Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Modules for the IBM BladeCenter, Software Configuration Guide
Configuring the CoS Value for an Interface 23-19
Configuring Trusted Boundary 23-20
Enabling Pass-Through Mode 23-22
Configuring a QoS Policy 23-23
Classifying Traffic by Using ACLs 23-23
Classifying Traffic by Using Class Maps 23-27
Classifying, Policing, and Marking Traffic by Using Policy Maps 23-28
Configuring CoS Maps 23-31
Configuring the CoS-to-DSCP Map 23-32
Configuring the DSCP-to-CoS Map 23-33
Configuring the Egress Queues 23-34
Configuring CoS Priority Queues 23-34
Configuring WRR Priority 23-35
Enabling the Expedite Queue and Configuring WRR Priority 23-35
Displaying Standard QoS Information 23-36
Standard QoS Configuration Examples 23-36
QoS Configuration for the Existing Wiring Closet 23-37
QoS Configuration for the Intelligent Wiring Closet 23-38
24 Configuring EtherChannels and Layer 2 Trunk Failover 24-1
Understanding EtherChannels 24-1
Understanding Port-Channel Interfaces 24-2
Understanding the Port Aggregation Protocol and Link Aggregation Protocol 24-3
PAgP and LACP Modes 24-4
Physical Learners and Aggregate-Port Learners 24-5
PAgP and LACP Interaction with Other Features 24-5
EtherChannel On Mode 24-6
Understanding Load Balancing and Forwarding Methods 24-6
Configuring EtherChannels 24-8
Default EtherChannel Configuration 24-8
EtherChannel Configuration Guidelines 24-8
Configuring Layer 2 EtherChannels 24-9
Configuring EtherChannel Load Balancing 24-11
Configuring the PAgP Learn Method and Priority 24-12
Configuring the LACP Port Priority 24-13
Configuring Hot Standby Ports 24-13
Configuring the LACP System Priority 24-14
Displaying EtherChannel, PAgP, and LACP Status 24-15
Understanding Layer 2 Trunk Failover 24-15