Tabbed Pages
The tabbed pages provide an MSA-compliant interface
to the memory space of the XFP module. There are three
pages which cover the address space A0 up to byte 118, in
which the MSA de ned registers are listed and interpreted,
so that both raw register contents and calibrated data are
The page entitled “A0: Address 0-57” displays the contents
of the signal conditioner control byte and the alarm and
warning threshold values. Some of the bits of the signal
conditioner control byte are userprogrammable – please
see the Avago Technologies HFCT-711XPDZ datasheet for
information on which of these options are available.
The page entitled “A0: Address 58-87” displays registers
pertaining to Variable Power Supply control, and also to
BER, FEC, and wavelength control features. Please refer
to the HFCT-711XPDZ datasheet for further information
on the availability of these features. The lower half of this
page shows the status of all the latched ags showing
alarm or warning conditions. Once read, these are cleared,
but will be re-asserted if the alarm or warning condition
The page entitled “A0: Address 89-118” displays the
masking ags corresponding to the latched interrupt
ags. Selecting one or more of these prevents the corre-
sponding fault condition in the module from generating
an interrupt. At the bottom of the page, the values of the
analog readbacks are shown, both as raw register values
and as scaled physical quantities. To the right of this area,
the two status bytes are shown (bytes 110 and 111). In the
former, it is possible to set the SoftPDown and SoftTxDis-
able bits to put the module into the corresponding state.
Finally, at the bottom right of the page, it is possible to
enable or disable packet error checking.
The page entitled “Demo Screen” displays all of the analog
readbacks in large format (see the HFCT-711XPDZ data-
sheet for the de nition of the AUX-1 and AUX_2 signals),
along with the most important fault ags: TxFault, LOS,
TxLoL, RxLoL, ModNR. To the left, there is information on
the Manufacturer, Serial Number and Part Number; dis-
played are also the oscillator frequency and the data rate
selected. The data rate is read back from the appropriate
register in the module and does not necessarily re ect the
actual data rate being transmitted or received.
On page entitled “Paging”, it is possible to enter the user
or vendor passwords. There is also a eld for entering a
new user password. To the right, there is a pull-down
menu for page selection, and a button for viewing the
contents of that page. If the page selected is 1, then a new
window with three tabbed pages is opened. These detail
the contents of the Serial ID registers in the module and
are selfexplanatory. For other values of the page number,
a new window is opened which lists the contents of all the
registers in that page in hexadecimal. It is also possible to
write to these registers by selecting the checkbox for the
bytes in question, writing the new value in the appropri-
ate elds, and pushing the “Write” button.