Specialty Feet: Quarter Inch Foot
The Quarter Inch Foot has horizontal
markings for multi-purpose uses in
sewing. The horizontal marking closest
to the front of the Quarter Inch Foot
is a 1/4” guide useful when pivoting
at a seamline corner with a 1/4” seam
To pivot using the guideline at the front,
sew your seam up to the corner, but
stopping when the edge of the fabric
aligns with the 1/4” horizontal guideline.
Then, put the needle down in the fabric.
With the needle down in the fabric, raise
the presser foot, turn the fabric to sew
the remainder of the seam, aligning the
raw edge of the fabric with the right-
hand edge of the presser foot. Lower
the presser foot then continue sewing a
1/4” seam.
The remaining two horizontal markings
can also be used for pivoting. The
center horizontal mark is used for a 3/8”
seam and the horizontal mark closest
to the needle opening is used for a 1/2”
Sewing with the Quarter Inch Foot