Sun Screen Fabric
12. Decide where the ladder to the playhouse is to be located. Wall up the
other areas from the inside with 1" x 6" x 4'. Leave approximately 2"
etween boards. Nail to the top and bottom band with 6d nails.
13. The ladder is constructed from two 2" x 4" x 8' and six 16" long 1"
dowels. One foot of the bottom of the ladder should be set into the
ground to prevent shifting.A 2" x 4" can also be nailed between the
bottom of the posts to stabilize the bottom of the ladder. From ground
level on the rails, measure up 8", 16", 24", etc. to 48" and mark the
center of the 3 1/2" face of the rails at these points. Bore 1" holes for
the rungs. Insert the rungs and secure by nailing through the 1 1/2" edge
of the rail into the end of the rung with 8d nails.Through-bolt the rails
to the 2" x 6" band at the floor height. Three feet of the rails should
extend above the floor level.
14. Cut a 6' x 8' piece of Sun Screen Fabric to cover the playhouse roof.
Center on the ridge and fasten to it with Wood Fasteners. Stretch
down to each side and fasten to top 2" x 6" band with Wood Fasteners.
Trim off excess.
15. Cut a 6' x 9' piece of Sun Screen Fabric to cover the sandbox. Fasten to
2" x 4" band with Wood Fasteners. Trim off excess.
16. Cut a 6' x 4' piece of Sun Screen Fabric to complete the center roof. Fasten
to 2" x 6" band with Wood Fasteners. Trim off excess.
This example is 4' wide and 19' long. Materials can be varied to build
ther sizes. Pressure treated lumber is recommended. Construction
screws of appropriate lengths can be substituted for nails.
Posthole digger
Line level
3/8" electric drill
Wood saw
5/16" and 1"
wood bits
Measuring tape
8" adjustable wrench
Combination square
6' step ladder
Two 8" C-clamps
String line
Utility knife
One 6' x 25' roll Sun Screen Fabric
Six 4" x 4" x 10' posts
Two 4" x 4" x 8' posts
Two 2" x 6" x 12' lumber
Eight 2" x 6" x 8' lumber
Eleven 2" x 4" x 8' lumber
Twenty-four 1" x 6" x 8' lumber
Three 1" x 36" hardwood dowels
Forty 5/16" x 5 1/2" carriage bolts
with nuts and flat washers
Eight sacks of concrete mix
Eight 2" x 4" joist hangers
Five pounds 16d galvanized box nails
Two pounds 8d galvanized box nails
Two pounds 6d galvanized box nails
Three packages Wood Fasteners
1. Set posts 2' deep in concrete. Make certain they are carefully aligned and
2. Using string and line level, mark the tops of the six tall posts level and cut
them to the same height. Do the same for the two shorter posts.
3. Measure down 4' from the tops of the tall post and mark on the outside of
the posts. Install a 2" x 6" band around the outside of the posts above this line.
Through-bolt the 2" x 6" x 8', two bolts per post and nail the 2" x 6" x 4'
boards with 16d nails to the posts.
4. Through-bolt a 2" x 6" x 12' to the outside of the three tall posts flush with
their tops, two bolts per post. Make sure the dimensions match those in the
sketch. Repeat for the other three posts.
5. Nail three 2" x 6" x 4' between the pairs of tall posts at their tops with 16d
nails to complete the band around the top.
6. Cut two 2" x 4" x 8' to 5'6" for the roof ridge poles. Point the top ends by
cutting the corners at 45˚ angles. Center on the two 4' bands and fasten, one
pole at each end of the playhouse.
7. Cut a 2" x 4" x 8' to fit between the tops of the ridge poles and fasten to
their tops with joist hangers.
8. Construct a 2" x 4" band around the outside of the tops of the four posts
around the sandbox. The high end will be below the 2"x6" band and the lower
end should be flush with or slightly above the tops of the two shorter posts.
Nail with 16d nails.
9. Construct a 2" x 6" band on the ground to form the sandbox.Through-bolt all
four sides (two bolts at each end of each board) to the outside of the posts.
10. Install five 2" x 4" x 4' floor joists for the playhouse floor. Nail the two end
joists to the posts, flush with the bottom of the 2" x 6" band. Three other
joists should be evenly spaced between these and fastened to the 2" x 6"
band with joist hangers.
11. Cut the 1" x 6" x 8' floor boards to length and nail with 8d nails to the floor
joists. Leave approximately 1/2" space between boards. Notch floor boards
around posts and ridge poles
Playhouse and Sandbox