AirLink RV55 Hardware User Guide
Rev. 1 June 2019 12 41113042
Power Saving Features
Table 1-1 provides a quick reference to the RV55 power saving features. For more
information, refer to the ALEOS Software Configuration User Guide.
Table 1-1: Power Saving Features
Feature Where to configure
in ACEmanager
Processor Power
Savings Mode
Services > Power
This feature optimizes idle power consumption.
Recommended for customers who require the best power
consumption efficiency, for example in battery or solar
powered applications. Enabling this feature saves energy by
reducing performance where possible.
LED Power Saving In LED power saving mode:
• Signal LED is off when the signal strength is good or
average, but still alerts you when there is no signal or a
poor signal.
• Network LED is off when there is a network connection,
but alerts you when the router is connecting to a network
and when there is a problem with the network connection.
For more details, see LED Behavior on page 36.
Disable USB Port LAN > USB
Disable Ethernet Port LAN > Ethernet
Set Ethernet Data Rate LAN > Ethernet >
Ethernet data rates can be set to Auto, 100 Mbits, 10 Mbits. If
your use case does not require a Gigabit Ethernet connection,
choosing a slower rate results in substantial power savings.
When set to 10 or 100 Mbits, both sides of the link must be set
to the same fixed speed and duplex settings. If you are unable
to ensure that both sides of the link have exactly the same
fixed settings, it is best to use Auto.
Disable Serial Port Serial > Port
Disable GNSS GPS > Global Settings GNSS is disabled by default.
Ignition Shutdown Delay Services > Power
If the RV55 router is installed in a vehicle, connect the ignition
sense pin (Pin 3) on the DC power cable to the vehicle ignition
and configure the RV55 router to shut down after a configured
delay once the ignition is turned off.
Low Voltage Disconnect The RV55 router enters standby mode when the voltage
reaches a user-defined threshold to prevent excessive battery
drain in battery-operated systems.
Standby (Time-based) The RV55 router is in standby mode and automatically wakes
up periodically, for example hourly or daily.
Standby (I /O-based) The RV55 router is in standby mode and automatically wakes
up on configured I/O input.