CDPM Digital Paging Microphone Setup And Installation Guide
The first rack of equipment is to be located close to the kitchen, since this area is a service area
and not in the public view. The second rack is placed in a storage area of the gym. To simplify
the cabling between the different areas, it is determined that both the gym and kitchen CDPM-4s
will have an analogue interface module installed. This allows each of these to be powered from
a mixer, and means that there is no need for an analogue set of cables to run between the
kitchen and the gym.
One of the installation requirements, is that certain groupings are set and recognised, but cannot
be reconfigured by the end users of the microphones. As such the groups will be set on
initialisation for the CDPM-12 microphones, and all microphones will operate with the group lock
on to prevent users tampering with the group settings.
To initialise the microphones, the CDPM-PSU can be used to connect power to each of the units.
To initialise a unit it will need to power up with the NVM reset jumper ‘ON’ (J7). Once the unit
has powered up the zones that are not being used should be disabled. This is done by holding
down the ‘CLEAR’ button and then selecting those zones which are to be disabled. Once the
required zones have been selected, the ‘CLEAR’ button on the microphone can be released. For
the CDPM-12 microphones, buttons 11 and 12 are to be disabled; for the Gym microphone,
button 4 is to be disabled.
In this same initialisation stage, the CDPM-12 groups can be set. These are set by selecting the
required zones on the display and then holding the appropriate group button until the selection
begins to flash. The groups are to be set as follows:
Group A - Zones 1, 2 and 4
Group B - Zones 6 - 8
Group C - Zones 3 and 5
Group D - Not set
The security microphone is to use chime 1 from the available selection and the security
microphone is to use chime 4. The other two paging points are not to use any chime.
Once the initialisation of each of the microphones is complete, the power is disconnected and
the units are configured for operation before they are installed. The operating jumper
configuration for each microphone is shown in table 9.3 below:
Table 9.3: Operating jumper configurations for Paging Points
Once this configuration has taken place, the chime level on the Reception and Security
microphones will need to be adjusted to an appropriate level using preset PR1 inside these
Jumper Description PP1:Reception PP2:Security PP3:Gym PP4:Kitchen
J1 +1 to Chime Select ON OFF OFF OFF
J2 +2 to Chime Select OFF OFF OFF OFF
J3 +4 to Chime Select OFF ON OFF OFF
J4 Terminate Buss ON OFF OFF ON
J5 Chime On/Off ON ON OFF OFF
J6 Internal Chime On/Off ON OFF OFF OFF
J8 Priority ON ON OFF OFF
J9 Group Lock ON ON ON ON
J10 Auto Zone Reset ON ON ON ON
J11 +8 to Bank Offset OFF OFF OFF OFF
J12 +4 to Bank Offset OFF OFF ON OFF
J13 +2 to Bank Offset OFF OFF OFF OFF
J14 +1 to Bank Offset OFF OFF ON ON
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