Tools Needed
Measuring tape
China Marker / Grease Pencil and / or Soapstone Marker (i) These can easily be wiped off washable painted walls, mirrors, glass
tiles, and stone surfaces. (ii) The soapstone marker is white and may be hard to see on white walls, but with enough rubbing you can
create a visible chalky area. (iii) Markers can be found at any local store in the school supply section, or local craft store.
Blue painters tape; preferably 2″ or wider. Use wherever marks need to be made without marking the surfaces.
Mirror Tape (optional)
Square or Rectangle Frameless Mirror Installation
Locate bottom and center location on wall for mirror placement. (i) If using painters tape, allow room when placing mirror on wall, so
it doesn’t get trapped underneath.
Measure horizontal dimensions of mirror and make a vertical center mark. (i) China Marker / grease pencil, soapstone marker, or
crayon are easily cleaned from glass.
Clean back of mirror with rubbing alcohol for best adhesion.
Apply adhesive / mastic on back of mirror. (i) Follow manufacturers product instructions.(ii) Be sure to keep a safe distance from
mirror edges so excess doesn’t squeeze out from the edges. (iii) The use of mirror tape can be used to supplement mirror adhesive,
helping hold the mirror while the adhesive cures. Mirror tape can be found in mirror section, along with mastic. Note: Adhesive
backed double-sided tape is only a temporary assistant. Mirror tape is not a permanent and safe solution on its own.
Carefully place mirror on wall…line up the bottom center marks created above…gently press against wall…use a level for
alignment…fully press mirror against wall once level. Tip: Tilt top of mirror forward when aligning to minimize adhesive and wall
contact. (i) As per manufacturer’s instructions avoid breaking mirror mastic bond