Reflex Variomat Giga primary vessel GG 5000 Owner's manual

Owner's manual
Pos: 2 /Titel/Titel -- mit Maschinenrichtlinie -- Einzel s pr ac h e @ 2\mod_1393839617539_0.docx @ 13495 @ @ 1
Tanks for Variomat Giga
Installation Manual
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Tanks for Variomat Giga2014-04-07 English
Pos: 4 /0 0_ M etad aten-M od u l e/ Me ta d a ten _ L and essp r ac h e @ 0 \mod_1386069936710_78.docx @ 6581 @ @ 1
Pos: 5 /00_Metadaten-Module/ M etad a ten -- Datum _Pro du ktbez ei ch nu ng @ 1\mod_1389620083512_0.docx @ 10208 @ @ 1
Tanks fo r Vari om at Gi ga
Pos: 6 /Inhaltsverzeichnis/IVZ @ 0\mod_1382618809401_78.docx @ 397 @ @ 1
Instructions for the installation manual ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Technical data ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Installation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Installation conditions ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Incoming inspection ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Preparatory work .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Execution ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.1 Positioning.......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Installation of add-on components for the tanks ......................................................................................................... 8
3.3.3 Tank installation ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3.4 Hydraulic connection ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.3.5 Fitting the thermal insulation........................................................................................................................................ 10
Annex ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Reflex Customer Service .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
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ns for the installation manual
English Tanks for Variomat
Pos : 8 / Ueb ersch rift en - 1/Hinweise für die Montageanleitung @ 12\mod_1428471840298_78.docx @ 68725 @ 1 @ 1
Instructions for the installation manual
Pos : 9 / Ger aet e-/ Anlagenbeschreibung/Geraet/Beschreibung/Bescheibung -- Gef aes se - Variomat Giga @ 12\mod_1428475431199_78.docx @ 68775 @ @ 1
This manual describes the installation of the primary tank and any optional secondary tanks of the Variomat Giga system.
The tanks can be only used in combination with the Variomat Giga unit.
Further information on the tanks can be found in the operating manual.
It is supplied with the Variomat Giga control unit.
Pos: 10 /Ueb ers chr if ten - 1/T echnische Daten @ 0\mod_1382689517276_78.docx @ 1150 @ 1 @ 1
Technical data
Pos: 11 /Technische Daten/Technische Daten -- Druc kh altun g/ Druc kh altun g -- G ef aes s e/T ech n is c he D at en -- Variomat Giga - Gefaess en @ 12 \mod_1428475638158_78.docx @ 68799 @ @ 1
The tanks are manufactured from steel with exterior coating. A diaphragm prevents the direct contact of the expansion water with the
inner tank wall.
Primary tank Secondary tank
Diameter Ø "D" 1000 mm 1200 mm 1200 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm
Height "H" 2130 mm 2130 mm 2590 mm 2590 mm 3160 mm 3695 mm
Height "h" 285 mm 285 mm 285 mm 314 mm 314 mm 314 mm
Height "h1" 305 mm 305 mm 305 mm 335 mm 335 mm 335 mm
Weight 330 kg 465 kg 565 kg 795 kg 1080 kg 1115 kg
Connection DN 65 / PN 6 DN 65 / PN 6 DN 65 / PN 6 DN 65 / PN 6 DN 65 / PN 6 DN 65 / PN 6
Diaphragm to DIN 4807 T3 Exchangeable Exchangeable Exchangeable Exchangeable Exchangeable Exchangeable
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Tanks for Variomat
2014-04-07 English
Pos : 1 3 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1/ Mo n tag e @ 0 \mod_1384771557541_78.docx @ 3415 @ 1 @ 1
Pos : 1 4 / xx xx_ Hinw ei s e/ Sic h erhei t/ S -- Vorsicht Verletzungsgefahr -- Ueberdruc k an Roh rl eit ung s ans ch lu ess en - War m was s er @ 8\mod_1411633069842_78.docx @ 51693 @ @ 1
Caution risk of injury!
If installation, removal or maintenance work is not carried out correctly, there is a risk of burns and other injuries at
the connection points, if pressurised hot water or hot steam suddenly escapes.
Ensure proper installation, removal or maintenance work.
Ensure that the system is de-pressurised before performing installation, removal or maintenance work at the
connection points.
Pos : 1 5 / xx xx_ Hinw ei s e/ Sic h erhei t/ S -- Vorsicht Verbrennungsgefahr -- Hohe Ob erfl aec h en t emp eratu ren in Hei zu n gs anlag en @ 8\mod_1411478847909_78.docx @ 50592 @ @ 1
Caution risk of burning!
Excessively hot surfaces in heating systems can cause burns on the skin.
Wear protective gloves.
Please place appropriate warning signs in the vicinity of the device.
Pos : 1 6 / xx xx_ Hinw ei s e/ Sic h erhei t/ S -- Vorsicht Verletzungsgefahr -- durch Stu erze od er Sto esse @ 0\mod_1385731044630_78.docx @ 5707 @ @ 1
Caution Risk of injury due to falls or bumps!
Bruising from falls or bumps at system components during installation.
Wear personal protective equipment (helmet, protective clothing, gloves, safety boots).
Pos : 1 7 / xx xx_ Hinw ei s e/ Sic h erhei t/ S -- Warnung Hohes Gewicht -- Hohes Gefaessgewicht @ 12\mod_1428472575054_78.docx @ 68748 @ @ 1
Warning large weight!
The tanks are heavy. Consequently, there is a risk of physical injury and accidents.
Use suitable lifting equipment for transportation and installation.
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English Tanks for Variomat
Pos : 1 9 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1 / M o n tage vo r au s s et zu ng en @ 0 \mod_1385731602604_78.docx @ 5721 @ 2 @ 1
Installation conditions
Pos : 2 0 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1 . 1 / P rü fu ng des Li ef erzu st and es @ 0 \mod_1385731843213_78.docx @ 5735 @ 3 @ 1
Incoming inspection
Pos: 21 /Geraete-/ Anl ag en b eschr eibun g / Li ef eru mf ang/ P ru efung d es Li ef er zu s t and es -- Gef aess e @ 1 2 \mod_1428407816767_78.docx @ 68501 @ @ 1
Prior to shipping, the tanks were carefully inspected and packed. Damages during transport cannot be excluded.
Proceed as follows:
1. Upon receipt of the goods, check the shipment for
completeness and
possible transport damage.
2. Document any damage.
3. Contact the forwarding agent to register a complaint accordingly.
Pos : 2 2 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1 / V o rber ei tu n g en @ 0 \mod_1385733096027_78.docx @ 5763 @ 2 @ 1
Preparatory work
Pos : 2 3 / M o nta ge/ V or b er ei tu ng / D ru ck h al tu ng / V orb erei tu ng -- Gefaes e @ 1 2 \mod_1428407985157_78.docx @ 68525 @ @ 1
Installation location for the tanks
Preparing the tank installation:
Frost-free, well-ventilated room.
Room temperature range: 0 °C to 45 °C.
Level, stable flooring.
Ensure sufficient bearing strength of the flooring before filling the tanks.
Ensure that the control unit and the tanks are installed on the same level.
Filling and dewatering option.
Provide a DN 15 filling connection according to DIN 1988 T 4.
Provide an optional cold water inlet.
Prepare a drain for the drain water.
Usage of approved transport and lifting equipment only.
The load fastening points at the tanks must be used only as installation resources.
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Tanks for Variomat
2014-04-07 English
Pos : 2 5 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1 / Durch fü h ru ng @ 0\mod_1385640723359_78.docx @ 5506 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 2 6 /xxxx_ Hinwei se/ Ach tu ng/ S -- Ach tung Uns a c hg em a ess e Mon tag e -- Bel astun g en d u rc h Ans c hl u ess e Gef aess e @ 1 2 \mod_1428408192731_78.docx @ 68549 @ @ 1
Attention! Damage due to improper installation
Avoid additional mechanical loads on the tanks caused by the connections to the control unit.
Ensure that all connections to the control unit are free from stresses.
Pos: 27 /Montage/Einleitung/Einleitung -- Gefa ess e @ 1 2 \mod_1428408462353_78.docx @ 68573 @ @ 1
Proceed as follows for the installation:
Position the tanks.
Complete the primary tank and the optional secondary tanks.
Create the water-side connections of the primary tank to the control unit.
Connect the water-side connections of the optional secondary tanks with the primary tank.
During installation, pay attention to the operabilit
y of the valves and the inlet options for the connecting lines.
Pos : 2 8 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1.1/Positionierung @ 2\mod_1393584097549_78.docx @ 13088 @ 3 @ 1
Pos: 29 /Transport - Aufst el l en / M o nt a ge - Lagern/Aufstellen/Positionierung/Positionierung -- Gefaes se - Var io m at Gig a @ 1 2 \mod_1428476096981_78.docx @ 68823 @ @ 1
Determine the position of the tanks. Position the tanks at the same level as the control unit.
1 Control unit 3 Secondary tank (optional)
2 Primary tank EC Connection line
Do not exceed the maximum length of 10 metres for the "EC" connecting lines.
Ensure a continuously rising "EC" connecting line between the pump connection of the control unit to the primary
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English Tanks for Variomat
Pos : 3 1 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1 . 1 / M o ntag e d er An b au t ei l e fü r di e G ef aess e @ 2 \mod_1393584207056_78.docx @ 13105 @ 3 @ 1
Installation of add-on components for the tanks
Pos : 3 2 / M o nta ge/ M o nta g e d e r An bau teil e/ An bau tei le/ A nb aut eil e -- Gef a ess e-V a rio m at Gig a @ 1 2 \mod_1428480223657_78.docx @ 68899 @ @ 1
The add
-on components are packed in the tank mounts:
"DV" degassing valve (2) with reducing sleeve
"VE" equalisation elbow (1)
"LIS" pressure pick-up
For add
-on components, proceed as follows:
. Seal the "DV" degassing valve and the reducing sleeve.
. Connect the degassing valve with the reducing sleeve.
. Install the degassing valve at the connection of the corresponding tank.
. Remove the protective cap from the "DV" degassing valve.
. Use the clamping ring screw connection to install the "VE" equalisation elbow for aeration and
ventilation at the tanks.
The add
-on components are installed.
Install the "LIS" pressure pick
-up only after finalising the installation of the primary tank.
Do not seal off the "VE"
aeration and ventilation to ensure fault-free operation.
Pos : 3 3 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1 . 1 / Au fs tel l un g de r G efaes se @ 2 \mod_1393586166110_78.docx @ 13122 @ 3 @ 1
Tank installation
Pos: 34 /Transport - Aufst el l en / M o nt a ge - Lag e rn/ A uf st ellen / Au fs tellu n g d er G ef aes s e/Au fs t el lu n g G ef aess e -- Reflexomat / Variomat Giga @ 12\mod_1428488281269_78.docx @ 69125 @ @ 1
Comply with the following notes regarding the installation of
the primary tank and the secondary tanks:
All flange openings at the tanks are viewing and
maintenance openings.
Place the tanks with sufficient distances to sides and
Install the tanks on a level surface.
Ensure rectangular and free-standing position of the tanks.
Use only tanks of the same type and dimensions when
using secondary tanks.
Ensure proper functioning of the "LIS" level sensor.
Do not attach the tanks to the floor.
Install the control unit on the same level as the tanks.
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Tanks for Variomat
2014-04-07 English
Pos : 3 6 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1.1/Hydraulischer Anschluss @ 0\mod_1385995635165_78.docx @ 6352 @ 3 @ 1
Hydraulic connection
Pos: 37 /Montage/Hydraulischer Anschluss/Anschluss an Anlage -- Gefaesse - Variomat Giga @ 12\mod_1428481865135_78.docx @ 68973 @ @ 1
Schematic connection representation:
1 Expansion line for gas-rich water 4 Secondary tank (optional)
2 Variomat Giga control unit EC Expansion line connections
Gas-rich water inlet
Degassed water outlet
3 Primary tank WC Make-up line
The primary tank
(3) is used for degassing and features two
Connection to the overflow line (2).
Connection to the pump suction line (1).
The connection pieces at the primary tank are flexibly pre
installed to ensure the proper functioning of the "LIS" level
Pos: 3 8 /xxxx_ Hinwei se/ Inf o/ i -- Hinweis Anschlussmoeglichkeiten - Gefa es s e fu er Gi ga @ 1 2 \mod_1428482605515_78.docx @ 68997 @ @ 1
The variants and line dimensions for the connection to the control unit are provided in the operating manual.
operating manual is provided with the control unit.
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English Tanks for Variomat
Pos : 4 0 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1.1 . 1 / M o ntag e d er W ärm edäm m u ng @ 2 \mod_1394033149703_78.docx @ 14880 @ 3 @ 1
Fitting the thermal insulation
Pos : 4 1 / M o nta ge/ M o nta g e d e r An bau teil e/ W a erm eda emm u ng / M on tag e Wa er med aem m un g -- Va ri o mat al l e @ 12 \mod_1428481031023_78.docx @ 68949 @ @ 1
Install the thermal insulation (2) around the primary tank (1)
and close the insulation with the zip fastener.
For heating system
s, insulate the primary tank and the "EC" expansion lines against heat loss. The cover of the primary
tank does not require insulation, as there is space between the diaphragms and the tank wall.
The secondary tanks do not
require insulation either.
Condensate formation requires insulation by the user.
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Tanks for Variomat
2014-04-07 English
Pos : 4 3 / Ueb ersch ri f ten - 1/Anhang @ 0\mod_1382701780810_78.docx @ 1751 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 44 /Ueb ers chr if ten - 1 .1 / R efl ex -W erks kun d endien s t @ 0 \mod_1385043153648_78.docx @ 5005 @ 2 @ 1
Reflex Customer Service
Pos : 4 5 / W artu ng / Ad ress e R efle x-We rks kun d en di e ns t @ 10 \mod_1414746997025_78.docx @ 57059 @ @ 1
Central customer service
Switchboard: Telephone number: +49 (0)2382 7069 - 0
Customer Service extension: +49 (0)2382 7069 - 9505
Fax: +49 (0)2382 7069 - 523
Technical hotline
For questions about our products
Telephone number: +49 (0)2382 7069-9546
Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
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Pos : 4 7 / R uec ks ei t e/ Ru ec ksei te -- Sprachabhaengig @ 2\mod_1395741923994_78.docx @ 16730 @ @ 1
/ xxxxxx / 04-15
Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
Gersteinstraße 19
59227 Ahlen, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)2382 7069-0
Fax: +49 (0)2382 7069-588
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Reflex Variomat Giga primary vessel GG 5000 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

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