Multi Fittings Installation Guide
Compact the haunching, initial backfill and final backfill in
accordance with the job drawings. Observe the following
1. When a "self-compacting" material is used, such as
crushed stone, ensure that the material does not arch
or bridge beneath the haunch of the fitting. Remove
such voids with the tip of a spade.
2. When compacting the material underneath and at
either side of the fitting, do not allow the tool or the
machine to strike the fitting.
3. When compaction in excess of 85% standard proctor
density is required in the haunching area, ensure
that the compacting effort does not dislodge the
pipeline from the correct grade. If the compacting
effort dislodges the fitting, re-lay the fitting to the
correct grade.
PVC pressure fittings (DR14, DR18 and DR25) may
be buried with as little as 12" of cover and be
subjected to H-20 traffic loading. A minimum soil
stiffness of E’ = 1,000 psi is recommended in the
fitting zone of the trench for these conditions and this
type of fitting.
PVC gasketed sewer fittings, with a minimum pipe
stiffness of 46 psi (DR35), may be buried with as little
as 12" of cover and be subjected to H-20 traffic
loading. A minimum soil stiffness of E’ = 1,000 psi is
recommended in the fitting zone of the trench for
these conditions.
For pressure or gasketed sewer fittings with a
minimum pipe stiffness less than 46 psi (DR41 and
DR51) a minimum cover of 24" is required with a
minimum soil stiffness of E’ = 1,000 psi.
4. It is not necessary to compact the initial backfill
directly over the top of the fitting for the sake of the
fitting's structural strength. However, it may be
necessary for the sake of roadway integrity.
ig multi fittings ins.qxp 6/28/2007 10:30 AM Page 13