Auditron Account Management
WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Auditron Guide
Auditron Account Management
Managing auditron accounts involves setting up the account, the password and limits and identifying
the access level for that account. After a time the limits need to be reset and you may have to delete
the account.
Setup User Accounts and Access Rights
All users of the machine must have a valid User Account to login. The user is also set up with a default
Group Account. The counts for both User and Group Accounts are updated when a job is run on the
machine. Setting up user accounts involves creating a user account, user numeric passwords, limits and
access rights.
1. To create a new User Account select Accounting Settings and Internal Auditron Setup.
2. Select the User Accounts and Access Rights button.
3. Select the Next Open Account button to locate the next unused account number or use the
up/down arrows to change the account number.
4. Select the User Number entry box and enter a User Number using the keypad.
A valid User Number is from 3 - 12 digits in length. Leading zeros and the characters * and # are
recognized. If a User Number is not unique a message displays.
5. To set the Group Account select the Group Account entry box and enter the default Group
Account for the User Account.
6. A Copy Limit can be set between 0 and 999,999. Select the Copy Limit entry box and enter the
limit required using the keypad.
7. Select the Access Rights... button. The access levels available are:
• General Account Access allows the user to login to any General Account and update it.
• Multiple Group Account Access allows the user to login to any Group Account and update it.
Select the Access option required for the User Account. If none of the Access options are selected,
the user has User Account access only.
8. Select Save to exit.
Setup Group Accounts
Group Accounts provide the ability to track images for a workgroup. Many users can be associated with
one Group Account. If the user has access to Multiple Group Accounts, they can choose which Group
Account to access, in addition to their own User Account. Use Group Accounts to track usage by
workgroup or office departments. No limit can be set for Group Accounts.
1. To create a new Group Account select Accounting Settings and Internal Auditron Setup.
2. Select Auditron Group Accounts.
3. Select the Next Open Account button to locate the next unused account number or use the up/
down arrows to change the account number. If a Group Account Number is not unique a message
displays. Between 1 and 255 Group Accounts can be setup.