Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
8. Press ENTER to confirm the conditions, or type n to abort the update process.
If you confirm the conditions, the controller will check the file for errors. DO
the file check and start the update of the firmware, which risks flashing
damaged code into the controller.
9. If the controller finds no errors in the file, it will start updating itself. A
continuous progress percentage will appear throughout the update.
10. When the update is finished, controller will ask you if you want to reboot it.
Type y. The controller will drop your Telnet session and reboot, starting up
with the new firmware.
Q16. How do I update the firmware code of my T1 card?
A16. The instructions in this file use the scenario of updating the T1 card in slot 1. The
steps below use this scenario to provide you with examples of the commands to
enter. The instructions also assume that you are using a controller running 2.40
firmware or later.
1. Using an FTP client program, such as the one that comes with Windows
95/98, delete from the controller at least half of the files in the directory
"B:\MMM\MR.LOG\". These files are event files that the controller generates
hourly, and they usually take up all the space on the B drive.
2. Transfer the firmware file to the root directory of the controller's B drive.
CAUTION: Do NOT transfer the firmware file to the controller's A drive. The
A drive does not have enough space for the file. Transferring the file to the A
drive will cause errors in the file and, perhaps, errors in the system.
3. Close your FTP session. Then open a Telnet session with the controller.
(Note: A terminal attached to the controller with a null-modem serial cable
will perform the same function that the Telnet session will perform.)
4. Log in as the supervisor. The default username and password are both
5. At the # prompt, type B: to change to the B drive.
6. Type DIR or LS to display the contents of the root directory. Compare the
size of the original firmware file to the size of the copied file on the controller.
If the sizes do not match, then delete the copy from the controller and re-
transfer the original file to the controller. The copy MUST be the same size
as the original for the update to work properly.
7. If the controller's copy of the firmware file is the correct size, type UPDATE -
BOOT R96T107C.HEX location, where "location" is the specifier of the T1
card you wish to update. (For example, 1B identifies the first T1 card in slot
#1.) The controller will display the conditions of the update—-the identifier of
the T1 card and the name of the firmware file—-and it will ask you if they are
8. Press ENTER to confirm the conditions, or type n to abort the update process.
If you confirm the conditions, the controller will check the file for errors. DO
the file check and start the update of the firmware, which risks flashing
damaged code into the T1 card.
9. If the controller finds no errors in the file, it will start updating the T1 card.
The # prompt will reappear, and the T1 card will reset.