3. Open a terminal emulator (such as HyperTerminal on a PC, or TERM,
TIP, or Kermit in a UNIX environment), and configure the application
as follows:
For most Windows systems:
Bits per second: 9,600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
For most UNIX systems:
tip /dev/ttyb -9600
If ttyb is already in use, try ttya instead:
tip /dev/ttya -9600
Log in to the serial console port
1. Verify that the switch has completed POST.
When POST is complete, the port status and switch power and status
LEDs return to a normal state.
2. When the terminal emulator stops reporting information, press Enter
to display the login prompt.
3. Log in to the switch as admin, using the default password,
You are prompted to change the default password at initial login.
Set a static IP address
1. Use the ipaddrset command to set the Ethernet IP address.
• For an IPv4 address, use dotted-decimal notation:
Ethernet IP Address:
• For an IPv6 address, use colon-separated notation:
switch:admin> ipaddrset -ipv6 --add
The following message confirms the change:
IP address is being changed...Done.
2. Provide the rest of the network information.
Ethernet Subnetmask:
Ethernet IP Address:
Ethernet Subnetmask:
3. Optionally, verify the IP address by entering the ipAddrShow
command at the prompt.
4. Record the IP address on the pullout tab on the port side of the switch.
5. If the serial port is no longer required, use the logout command
to log out of the serial console. Remove the serial cable and replace
the plug in the serial port.
6. Connect the Ethernet port on the switch to the Ethernet network that
has just assigned the IP address.
DHCP is supported. See the
Brocade Converged Enhanced
Ethernet Administrator’s Guide
to set up DHCP with the
FCoE Converged Network Switch.
Set the date and time
The date and time settings are used for logging, error detection, and
1. Using a telnet or an ssh session, connect to the switch using the
IP address just configured and log in to the switch as admin, using
the default password, password.
2. Enter the date command using the following syntax:
date "mmddHHMMyy"
•mm is the month; valid values are 01 through 12.
•dd is the date; valid values are 01 through 31.
•HH is the hour; valid values are 00 through 23.
•MM is minutes; valid values are 00 through 59.
•yy is the year; valid values are 00 through 99.
3. Enter the tsTimeZone command:
switch:admin> tstimezone [--interactive]/
[, timezone_fmt]
Use timezone_fmt to set the time zone by country/city or by
time-zone ID, such as PST. The following example shows how to
change the time zone to US/Central.
switch:admin> tstimezone
Time Zone : US/Pacific
switch:admin> tstimezone US/Central
switch:admin> tstimezone
Time Zone : US/Central
4. Enter the tsClockServer command to synchronize local time:
switch:admin> tsclockserver “<ntp1;ntp2>”
The value of ntp1 is the IP address or DNS name of the first NTP
server, which the switch must be able to access. The value of ntp2
is the second NTP server and is optional. When multiple NTP server
addresses are specified, tsclockserver sets the first obtainable
address as the active NTP server. The default value is LOCL.
switch:admin> tsclockserver
switch:admin> tsclockserver ""
switch:admin> tsclockserver
Verify operation and backup configuration
1. Check the LEDs to verify that all components are functional. For
information about LED patterns, see the HP StorageWorks 8Gb SAN
Switch hardware reference guide.
2. Verify that the switch prompt is displayed on the workstation
connected to the switch.
3. Verify correct operation of the switch by issuing the switchShow
4. Back up the switch configuration to an FTP server, by issuing the
configUpload command and following the prompts.
Connect the devices
1. If necessary, remove the plugs on the switch from the ports to be
2. Ensure that the bail (wire handle) is in the unlocked position, and
then place the SFP+ optic in the correct position on the port. (See
Figure 2.)
3. Slide the SFP+ optic or copper cable into the port until it clicks into
place, and then close the bail.
Figure 2 Installing the FC (8Gb SFP+) and CEE (10Gb SFP+) ports
On the bottom of each SFP+ optic is a 10-pad
gold-plated PCB-edge connector. To insert an SFP+ optic
into the upper row of ports, the gold edge must be
down. To insert an SFP+ optic into the lower row of
ports, the gold edge must be up.
4. Check the LEDs to verify that all components are functional.
5. Verify correct operation of the switch by entering the switchShow
command from the workstation.
Configuring CEE ports for CNA connectivity
Perform the following configuration steps on the CEE ports to establish
CNA connectivity and an FCoE Converged Network Switch login. CEE
port 0/0 is displayed as an example and all user input responses are
displayed in bold.
1. Configure LLDP for the FCoE Converged Network Switch that is
common to all CEE ports.
switch:admin> cmsh
switch# enable
switch# config terminal
switch(config)# protocol lldp
switch(conf-lldp)# advertise dcbx-fcoe-app-tlv
switch(conf-lldp)# advertise dcbx-fcoe-logical-link-tlv
switch(conf-lldp)# exit
2. Create a CEE Map to carry LAN and SAN traffic common to all CEE
switch(config)# cee-map default
switch(conf-ceemap)# priority-group-table 1 weight 40 pfc
switch(conf-ceemap)# priority-group-table 2 weight 60
switch(conf-ceemap)# priority-table 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
switch(conf-ceemap)# exit
3. Create an FCoE Converged Network Switch VLAN and add an in-
terface, as follows:
switch(config)# vlan classifier rule 1 proto fcoe encap ethv2
switch(config)# vlan classifier group 1 add rule 1
switch(config)# interface vlan 5
The VLAN number can be any number except the number
one (1).
switch(conf-if-vl-5)# fcf forward
switch(conf-if-vl-5)# exit
4. Configure interfaces for each port as displayed in the following ex-
switch(config)#interface tengigabitethernet 0/0
switch(conf-if-te-0/0)# switchport
switch(conf-if-te-0/0)# switchport mode access
switch(config-if-te-0/0)# vlan classifier activate group 1 vlan 5
switch(conf-if-te-0/0)# qos flowcontrol pfc 3 tx on rx on
switch(config-if-te-0/0)# cee default
switch(config-if-te-0/0)# shutdown
switch(config-if-te-0/0)# no shutdown
switch(config-if-te-0/0)# exit
Repeat step 4 for all interfaces being configured.
5. Save the running config to flash memory as displayed in the following
switch:admin> exit
switch#copy running-config startup-config
Overwrite the startup config file (y/n): y
Building configuration...
switch# exit
6. Verify that the CEE port link status and the VLAN status is correct as
displayed in the following output:
switch:admin> cmsh
switch# show ip interface brief
Interface IP-Address Status
========= ========== ======
TenGigabitEthernet 0/0 unassigned up
switch#show vlan brief
VLAN Name State Ports
(u)-Untagged, (t)-Tagged
======= ================ ======= =========================
1 default ACTIVE Te 0/0(u)…
5 VLAN0005 ACTIVE Te 0/0(u)…
switch# exit