
A WARNING! ro e damagoor ersonalinju
m Check wifll your state aim local public works
deparunent for phnnbing and _nilation codes.
You must follow these guidelines as you install fl:e
Reverse Osmosis system. Usinga qualifiedinstaller
• Ifhouse water pres_sureis over the maximum
(1_'0poumts per s(p_re inclO, install a pressure
reducing valve in dm water supply line to the
Reverse Osmosis system.
• Be sure tile water supply confi,)rms with Ihe
SpecificationGuidelines.ff the water supply conditiolls
are uIlk!lowIl, COZllaCt your muIlicipal *_,ater comKomy
or your local bealfl: department ff)r a list of
coI_laminaI_tSin your area and a listof lalx)ratories
certified by your slate to analyze drinking waten
WARNING'.Before ruing dm Reverse Osmosis
system fbr the first time, tile system must be
purged. The Reverse Osmosis cartridge contains
a fbod grade preservative that tmtst be purged
from the system. The preservative will give product
water an unpleasant taste and eden
ltLWARNING'.Do :lot use with water that is
microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quafi/y
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of
without adequate disinfection befbre or after the
system. SDtems certified fi)r cyst reduction may
be used on disinfected water dial may contain
fiherable cysts.
This system has been tested ff)r the treatment of
water conlaiuing pentavalent aeueIfiC (alto talowI:
a_sz_s(V), As(+5) or ar_Ilate) at concentra(lOIlS
of 0.050 mg/L or less. Tiffs sysmm re&rues
peIwavalent arm:tic, but ::lay :lot remove otimr
fi_nns of arsenic. "I]lis system is to be/tsed oil water
supplies containing a detectable free dflorine
residual or on water supplies that have been
deInonstrated to contain only pentavalent arsenic.
Treatment with chloramine (combined chlorine)
is not sttitlcient to ensure complete COIlversion of
trivalent _IfiC to penlavaleI:t arseItiC. Please see
the _IfiC Facts section of the Perfbrmance Data
Sheet fbr fi_rther infi)rmafion.
This Rever_ OsInosis system contains a replaceable
treaunent Inembrane ca_ridge critical far effecfive
re&mtlon of'Ibtal Dissolved Solids. The water
should be tested pefiocrmally to verify thai tile system
is perfbmfing mtist_t(Mly.
This Reverse Osmosis system must be properly installed and located in accordance with the
Installation Instructions before it is used.
• Install or store wbere it will not be expend to • If Rever_ Osmosis system is connected to a
tempeI_atures below fi'eezing or exposed to any type refrigerator icemaker, a special icemaker
of wealher. Water freezing in the system will coIllleetioI1 kit is required (RV!ZAT).Do Dot use
damage il.Do Dot attempt to treat water over 100°E copper robing ff)r file COIlIlectio[l between the
• Do :lot install Oil HOTWATER.The temperature Reverse Osmosis system aim tile refrigerator.
ofthe water supply to tile Reverse Osmosis system A [/VA_NING: Discard allum_xt pans madpackaging
UlUStbe between the lililtiinuin of 40°F and the material after il?_sPallation.Small _s remaining after
Illax'unuin of I(X)°E See tile Specification Guideline&
• Extended non-use of the Reverse Osmosissystem.
If tile sDtem has not been used fbr one week or
more, open tile RO water t_aucetand allow tile
system to drain. Close tile RO water fsucet aud
allow tile s_tem to regenerate the water supply.
• RecomIneuded installation is under the sink.
However, tile unit can be installed in a remote
location, up to 20 feet away fi_om tile sinlc
• However, adcFHional materials will be required.
See Ira,s list to obtain addifional materials
from GE.
• Locating the rank on a l_asement floor, witil the
faucet at a first floor sink may result in some loss
of flow rate laid capacily (approzdmately 20%).
Installing a second tank will iInprove tiffs
perfi_rmance. _Jl RVK1T can be umd.
tile immllallon couM be a choke ha2"ard.
• Smfitize upon installation of dm Reverse Osmosis
system and after servicing iImer parts, inchlding
replacement of prefilter, postfilter and Reverse
Osmosis carteidge. It ksimpormalt to have clean
bands wlfile haI_dling iImer parts of tile system.
See dm Sanitizingthe Reverse OsmosisSystem section.
• This Reverse Osmosis system contains a replaceable
treatment component critical fbr ef[:ccfive
reduction of total dis_solvedsolids. This product
water shall be tested periodically to verify that tim
system is performing satisfactorily. See tim About
the WaterTestKitsection.