2. Practice using the electronic remote training collar.
Start at the lowest level of stimulation and observe your dog when you activate it. The dog's ear might
twitch or he may move his head as if trying to get away from the collar. If your dog doesn't respond at the
lowest stimulation, slowly turn the transmitter to the next level and try again.
3. Reinforce commands your dog understands.
When you train your dog with an electronic collar, begin with commands the dog is familiar with.
Say the command, such as sit or stay, and wait for your dog to respond. If your dog is not paying
attention, press the button on your transmitter and repeat the command.
Praise your dog as soon as he responds.
Reward your dog with a pat, by saying "good dog," or with a special treat. When you train dogs, you
want to reinforce their good behavior with a reward.
5. Control bad behavior.
Plan for bad behavior. For instance, if your dog digs holes in the backyard whenever you let him
outside, be ready to use an electronic collar to train him when you let him out.
Don't let your dog see you. You don't want your dog to know you are causing the unpleasant
sensation around his neck when he starts digging. Rather, you want him to associate the sensation
with the bad behavior.
Set the stimulation on the transmitter to a low level, and if that is not effective, turn it up again. You
want to get the dog's attention without hurting him.
When the dog begins to dig, or engage in whatever behavior you want to control, activate the
transmitter. Do not hold the button down for more than 3 seconds and do not punch it repeatedly. The
object is to train your dog, not injure him.