Ⅰ. Product Overview
1.Product Overview
The HZ CD-80 SF6 Pur ity Ana lyzer is the lates t int el ligent mea suring
instrument devel ope d by our com pany. Thi s produ ct uses a hig h brigh tness
LC D tou ch scree n as the huma n-machin e interface . Th e Chine se lan guage
interface is easy to operate and dis play all kin ds of data in real time. High
pr eci sion and fast res ponse full touch screen is us ed as man-machin e
input , and mul tiple functio ns are switch ed fr eely. The inst rum ent uses a
large ca pacity and rechargeable battery, long sta ndby tim e. Con fig uratio n
standar d US B interfac e, hist orical dat a ca n be ex ported to U dis k throu gh
The HZ CD-80 SF 6 Purity Analy zer uses the mos t ad van ced mic ro
thermal condu ctivit y sensor wi th tem perature compensat ion at pr esent . It
pr ovi des a sim ple SF 6 purity field de tection method for user s. It is main ly
us ed to meas ure the pur ity of SF6 gas (percent conten t) in the SF 6 bot tle
gas and SF6 swit ch equi pment , and ca n also be used in the appli cation of
seve ral kin ds of backgr ound gas es.
2.Technical Specifications
1).Technical features
portable design, easy to carry and use
The long life micro thermal conductivity sensor with temperature compensation is
The flow sensor is imported, and the flow test is accurate.
Large memory capacity, can store up to 100 sets of test data
5-inch color touch screen, intuitive and easy to use.
Real-time data curve tracking, the trend of purity content change is clear and intuitive