1. Placethe drain hosein the drain facility.Tochangedrain hosedirection or prevent
hosefromcollapsingor becomingdamaged,turn the end of the hosewhile holding
the baseof the hose stationary.
Be surean air-tightconnectionis NOTmade betweenthe drain hoseand the
standpipe. Standpipemustbe at least 24" high. 36"height is recommended.
NOTE: If drainstandpipe is in excessof 5 feetabovefloor level,a _UNDRY
drain hoseextensionkit (Part#12001660)will needto be installed. / _-,.--_;7_/_-Jr _HosE ST,_ANDPIPE
dra,nstandp,pe,s ,n excessof 10feet abovefloor level,a pump _//60"IMAX_JR
accessorykit (Part#12001674)may need to be installed. _'___""_,,E,_I_ I
NOTE: Cautionmustalwaysbe exercisedto avoid collaDsinaor "SI_'I_ " - _ 60"MAX.
damaging the drain hose. For bestperformancethe drain hose _ _ 36,, giN.
shouldnot be restrictedin anyway,throughelbows,couplings or excessivelengths. [r_.
Routedrainhosethroughthe drain hose clip onthe rear wallof washer. I __!
Forinstallationswherethedrainhosecannotbe convenientlyelevatedto at least24",
thedrainhosemustbe supportedby thedrainhosecliponthebackofthewasher.
2. Installonescreenstrainerandwasheronthe insideofeach fillhoseat the
faucet. Thedomeonthescreenstrainermustpointtowardsthefaucet. _o_-_ _L.TI7ETA,.ERi '
Installone rubberwasheratthe machineend insideeachfillhose.
3. Threadthe inlet hoseswith the screenwasherto the HOTand COLD
faucetconnections. Makesure the hosemarked "HOT"isattachedto _\_"E-_ T,E
the HOTfaucet. Tighten by hand untilsnug andthen 2/3 of a turn SERVICE\\"_ ._I'
with pliers. DO NOTOVERTIGHTEN. Repeatstepfor the machine UNIT \\ 1
connectionson the backof the unit. /li_t_ c_ /1
Turnon "HOT"and"COLD"watersupplyand checkall connectionsat the _--__ _
watervalveand the faucetfor leaks. _
NOTE: Accessory inlethoses areavailablein variouslengthsup to 10feet. _"__
4. Plugpowercord intoa grounded120 volt60 Hz approved ] _1 c_ __ _ _
electricalservice protectedby a 15ampfuse or comparable
circuitbreaker. Thiswasheris groundedthroughthe third
prongof the powercord when pluggedintoa three prong
5. Slide washerintoposition. Makesure the drain hoseremains routed straight through the drain hose
clip without collapsing or damaging. NOTE: the washer must be leveled on aft 4 sides. Toproperly
level a machine, the top cover and the front panel must be securely fastened. A carpenter's level
should be used on all 4 corners of the top cover. It's a
good idea to check for level again after the first dozen
washes and re-level ff necessary.
6. Levelwasherby turningthe levelinglegs in or out as necessary.
Whenthe washeris level,tighten the leveling leg lock nuts
up againstthe baseof the washer.
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