1Calibration Instruction for Salwico ST200 and
Salwico ST600EX Calibration Instruction
45103026_Salwico ST200 & Salwico ST600EX_Calibration Instruction_I0_EN_2019_C
1 Connect the suitable test-gas for the
detector, normally a 50% LEL mixture.
The ST200 and ST600EX can
only respond to gas in normal
Air. This means that
Calibration gas in N2 /
Nitrogen are not suited for
these detectors.
On LNG vessels a 50% LEL
gas of CH4 Methane in air is
to be used.
For LPGs and Tankers we
normally recommend a 50%
LEL C3H8 Propane gas in air.
2 Adjust the reading to 12.0 mA using the
‘SPAN’ pot. See picture.
Figure 3. Detector ST200
Figure 4. Detector ST600EX
3 If the readout of 12.0 mA cannot be
reached even with the “SPAN” pot in the
bottom position, the sensor cell must be
replaced to a new one. Consilium
Replacement article number for ST200 and
ST600EX detectors is 004460-S.
When a new sensor is fitted, a
new Zero adjustment as well as
span calibration should be made.
Catalytic detectors have a
limited lifespan of up to 5
years, but can be ‘poisoned’
by silicones, salt air, very
humid air, etc. and their
output will be reduced.
1.5 Reconnecting disabled detectors
All disablements in the CGD50/500 gas detection system are presented in the
disablements list. Any enablement is made from this list.