Quick Start Guide
The Kingston® IronKeyTM Keypad 200 (KP200) may need to be charged before use for
30-60 minutes by inserting into a powered USB port.
The KP200 is supplied in the ‘Initial Shipment State’ with no pre-set User PIN. An 8-15 digit User PIN
must be created before the drive can be used as set out below under ‘First Time Use’.
PIN Requirements:
• Must be between 8-15 digits in length
• Must not contain only repetitive numbers, e.g. (3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3)
• Must not contain only consecutive numbers, e.g. (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8), (7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4)
To unlock the KP200 with the User PIN, follow the
steps as set out below.
To lock the KP200, save all data and safely eject the drive.
Keypad 200 Quick Start Guide – v 1.0
First Time Use
1. Press KEY button once .
All LEDs switch on, solid RED and
blinking GREEN and BLUE LEDs.
2. Press the KEY button twice
(double-click) .
LEDs switch to a blinking BLUE LED.
3. Enter your New (8-15 digit) User PIN and
press the KEY button twice (double-click)
Blinking BLUE LED will switch to a
blinking GREEN LED.
4. Re-enter your New (8-15 digit) User PIN and
press the KEY button twice (double-click)
Solid RED LED will switch to a solid GREEN LED
indicating the User PIN has been successfully
created and drive unlocked.
Unlocking with the User PIN
1. Press KEY button once.
RED LED will blink.
2. Enter your User PIN and press the KEY
button once.
Solid RED LED will switch to a solid GREEN LED
indicating the User PIN has been successfully
entered and the drive unlocked.
Note: Once KP200 has been successfully un-
locked, the solid GREEN LED will remain on
for 30 seconds only, during which time the
KP200 needs to be connected to a powered
USB port to access the drive. To configure
the drive, refer to the user manual pre-loaded
on your KP200.