SMP• (Series Mul-Stage Protecon) with EVS (Extreme Voltage Shutdown)
LiFT• (Linear Filtering Technology) with zero ground contaminaon
Switchable/Dimmable true RMS current and laboratory precise digital voltage meter •
Front panel mounted USB charger•
Two • SmoothTrack retractable, long-life, low-heat, front panel LED lights with dimmer-power switch for rack illuminaon
BNC connector on the rear panel accepts any standard (12VAC 0.5 amp) gooseneck lamp to illuminate the rear of your rack •
(Furman GN-I and GN-LED accessory gooseneck lamps are best for this applicaon)
Ten rear panel AC outlets and one front panel convenience outlet•
16A (3680 wa) capacity with 16A circuit breaker•
Five year limited warranty•
Thank you for purchasing a Furman Classic Series power condioner, and congratulaons on your choice. Classic Series power
condioners feature Furman’s revoluonary Series Mul-Stage Protecon (SMP) circuit, Extreme Voltage Shutdown (EVS), and our
exclusive Linear Filtering Technology (LiFT). Together, these technologies comprise precisely what our customers have come to expect
from Furman - uncompromised AC protecon and puricaon. Our Classic Series has been precisely engineered to exceed the crical
demands of audio/video professionals, contractors, broadcasters, and musicians alike.
Furman’s SMP surge suppression virtually eliminates service calls and costly “down me”. Tradional surge suppression circuits sacri-
ce themselves when exposed to mulple transient voltage spikes, requiring the dismantling of your system and repair of your surge
suppressor. Not so with Furman’s SMP. Damaging transient voltages are safely absorbed, clamped, and dissipated. Your connected
equipment is protected, while your Furman protects itself!
Unique to Furman’s SMP is its unparalleled clamping voltage, dened as the amount of voltage that is allowed to pass through to your
equipment when the protecon device is subjected to a transient surge or spike. While other designs oer clamping voltages that are
well above 600 Vpk, Furman’s SMP clamps at 376 Vpk, (266 VAC RMS) even when tested with mulple 6000 Vpk - 3000 amp surges!
This unprecedented level of protecon is only available with Furman’s SMP technology.
Furman’s trusted over-voltage (EVS) circuitry protects against prolonged overvoltage condions, such as accidental connecons to
330+ VAC, or an intermient neutral. It does so by monitoring the incoming voltage and, when an unsafe condion is detected,
triggering a relay which shuts o the incoming power unl the overvoltage condion is corrected and the power switch is reset.
Unfortunately, tradional AC power condioners have been designed for unrealisc laboratory condions. Prior technologies, wheth-
er mulple-pole or convenonal series-mode lters, could actually harm audio and video performance more than they help, due to
the resonant peaking of their anquated, non-linear designs. Under certain condions, these designs can actually add more than 10
dB of noise to the incoming AC line! Worse sll, lost digital data, the need to reboot digital presets, or destrucon of sensive digital
converters are frequently caused by excessive voltage spikes and AC noise contaminang the equipment ground. Furman’s LiFT takes
a dierent approach, ensuring opmal performance through linear AC noise ltering with no ground contaminaon.
The PL-PRO DMC E features SmoothTrack LED rack lights which produce virtually no heat and provide an extremely long lifespan. A
dimmer control for the rack lights allows the user to adjust the level of illuminaon (by rotang clockwise/counterclockwise) or switch
the lamps on and o (by pushing the knob in). A rear mounted BNC jack accepts any standard (12VAC 0.5 amp) gooseneck lamp for
rear rack illuminaon.
Addionally, the PL-PRO DMC E oers a switchable laboratory precision digital meter that displays incoming voltage in 1-volt steps or
true RMS current in 0.1amp steps. The voltmeter’s accuracy is ±3.0 volts. This meter also features a tri-color voltage range indicator.
This assures the user that the voltage in or out of a safe range, even when they are too far away to accurately read the displayed volt-