The MR 2 A mixing shunt is designed to supply
floor heating areas up to approx. 30 m
(from pipe
16 x 2 mm onwards) in one- or two-pipe-systems.
The connection of up to 2 floor heating circuits is
MR 2 A is a mixing set for room temperature
guided control, made of thermoelectric actuator
for the connection of a room thermostat.
The MR 2 A is provided with a temperature pro-
tection system that restricts the supply tempera-
ture in the floor heating circuit to max. 55° C.
Application and design
Max. system pressure 1 Mpa (10 bar)
Max. system temperature 110° C (boiler circuit), 55° C (floor heating)
Max. differential pressure 100 kPa (1 bar) in the radiator-/boiler circuit
Electrical connection 1 x 230 V / 50 Hz
Power consumption 25 Watt (circulating pump)
Installation and operation manual
for mixing shunt MR 2 A
Danfoss HES VI.SP.O1.02 © Danfoss 11/2008 1
Technical data
1. Electric actuator for the
connection of a room
2. Shaftless spherical circulation
3. Venting device
4. Supply radiator-/boiler circuit
5. Return radiator-/boiler circuit
6. Supply floor heating circuit
7. Return floor heating circuit
8. Adjustable mixing valve
9. Adjustable bypass for the
radiator-/boiler circuit
10. On-/off-switch
11. Integrated ball valve
• MR2Awillbeconnecteddirectlytotheexisting
radiator-/boiler circuit.
• WhentwocircuitsareconnectedtotheMR2A,
the shortest circuit must be balanced by using
an adjustable return screw connection.
• TheMR2Ahastobemountedinahorizontal
position. Left or right connection to the radiator-
/boiler circuit is possible.
• TheMR2Ahastobeinstalledonahigherlevel
than the floor heating installation.
• Ensurethatthepre-pressuretotheMR2Afrom
the radiator-/vessel circuit is minimum 10 kPa.
• BeforerunningtheMR2Apleasecheck,that
the floor heating system is filled, completely
vented, and proved against leakage.
Please ensure that the mixing unit UFH system
is primed independently. It must not be primed
from the primary system (feed from the boiler).
• Sincethecirculationpumpmightcreateunder
certain circumstances some flow noise, the
mini shunt should be placed away from noise
sensitive areas (i.e. sleeping rooms).
• Thewatertemperatureinthesupplyradiator-/
boiler circuit should be at least 10 K higher than
in the floor heating supply.
• Themaximumlengthofeachpipemustnot
be longer than 100 m for floor heating design
with a ∆T of 10 K when using pipes 12 mm i.d.
(i.e. pipe 16x2). Smaller diameter pipe results in
a shorter pipe length.
• Wiringoftheelectricalactuatorandtheroom
thermostat only by a qualified electrician.