Super Bee Instructions
Thank you for purchasing a Carr Super Bee amplifier.
Nested in Classic Black Face Super Reverb Fullerton sounds with all the usable power
needed for great tone and great fun!
- Super Seductive, Super Rocking, Super Black Face inspired swagger sporting current
production 6BeeM8 power tubes.
- 10 watts (the new 100) plus built-in attenuator for late night flying
- 3 position Sting switch taking you thru an alternate reality of Black Face tones - extra
scooped beauty - center Fullerton strut - heated 70s CBeeS.
The Super Bees’ EZ81 tube rectifier yields lively bounce while enhancing the amplifier’s
emotional buzz. Suitable for home or afield.
Please take time to familiarize yourself with this manual.
Volume – Adjusts the loudness and drive of the amplifier. With any guitar amplifier as you
increase Volume the tone becomes thicker and more bass heavy. The Super Bee has a unique
circuit that gently rolls off low end as you turn up to keep the bass response tight.
Sting Rotary Switch 3 distinct tonal voices: 64 extra scoop and shimmer - low gain,
68 classic black face – medium gain, 72 increased drive and punch – highest gain
- each setting has a different EQ midrange response -
Treble – Varies the top end from dark to bright.
Mid – Varies the midrange frequencies and is very interactive with the Treble control. For a
60s American tone, set the Mid to 12 o’clock. The tone becomes more aggressive as you
advance the Mid past 2 o’clock. When the Mid is set near full, the Treble control’s effect is
more subtle and the amp is easily overdriven plus the differences between 64, 68, and 72
Bass – Varies the low end from lean to full.
Reverb – Controls the amount of reverb sound from none to deep and lush. For 100% wet
reverb output set Sting to 72 then turn the Tones off. Only reverb will pass!
Attenuator – Set the Wattage toggle up for full 10 watts with the speaker bypassing the
attenuator. Toggle down to vary the speaker output from 2 Watts to a whisper continuously.
Standby – Off – Play – The Toggle switch baton in the middle position is Power Off. To
play set the amp to Standby (switch baton down). After 1 minute of warm up, switch the
Power baton up to Play. The amp is ready to be played. When turning off reverse this
process, first turning from Play to Standby, then Off. Using the Standby setting every time
the amp is turned on will prolong tube life. Note: as the voltages inside your amps come up
to operating levels (~ 30 seconds) operating the Sting switch or toggling the Power from
Play directly to Off may produce a pop. This is normal and will not hurt the amp.