Chapter 1 General Description
Page 1-5
1.4 Specifications
Input SignalsInput Signals
Input SignalsInput Signals
Input Signals: DC Voltage: Linear, Industrial Square Root, Logarithmic
Full Scale Ranges: ±150 mV, ±1.25 V, ±2.5 V
Accuracy Accuracy
Accuracy Accuracy
Accuracy ±0.06%
±12.5 V and ±25 V
Accuracy Accuracy
Accuracy Accuracy
Accuracy ±0.1%
DC Current: 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA and 10 to 50 mA
Accuracy Accuracy
Accuracy Accuracy
Accuracy ±0.15% using external 50 ohm 0.1% shunt
Thermocouple: Resolution 0.1 °C
Type Range (°C) Accuracy (°C) Range (°F) Accuracy (°F)
J -210 to -100 °C ±2.5 °C -340 to -150 °F ±5 °F
-100 to 1200 °C ±1.5 °C -150 to 2190 °F ±3 °F
K -270 to -100 °C ±2.5 °C -450 to -150 °F ±5 °F
-100 to 1372 °C ±1.5 °C -150 to 2500 °F ±3 °F
T -270 to -100 °C ±2.5 °C -450 to -150 °F ±5 °F
-100 to 400 °C ±1.5 °C -150 to 750 °F ±3 °F
E -270 to -100 °C ±2.5 °C -450 to -150 °F ±5 °F
-100 to 1000 °C ±1.5 °C -150 to 1832 °F ±3 °F
R -50 to 1768 °C ±3 °C -58 to 3200 °F ±6 °F
S -50 to 1768 °C ±3 °C -58 to 3200 °F ±6 °F
B 0 to 1820 °C ±4 °C 32 to 3300 °F ±7 °F
C 0 to 2400 °C ±3 °C 32 to 4350 °F ±6 °F
N -270 to -100 °C ±2.5 °C -450 to -150 °F ±5 °F
-100 to 1300 °C ±1.5 °C -150 to 2372 °F ±3 °F
Reference junction compensation accuracy ±0.5°C (0 °C to 50 °C)
Thermocouple burnout detection – internal
RTD: Base accuracy 0.2% or 0.5 °C (1 °F). Resolution 0.1 °C.
2, 3 or 4 wire connection. Cable compensation to +50 Ohm
Open and short circuit detection.
10ohm Cu -70 to 170 °C -94 to 338 °F
100 ohm Pt 385 -220 to 850 °C -364 to 1560 °F
100 ohm Pt 392 -180 to 820°C -292 to 1500 °F
200 ohm Pt 385 -220 to 400 °C -364 to 750 °F
200 ohm Pt 392 -180 to 400 °C -292 to 750 °F
120 ohm Ni -70 to 300 °C -94 to 570 °F
1000 ohm Ni -60 to 209 °C -76 to 408 °F
Input ResolutionInput Resolution
Input ResolutionInput Resolution
Input Resolution 0.0015% of full scale, 16 bit unless otherwise stated
Input ImpedanceInput Impedance
Input ImpedanceInput Impedance
Input Impedance >10 megohms on 150 mV, 1.25 V and 2.5 V Ranges, >100 K on 12.5 V, and 25 ranges
Input ChannelsInput Channels
Input ChannelsInput Channels
Input Channels 2, 4, 6 or 12 direct
Maximum InputMaximum Input
Maximum InputMaximum Input
Maximum Input 50 Vdc
Isolation 250 Vdc or peak AC channel to channel, 300 Vdc or peak AC to Chassis
Measurement RateMeasurement Rate
Measurement RateMeasurement Rate
Measurement Rate 8 times per second on all direct input channels
Common Mode Noise RejectionCommon Mode Noise Rejection
Common Mode Noise RejectionCommon Mode Noise Rejection
Common Mode Noise Rejection >100 dB, 50/60 Hz
Normal Mode Noise RejectionNormal Mode Noise Rejection
Normal Mode Noise RejectionNormal Mode Noise Rejection
Normal Mode Noise Rejection >50 dB at 50/60 Hz
Math FunctionsMath Functions
Math FunctionsMath Functions
Math Functions +,-,x,/, logarithms, totalization, powers, averages, and timers
Recording RatesRecording Rates
Recording RatesRecording Rates
Recording Rates User programmable from 8 samples per second to 1 sample every 600 seconds (10Minutes).
Channels independently programmed.
Data FormatData Format
Data FormatData Format
Data Format Proprietary binary format. User File naming.
Data Storage CapacityData Storage Capacity
Data Storage CapacityData Storage Capacity
Data Storage Capacity Data stored in non-volatile RAM and recorded automatically to on board removable media
Removable Media TypesRemovable Media Types
Removable Media TypesRemovable Media Types
Removable Media Types 3 ½ inch (89mm) Floppy disk – approximately 700,000 samples for a 1.44 Megabyte Disk
™ cards – approximately 256,000,000 samples for 512 Megabyte Card
Internal MediaInternal Media
Internal MediaInternal Media
Internal Media One Megabyte RAM (Non-Volatile)
Two Megabyte RAM (Non-Volatile) – optional
File typesFile types
File typesFile types
File types Data Files, Alarm and Event files, Configuration files, Language Files, Multiple files of different
names on a single disk.