Baby Monitor BCF 910
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12 11
Operating manual
Pleasereadand observethe f ollowingin-
formation and keep the operatingmanual
nearby for f uture reference!
Safety information
• Risk offatalinjurythrough cable!
Children could b ecome entangled in the cables and strang le
Ensure that the b ab y monitoring units and power cables are
out of reach of babies/children,i.e.they are at leasto ne meter
• Risk of explosion!
Onlyuse the poweradapterplugs supplied!
Only use batteriessupplied or ones of the same type!
Always treatbatterieswithduecare and attention and only
use batteries as described.
Never use standard and rechargeable batteries together.
Never use rech arg eable batteries or stan dard batteries with
different capacities or charge statuses together. Never use
standard or rechargeablebatterieswhich aredamaged.
• Risk of suffocation through small objects, packaging and
Keep children away fromtheproduct and its packaging!
• Risk offirethrough power adapter plugs!
Poweradapterplugs canheat up.
Never leave any objectson the po wer adapter plugs. Ensure
access to po w er adapter plugs isnot obstructed by furniture or
• Risk oftripping due toimproperlylaid cable!
Lay thecables so thatnobody can trip overthem!
• Risks to health and the environment from batteries!
Never op en, damage or swallow batteriesor allow th em to
pollutethe environment.They couldcontain toxic and ecolo-
gically harmful heavy metals.
Intended use
The baby monitorservestomonitorababy/child in a room.The
transmitter unit,located nearthechild,transmitsnoisesand images
fromitsimmediatevicinitytothe receiverunit.Anyother useiscon-
isnotpermitted.Under no circumstancesopenthedevicesorcom-
pleteanyrepairwork yourself.
The devicesarenotintended formedicalpurposes.Warning
and signal tonesfromrespiratoryorheartbeatmonitoring equip-
mentare not transmitted.
Use only in suitable environments
Observealllocaldirectivesand regulations.
Preventexcessive exposureto smoke,dust,vibration,chemicals,
moisture,heat and directsunlight.
Package contents
- Receiverunit
- T ransmitter unit
- Cradle forreceiver unit
- Base fortransmitterunit
- Battery forreceiverunit
- 2 power adapter plugs
- USB cable
- O perating manual
Operating elements
Receiver unit
1 Microphone
2 Display
3 Operation indicator
4 Chargeindicator
5 Left button(Talk/Menu navigation)
6 Top button(Volume adjustment/Cameraselection/Menu
7 Menu button
8 Right button(Photo /Record/Menu navigation)
9 Bottom button (Volumeadjustment/ Camera selection / Menu
10 USBconnection/Poweradapter connection
11 On/Off button(ESC/Splitscreen)
12 RESET button
13 Batterycompartment
14 Micro SD card(notincluded)
15 ON/OFF button
16 Threadforbase
17 Camera
18 RESET button
19 USBconnection/Poweradapter connection
20 Microphone
21 Onlyfor firmware update
22 Operationindicator/Chargeindicator
Display and explanation of operations
Action to take
Resultof action
[2] Reference in the graphic
RESET Pressthe button
Pressand hold the button
5sec. Keepthebuttonpressedthe buttonfor5 seconds
Selectthe subsequentmenu option withthe
NavigationbuttonsLeft [5], Top
[6],Right [8] or Bottom [9]
and confirm theselectionbypressing theMenu
button [7].
┠Volume┨ Represents theappearanceofa menu option
Represents an icon in the display
Inserting the battery in the receiver unit
Slidethecover on thereardownwardsand remove it.
Close thebatterycompartment.
The batterymustbechargedfor atleast8 hoursbefore being
usedforthe firsttime.
Inserting the micro SD card in the receiver unit
Inorderto recordvideosorpictures,a micro SDcard[14]mustbe
inserted (notincluded).
Slidetheholderdownwards,carefully. The holderisunlocked.
Open out theholder.
Insert the micro SD card [14].
Close theholder.
Slidetheholderupwards,carefully. The holder islocked.
Using the base for the transmitter unit
The base enables thecamera [17]to be aligned accurately.The
basecanalsobeusedto installthetransmitteruniton awall or the
Screwthe screwin thebaseinthethread [16]ontherear side of
the transmitter unit.
Fix the alignmentusing the screwatthe rear ofthebase.
Starting up the transmitter unit
The transmitterunit is equipped with a built-inbattery.The unit can
be powered bytheintegratedbattery,bya normalmainspower
supplyviathe power adapterplugorbyaUSBconnectionon a
Connecting the transmitter unit via the power adapter
Connectthe power adapterplug tothepower connection [19]on
thetransmitterunitand aproperlyinstalled mainspoweroutlet.
The transmitterunit is switchedonautomatically.
Connecting the transmitter unit via the USB
Connectthe USB cabletothe power adapterconnection [19]on
thetransmitterunitandafreeUSB portonthecomputer.
The transmitterunit is switchedonautomatically.
The USBcableonlyservestochargethe battery.Itdoes not
servefor datatransfer.
Switching the transmitter unit on/off
The transmitterunit continuesto transmiteven when thereceiv-
erunitisswitchedoff.The signalscanbereceived by other
ON/OFF [15]5 sec. The transmitterunitisswitchedon.
ON/OFF [15]5 sec. The transmitterunitisswitchedoff.
Operation/Charge indicator on the transmitter unit
Operation/Charge indicator[22]lightsup green.
The unit is switched on, thebatteryischarged.
Operation/Charge indicator[22] flashesgreen. The unit is
switched on,thebatteryis being charged.
Operation/Charge indicator[22]lightsup red. T he unit is switched
on,thebatterymustbe charged.
Operation/Charge indicator[22]flashesred. The unit is switched
off,thebatteryis being charged.
Starting up the receiver unit
The unit canbe poweredbythebattery,by a normal mainspower
supplyviathe power adapterplugorbyaUSBconnectionon a
Connecting the receiver unit via the power adapter plug
Connectthe power adapterplug tothepower adapter connection
[10]on the receiverunitand a properly installedmainspower outlet.
The receiverunitis switchedonautomatically.
Connecting the receiver unit via the USB cable
Connectthe USBcabletothe USBconnection [10]onthereceiv-
erunitandafreeUSB portonthecomputer. The receiverunit is
switched on automatically.
The USBcableonlyserves tochargethe battery.Itdoes not
servefor datatransfer.
Switching the receiver unit on/off
On/Off [11]5 sec. The receiverunitisswitchedon.
The startscreenappearsinthedisplay.
On/Off [11]5 sec. The receiverunitisswitchedoff.
Operation and charge indicators on the receiver unit
Operationindicator [3]lights up.The unitisswitched on.
Chargeindicator [4]lights up. The batteryis charged.
Chargeindicator[4]flashes. The battery is being charged.
Icons in the display
High signal strength.
Low signal strength.
No signal.
The equipmenthasarangeofup to200m.The rangecanbe
reducedbyobstructions,suchas walls etc.Electronicequip-
mentin the vicinitycan also causedisturbance.
Alarmclock or feedalarmis switchedon.
Ifthe barsrunthrough the batteryicon,the batteryis being charged.
Split screen
Up tofourtransmitterunitscan be registeredon thereceiverunit.
The splitscreen function canbe usedtodisplay all (four)pictures
fromthe transmitterunits registered.
Press On/Off [11]briefly.Switchbetweenfull screenand
Talk function
Left [5] Voicecommunication is possiblefromthe
receiverunit tothetransmitterunit.
Photo function
Inorderto takeaphoto,a micro SDcard(notincluded) mustbe
installedin thereceiverunit.
Right [8] Photo is savedonthemicroSDcard.
All thephotostakenin one day are storedinaseparate folder.
Night vision function
Ifthe brightnessof the area monitored no longer sufficesfor normal
operation,theequipmentautomatically switches tonightvision.
When thenightvision functionisactivated,only objectsupto
2 mawaycanbeviewed.The display only providesablackand
Settings using the menu
The menu can be used toexecute variousfunctionsanddefine
diversesettings.All thesettingsareconfirmedbypressing the
Menu button[7].Skip back in themenulevelsby pressing the
On/Off button[11].
Menu [7] Open the menu.
Setting the volume
Top [6] or Right [8] Raise the volume.
Bottom [9] or Left [5] Lowerthevolume.
Setting the brightness
┠Bright ness┨
Top [6] or Right [8] Increasethebrightness.
Bottom [9] or Left [5] Reducethebrightness.
Selecting the picture section
┠Zoom In┨.
Top [6] or Bottom [9] Selectthepicturesection.
Select the language
Top [6] or Bottom [9] Selectthelanguage.
Registering/Deregistering transmitter units
┠Register Camera┨.
Aniconindicateswhethera transmitteruniti s registeredatpositions
┠Camera 1┨ to ┠Camera 4┨.
Thumbsup. Transmitterunitis registered.
Registering a transmitterunit
Registrationisonlypossible at a freeposition,e.g. ┠Camera 2┨.
┠Register Camera┨┠Camera 2┨┠Yes┨
┠Register Camera 2?┨.
Press ON/OFF [15]on thetransmitterunit.
Deregistering a transmitterunit
E.g. ┠Camera 2┨.
┠Register Camera┨┠Camera 2┨┠Yes┨
┠Camera 2 unregistered┨.
Selecting a transmitter unit
Ifseveral transmitterunitsareregistered,atransmitterunitcanbe
selected manuallyorthe screencanswitchunitsautomaticallyat
Selecting a tran smitter unit manually
Example ┠Camera 2┨.
┠Camera Selection┨┠Manual Selection┨┠Camera 2┨.
Changing transmitter units automatically
┠Camera Selection┨┠Auto Scan┨┠20 seconds┨.
Deactivating ch anging transmitter units automatically
┠Camera Selection┨┠Auto Scan┨┠Never┨.
Setting the wake-up / feed time alarms
Awake-upalarmand up to fourfeedtime alarmscanbe set.
Setting the time
┠Alarm Clocks┨┠Morning Call┨┠Alarm Time ┨.
Top [6] or Bottom [9] Set thehour.
Top [6] or Bottom [9] Set theminute.