, at which time the
Link LED on the Ethernet port will glow green.
The following briefly describes how to obtain the IP address of the SDS
and to enable wireless communications. For greater detail, see Installing
the device drivers on page 16 and Setting network parameters on page 47.
Note: WiFi Device Servers link
via an AP in Infrastructure
mode; they connect directly to
another device in Ad hoc mode.
Note: The Link LED on the
Ethernet port will glow green
when your wireless SDS finds
and communicates with
another device.
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