1 Safety ................................................................ 7
1.1 General safety notes ................................. 7
1.2 Correct use ................................................ 7
1.3 System owner's obligations ....................... 7
1.4 Safety information ..................................... 7
1.5 Qualified staff ............................................. 7
2 System components ....................................... 8
2.1 AS Interface Controller .............................. 8
2.1.1 Connections and SD card reader ........... 8
2.1.2 Configuration of AS-i controller
TNC-A1412 ............................................ 9
2.1.3 Ethernet networking components ......... 10
2.1.4 Profibus ® DP networking components
............................................................... 11
2.2 Controller configuration ........................... 12
2.2.1 Basic settings and testing the TROX
firmware ................................................ 13
2.2.2 Setting the network address ................. 13
2.2.3 Setting or switching off controller net-
work ...................................................... 13
2.2.4 Setting the application parameters ....... 14
2.2.5 Configuration adjustment ..................... 14
2.2.6 Configuration with CSV file ................... 15
2.2.7 TNC-A1412 configuration using the SD
card import ........................................... 15
2.3 Fieldbus modules .................................... 17
2.3.1 Addressing of standard modules .......... 17
2.3.2 Addressing of modules with A/B address
............................................................... 17
2.3.3 Configuration parameter value ID1 ...... 18
2.4 AS-i modules and applications ................ 18
2.4.1 Control input signal of fire dampers, mul-
tileaf dampers and smoke control
dampers ............................................... 20
2.4.2 Duct smoke detector ............................ 21
2.4.3 Combination of fire damper and duct
smoke detector ..................................... 22
2.5 Four-way input module AS-EPR ............. 23
2.5.1 Damper with pure capturing of the end
positions ............................................... 23
2.5.2 Settings for AS-EPR ............................. 23
2.5.3 Capture of an end position ................... 23
2.5.4 Capture of two end positions ................ 24
2.6 Switch cabinet I/O module TNC-Z0094 ... 25
2.6.1 External signals – standard variant ...... 25
2.6.2 External signals – individual configura-
tion ........................................................ 26
2.7 Universal switching module AS-EM/C ..... 27
2.7.1 Capturing of the end positions with end
position switches .................................. 27
2.7.2 Control input signal for fire dampers .... 29
2.7.3 Control input signal of multileaf dampers
............................................................... 30
2.7.4 Control input signal for type KA-EU fire
dampers ............................................... 30
2.7.5 Connecting a duct smoke detector ....... 31
2.7.6 Complete system with AS-EM/C mod-
ules ....................................................... 31
2.8 Multi-purpose sections ............................ 32
2.8.1 AS-EM / SIL .......................................... 32
2.9 AS-i installation ........................................ 32
2.9.1 Cable and bus lengths .......................... 32
2.9.2 AS-i flat cable ....................................... 33
2.10 Touch operator display as communica-
tion master ............................................. 35
2.10.1 Installation of the touch operator dis-
play as communication master in
switch panel ........................................ 35
2.10.2 Connections for networking, accesso-
ries and supply ................................... 35
2.10.3 Installation of the Profibus ® DP master
............................................................ 36
2.11 Tips ........................................................ 36
2.11.1 AS-i contact error ................................ 36
2.11.2 Number of penetrations ...................... 36
2.11.3 AS-i configuration error ....................... 36
3 Operation of controller and touch display .. 37
3.1 Operation of controller ............................. 37
3.1.1 Controlling graphical user interface ...... 37
3.1.2 Menu view ............................................ 38
3.1.3 Side view .............................................. 40
3.1.4 Using web interface of the device ........ 49
3.1.5 System menu ....................................... 49
3.2 Operation of touch display ....................... 61
3.2.1 System monitoring ................................ 61
3.2.2 Acknowledging messages and resetting
system .................................................. 62
3.2.3 Version query ....................................... 62
3.2.4 Password .............................................. 63
3.2.5 Manual control ...................................... 65
3.2.6 Functional test ...................................... 67
3.2.7 Remote access ..................................... 70
3.2.8 Configuration and additional functions
............................................................... 71
4 Commissioning .............................................. 84
4.1 Connecting device to networks ............... 84
4.1.1 PROFIBUS interface ............................ 84
4.1.2 Configuration interface ......................... 84
4.2 "Basic settings" home screen .................. 84
4.2.1 Changing basic settings of the device .. 84
4.3 Including AS-i slaves ............................... 85
4.4 Configuring Profibus interface ................. 85
4.5 Setting Ethernet configuration interface .. 85
4.6 Exchanging AS-i slave ............................ 86
Table of contents
TROXNETCOM AS-i System manual version 3.0 5