1. Only the combustible gas detection portion of this instrument has been assessed for
performance by CSA.
2. Refer to local or national regulations relative to installation and use at the site.
Note: This equipment is designed and constructed to prevent ignition sources arising,
even in the event of frequent disturbances or equipment operating faults. The
electrical input is protected with a fuse.
3. Installation should consider not only optimum siting for gas detection related to potential
leak points, gas characteristics and ventilation but also placement where the potential for
mechanical damage is minimised or avoided.
4. Observe precautions for handling electrostatic discharge sensitive devices when accessing
the interior of the Transmitter Unit.
5. Calibrationproceduresshouldonlybeperformedbyqualiedpersonnel.
6. Ensure that when forcing signals on the Transmitter Unit’s output that the effects on the
network and controller are understood.
7. EnsurethattheApexTransmitterUnitorJunctionBoxamepathisnotdamagedduring
and base.
8. During installation/maintenance only use the supplied parts. Replacement with alternatives
9. Exposuretouorinatedhydrocarbonsorsiliconeswillpoisonthesensorbeadsoncatalytic
sensor cartridges. If a sensor is known to have been poisoned then it must be re-calibrated.
cartridge’s tolerance value.
Note: CertiedtoCSA C22.2 No. 152onlywhenttedwithspeciccartridges.
12. Exposures to gas above the recommended range may result in ambiguous readings and
may require subsequent re-calibration of the sensor.
13. Review cartridge data sheets for operating temperatures and humidities, which are
determined on a cartridge by cartridge basis.
Transmitter Unit
MainBody: StainlessSteel
UserInterface: ZincAlloy
Certied Sensor
MainBody: StainlessSteel
Certied Junction Box
Mainbody: Stainlesssteel