McAfee Gold Technical Support
Escalation requirements
In the event that your service request needs to be escalated within McAfee Technical Support, a Minimum Escalation
Requirements Tool (MERTool) will need to be used to gather the required log files for escalation. The support technician
may also need to gather further details on your installation.
McAfee registry keys, McAfee log files, and current McAfee EXE files. (This is just a basic range of the types of files that
MERTool being run.
MERTools are updated regularly. To ensure that the latest copy is used, download a new version every time an escalation is
required. MERTools can be found at http://knowledge.mcafee.com/SupportSite/dynamickc.do?externalId=NAI33333&sliceId=S
Severity definitions
McAfee defines the “severity” of an issue based on how much it impacts your ability to conduct business. A severity code is
associated with all service requests, failures, and enhancement requests to indicate the impact and the urgency of the request.
Severity 1—Business has stopped
• Yourorganizationcannotconductbusinessorbusinessisseverelyimpacted
• Theproductisnotfunctioning
• Internetconnectivityoremailflowhasstopped
• Yourorganizationisunabletoprovideavailablevirusprotectiontothenetwork
• Thereisnoviableworkaroundforthisissue
Severity 2—Business is severely impeded
• Yourorganization’sbusinessisimpededbutcancontinuetooperate
• Amajorproductfeature,suchasreportingorupdating,isnotfunctioning
• Therearewidespreadsymptomsacrossyourorganization’sinfrastructure
• Issuesincludeinstallationfailures,conflictswithmajorbrandsoftware,orspecificemailflowproblems
• Yourorganizationisgenerallyabletoprovideavailablevirusprotectiontothenetworkbutspecificresourcescannot
be updated
Severity 3—Business is impacted, but your organization can function normally
• Yourorganization’sabilitytoconductbusinessisnotaffected
• Thesymptomaffectsasinglemachineorisolatedpartsoftheenvironment
• Specificfunctionalityisnotworking
Severity 4—Business is not affected, but there are noticeable problems
• Yourorganization’sabilitytoconductbusinessisnotaffected
• Symptomsonlyaffectafewmachines
• Functionalitylosshasaneasyworkaround
Severity 5—You request information or a feature modification request (FMR)
• Yourequestfurtherinformation
• Yourequestmodificationtoproducts