Radio. After one and a half minutes, auto search is com-
plete and all searched program are loaded into the STB’s
memory. During the searching, press EXIT or MENU key
to exit from the Searching window.
1.2 Manual Search
You can set parameters in Manual Search if you are famil-
iar with relevant parameters. In this mode, only one RF
Channel, whose necessary parameters are set in Manual
Search menu by hand, can be searched.
MUX: Press key to pop up a drop-down list box where
you can select your desired option by using keys.
Select the option of your choice and press OK key, the
box disappears and the value in Freq(kHz) varies your
selection. In fact, Freq(KHz) has the same function as
MUX, so you can set one between them randomly.
Freq(KHz): The operations are the same as those in MUX
Mode: By pressing keys, set this item to be 2K, 8K
or Auto.
Guard: Available options are: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and Auto.
Press keys to select one of the available alternatives.
BandWidth: You have a choice of 6M, 7M, 8M and Default.
Press keys to select appropriate bandwidth.
FTT: Press keys to select among the preprogrammed
options, including FTT, CAS and All.
Search: Once OK key is pressed, Searching window
will be displayed on the screen. During this process, newly
searched programs will be listed in two columns labeled
with TV or Radio. Two dynamic bars reflecting the signal
quality and the siganl strength will also be displayed. Af-
ter searching well, system will return to Manual Search
menu automatically.