ROCLINK for Windows User Manual
Rev 05/03 Getting Started 1-1
This section provides a summary of ROCLINK
for Windows Configuration Software, installation,
hardware overview, basic software functions, user interface, and logging on to ROCLINK software.
1.1 User Manual Overview
This manual describes how to use ROCLINK software to configure and monitor FloBoss
103 Flow
Managers, FloBoss 500-Series Flow Managers, FloBoss 407 Flow Managers, ROC300-Series Remote
Operations Controllers, and other devices. The software runs on a personal computer (such as a
laptop or notebook style) that uses the Windows
operating system. This manual covers
configuration, calibration, monitoring, database archiving, custom displays, and embedded utilities.
NOTE: “ROC” is sometimes used in this manual and in ROCLINK for Windows software to
stand for all ROC and FloBoss flow computer products.
1.1.1 Organization
This manual is organized based on how configuration occurs. Use this manual in conjunction with
ROCLINK software on-line help system. Appendices in this manual supply examples and cover
related topics. The manual includes major sections:
Section 2 – ROC Directory details the ROC Directory, which is the first screen that displays after
logging on to ROCLINK for Windows software.
Section 3 – Configuring System Parameters describes how to set system preferences within the
ROC or FloBoss, such as the Clock, Security, System Information, and Flags.
Section 4 – Configuring Basic I/O describes how to configure input and output options.
Section 5 – Configuring the Meter Setup describes how to configure a FloBoss or ROC to perform
the basic functions used in a meter run.
Section 6 – Extended Functions describes how to configure a FloBoss or ROC to perform the
extended functions used in a meter run.
Section 7 – Configuring and Viewing History describes how to configure a FloBoss or ROC for
history archival. History can be archived for specific meter runs and for individual points and
parameters within the ROC or FloBoss.
Section 8 – Configuring Communications describes how to Connect, Disconnect, and use Direct
Connect to communicate to a ROC or FloBoss using ROCLINK for Windows software.
Section 9 – Saving / Retrieving Configurations describes how to save and retrieve configurations to
and from a ROC or FloBoss.