Page 16 Chapter 3 Configuration BD500 Broadcast Profanity Delay
©Ev e n tid e In c . 1995-2004
doc release 11
Input Level
This controls an attenuator in the analog audio inputs
of t h e BD500. The m a xim u m level is 17dB (17dB of
gain). The minimum level is -31dB (31dB of attenua-
tion). While the meters immediately reflect changes to
the input level configuration variable, this control can
not affect levels seen at the analog outputs when by-
Error Log
This variable shows the last three unique fatal error
messages. See Appendix F. 000 means no error re-
Oscillator (or Oscillator and Pause)
This parameter controls the technique used to per-
form t h e r ebu ild process (a n d r a m p t o zer o pr ocess).
The default, oscillator and pause mode (
O P), perform s
the fastest and best sounding rebuild for most kinds of
audio material. The alternative, pause only mode (
P ),
produces a very high quality rebuild for audio comprised
solely of speech. This mode may rebuild slower than os-
cilla t or an d pa u se mode un der some cir cu m st an ces an d
is not recommended for use if the input signal contains
music, speech lacking pauses or audio containing con-
stant high level background noise (car-phone audio or
wind noise).
Output Level
This controls attenuation in the analog and digital
audio outputs of the BD500. The maximum level is 0dB
(no at t enu a t ion ). Th e min im u m level is -41dB (41dB of
attenuation). This control does not affect output levels
when bypassed.
Where some modicum of security is needed, this value
may be changed to the identifier of a front panel button.
If set, a user would have to go to BYPASS, press and
hold CONFIGURE, then press the selected additional
fron t pa n el bu t t on , in or der t o get in t o configur a t ion
mode. A selection of
NO in dica t es n ot set .
Configurable Variables
This control erases the stored fatal error log. See
Appendix F.
Display Digits
This is the number of digits used to display the cur-
rent delay amount. The BD500 has a three digit numeric
display used to show the delay amount in hundredths of
seconds. As the delay rebuilds or ramps to zero, the
hundredths digit can change rapidly enough to be dis-
tracting to the operator. By changing the number of
display digits to two, one or even none, this source of
distraction can be reduced greatly or eliminated. Since
the operator really only needs to know that the BD500
is in rebuild, and whether it is safe or n ot , th e oper a t or
may choose not to have the delay time presented in such
high resolution.
Delay Length
Delay length controls the maximum length of the
broadcast delay. This adjustment may select a delay
length of from 2.0 to 20.0 (40.0) seconds. Select a length
allowing the operator to dump multiple offending
phrases without impairing operator efficiency. A length
which is too short will not allow the operator enough
time to delete offending speech. A length which is too
long increases the amount of time required to exit from
the delay at the start of a break or end of a show.
Dump Amount
This is the amount of time deleted from the delay
when the DUMP button is pressed. If the DUMP but-
ton is pressed when less than this amount of time is in
the delay, then the entire delay is deleted.
Fa llba ck (AES/EBU option only)
If AES/EBU is selected and there is no digital audio
signal present, the unit will declare an out-of-lock con-
dition. If the unit is in-line (n ot in bypass) a n d a n
out -of-lock condit ion exist s, th e 3 digit displa y will fla sh .
If the
FLB (fa llba ck ) va r ia ble is set t o ANA (a n a log) t h en
the analog input audio will be used. The analog input
will be sampled at either 32000 or 48000, the sample rate
chosen bein g wh ich ever of t h e two ra t es is closer to th e
AES/E BU sa m ple ra t e la st received by th e unit (or 32000
samples/second if no AES/EBU signal has been present
since power-up. The AES/EBU outputs will be active
and the rate will be the same as the input analog sample
rate. If the fallback variable is set to
UNL (un lock) t h e
unit will mute the outputs until lock is regained.