8040 Magnetic Arc Control System
Theî€ 8040î€ Magneticî€ Arcî€ Controlî€ Systemî€ isî€ aî€ precise,
controllableî€ meansî€ forî€ oscillating,î€ stabilizing,î€ orî€ posi
tioningî€ aî€ weldingî€ arc.î€ Thisî€ allowsî€ theî€ operatorî€ toî€ con
trolî€ heatî€ distribution,î€ minimizeî€ undercutting,î€ reduce
porosity,î€ improveî€ penetration,î€ provideî€ uniformî€ side
wallî€ fusionî€ andî€ improveî€ theî€ overallî€ integrityî€ ofî€ the
weld.î€ î€ Usedî€ withî€ theî€ Cyclomaticâ„˘î€ 4613î€ Probes.
Theî€ controlî€ unitî€ isî€ aî€ heavyî€ gaugeî€ steelî€ enclosureî€ con
tainingî€ theî€ electronicî€ circuitryî€ usedî€ inî€ theî€ system.î€ A
microprocessorî€ andî€ otherî€ solidî€ stateî€ circuitsî€ areî€ used
toî€ provideî€ long,î€ trouble-freeî€ operation.î€ Theî€ control
unitî€ operatesî€ onî€ 115/230VAC,î€ 50/60î€ Hzî€ commercial
power,î€ capableî€ ofî€ supplyingî€ approximatelyî€ 2î€ amps
peakî€ current.î€ Theî€ unitî€ hasî€ aî€ lightedî€ powerî€ switchî€ and
fuseî€ holderî€ mountedî€ onî€ theî€ exteriorî€ ofî€ theî€ unit.î€ î€ See
Tableî€ 1î€ -î€ 8040î€ Magneticî€ Arcî€ î€ Controlî€ Specifications,
Tableî€ 2î€ -î€ 8040î€ Magneticî€ Arcî€ Controlî€ System
Componentsî€ Specifications, Figureî€ 2î€ -î€ 8040î€ Magnetic
Arcî€ Controlî€ Unit,î€ and Figureî€ 3î€ -î€ 8040î€ Magneticî€ Arc
Controlî€ Systemî€ components forî€ additionalî€ specifica-
Theî€ systemî€ isî€ operatedî€ usingî€ theî€ controls,î€ potentiom
eters,î€ pushbuttonsî€ locatedî€ onî€ theî€ frontî€ panel.î€ î€ Addi
tionalî€ switchesî€ areî€ locatedî€ onî€ theî€ insideî€ ofî€ theî€ control
unitî€ onî€ theî€ mainî€ boardî€ viaî€ DIP switches.î€ î€ A heatsink
mountedî€ onî€ theî€ insideî€ ofî€ theî€ controlî€ unitî€ allowsî€ ade
quateî€ coolingî€ forî€ theî€ heatî€ dissipatingî€ devices.
Twoî€ connectorsî€ locatedî€ onî€ theî€ bottomî€ ofî€ theî€ unitî€ pro
videî€ forî€ connectionî€ ofî€ theî€ probeî€ cableî€ andî€ aî€ remote
interfaceî€ cable.
Theî€ 8040î€ systemî€ isî€ primarilyî€ intendedî€ forî€ useî€ with
theî€ TIGî€ (GTAW)î€ process,î€ butî€ canî€ alsoî€ beî€ usedî€ with
theî€ PLASMA (PAW)î€ weldingî€ process.î€ î€ Additionally,
theî€ 8040î€ Systemî€ canî€ beî€ usedî€ withî€ sprayî€ MIGî€ andî€ Sub
Arcî€ processes.î€ î€ Withî€ thisî€ system,î€ theî€ operatorî€ can
widenî€ orî€ narrowî€ theî€ weldî€ beadî€ asî€ requiredî€ toî€ provide
controlî€ ofî€ theî€ heatî€ affectedî€ zone,î€ undercutting,î€ andî€ ir
regularî€ jointî€ edges.î€ Theî€ controlledî€ magneticî€ fieldî€ also
reducesî€ arcî€ blowî€ andî€ arcî€ wander,î€ whileî€ theî€ motionî€ of
theî€ arcî€ stirsî€ theî€ moltenî€ weldî€ puddle,î€ reducingî€ porosity
andî€ providingî€ aî€ moreî€ uniformî€ beadî€ surfaceî€ pattern.
Theî€ 8040î€ isî€ aî€ simple,î€ reliableî€ controlî€ withî€ anî€ oscillat
ingî€ frequencyî€ rangeî€ upî€ toî€ 50î€ Hz.î€ Theî€ Pulseî€ Width
Modulationî€ (PWM)î€ designî€ providesî€ aî€ constantî€ mag
neticî€ fieldî€ forî€ aî€ givenî€ amplitudeî€ settingî€ overî€ theî€ entire
frequencyî€ range.î€ Controlî€ functionsî€ allowî€ independent
controlî€ ofî€ eachî€ ofî€ theî€ keyî€ waveformî€ parameters,î€ and
leftî€ andî€ rightî€ dwellî€ intervalsî€ areî€ alsoî€ independently
adjustable.î€ î€ Theî€ controlî€ unitî€ isî€ convectionî€ cooled,î€ al
lowingî€ forî€ lessî€ powerî€ dissipationî€ andî€ lowerî€ operating
Theî€ topî€ panelî€ orî€ doorî€ ofî€ theî€ controlî€ unitî€ containsî€ all
theî€ controlsî€ neededî€ forî€ operation.î€ Thereî€ areî€ three
Lightî€ Emittingî€ Diodeî€ (LED)î€ indicatorsî€ inî€ aî€ patternî€ to
theî€ leftî€ ofî€ theî€ controlî€ knobs.î€ î€ Eachî€ lampî€ willî€ illumi
nateî€ alternatelyî€ duringî€ arcî€ oscillation.î€ Whenî€ powerî€ is
appliedî€ toî€ theî€ Controlî€ Unit,î€ theî€ Powerî€ Onî€ LEDî€ will
alsoî€ illuminate.
Theî€ 8040î€ Controlî€ unitî€ hasî€ additionalî€ featuresî€ selected
fromî€ insideî€ theî€ controlî€ enclosure.î€ î€ Theseî€ features,
Stabilize/Oscillateî€ modeî€ (STAB/OSC)î€ andî€ Remoteî€ /
Panelî€ Positionî€ Control,î€ areî€ selectedî€ viaî€ DIP Switches
onî€ theî€ mainî€ board.
Stabilizeî€ /î€ Oscillateî€ modeî€ allowsî€ theî€ operatorî€ theî€ abil-
ityî€ toî€ oscillateî€ theî€ arcî€ eitherî€ acrossî€ theî€ seamî€ orî€ along
theî€ seamî€ dependingî€ onî€ howî€ theî€ probeî€ isî€ mountedî€ on
theî€ torchî€ (Oscillateî€ Mode),î€ orî€ toî€ stabilizeî€ theî€ arc,î€ po-
sitioningî€ theî€ arcî€ inî€ theî€ desiredî€ locationî€ (Stabilize
Remoteî€ /î€ Panelî€ Positionî€ Controlî€ allowî€ theî€ operatorî€ to
controlî€ theî€ arcî€ positionî€ ofî€ theî€ eachî€ axisî€ fromî€ aî€ remote
potentiometerî€ orî€ PLCî€ withî€ anî€ analogî€ output,î€ orî€ from
theî€ frontî€ panelî€ controlsî€ (default).
4613 Probe
Theî€ 4613î€ isî€ aî€ four-tipped,î€ water-cooledî€ probeî€ that
adaptsî€ toî€ conventionalî€ torches.î€ Theî€ 4613î€ worksî€ well
inî€ tightî€ clearancesî€ andî€ isî€ primarilyî€ usedî€ toî€ weaveî€ the
arcî€ acrossî€ theî€ seamî€ andî€ alongî€ theî€ seamî€ inî€ tubeî€ mill
applications.î€ î€ Theî€ 4613î€ hasî€ fourî€ tippedî€ allowingî€ the
magneitcî€ fieldî€ toî€ oscillateî€ theî€ arcî€ inî€ aî€ stabilized
mode--acrossî€ theî€ seam,î€ orî€ inî€ theî€ oscillate
mode--circularî€ orî€ elipticalî€ patterns.î€ î€ Onî€ page 6 is
Tableî€ 3î€ -î€ 4613î€ Magneticî€ Arcî€ Probeî€ Assembly
Specifications and Figureî€ 4î€ -î€ 4613î€ Magneticî€ Arc
Probeî€ Assembly forî€ detailedî€ dimensionsî€ andî€ specifi