— English Tanks for Variomat
— 2014-04-07
Pos : 3 1 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1 . 1 / M o ntag e d er An b au t ei l e fü r di e G ef aess e @ 2 \mod_1393584207056_78.docx @ 13105 @ 3 @ 1
Installation of add-on components for the tanks
Pos : 3 2 / M o nta ge/ M o nta g e d e r An bau teil e/ An bau tei le/ A nb aut eil e -- Gef a ess e-V a rio m at Gig a @ 1 2 \mod_1428480223657_78.docx @ 68899 @ @ 1
-on components are packed in the tank mounts:
"DV" degassing valve (2) with reducing sleeve
"VE" equalisation elbow (1)
"LIS" pressure pick-up
-on components, proceed as follows:
. Seal the "DV" degassing valve and the reducing sleeve.
. Connect the degassing valve with the reducing sleeve.
. Install the degassing valve at the connection of the corresponding tank.
. Remove the protective cap from the "DV" degassing valve.
. Use the clamping ring screw connection to install the "VE" equalisation elbow for aeration and
ventilation at the tanks.
-on components are installed.
Install the "LIS" pressure pick
-up only after finalising the installation of the primary tank.
Do not seal off the "VE"
aeration and ventilation to ensure fault-free operation.
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Pos: 34 /Transport - Aufst el l en / M o nt a ge - Lag e rn/ A uf st ellen / Au fs tellu n g d er G ef aes s e/Au fs t el lu n g G ef aess e -- Reflexomat / Variomat Giga @ 12\mod_1428488281269_78.docx @ 69125 @ @ 1
Comply with the following notes regarding the installation of
the primary tank and the secondary tanks:
All flange openings at the tanks are viewing and
maintenance openings.
– Place the tanks with sufficient distances to sides and
Install the tanks on a level surface.
Ensure rectangular and free-standing position of the tanks.
Use only tanks of the same type and dimensions when
using secondary tanks.
Ensure proper functioning of the "LIS" level sensor.
– Do not attach the tanks to the floor.
Install the control unit on the same level as the tanks.
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