
Toprotectthe unit from freezingtemperatwres:
1. Emptycleaning tank as follows:
a. Disconnecthoseconnectedto injection fitting on
pump. Piaceend of hoseinto suitabie container.
b. Rotatedetergent shut-off valveto "On" position and
open the tanks cover. Gravitywiii empty tank
contents into container.
c. Reconnect hoseto injection fitting on pump. Add
0.5 quart of cleanfresh water to cleaningtank and
ciose tanks cover.
2. Fiush cteaningsystem byturning detergentshut-off
valveto "On" position, rotate PrecisionSprayTM Selector
to a Iowpressure position and run pressure washer.
Flush untii cleaningtank is empty.Turn its detergent
shut-off vaiveto "Off" position.
3. Foliow steps 2-5 in the previous sectionAfter EachUse.
4. Use pump saver,availableat Searsretail item
7174403GS,to treat pump. This minimizesfreeze
damageand iubricates pistons and seals.
5. If pump saver is not avaiiabie, connecta 3-foot section
of garden hoseto water inlet adapter. Pour
RV-antifreeze (antifreezewithout alcohol) into hose. Pull
recoii handletwice. Disconnect3-foot hose.
6. Store unit ina clean,dry area.
If you do not plan to usethe pressure washer for morethan
30 days,you must prepare the engine and pump for long
term storage.
It is important to preventgum deposits from forming in
essentialfuel system parts such asthe carburetor, fuet filter,
fuel hose or tank during storage. Also, experienceindicates
that alcohol-blendedfuels (called gasohol, ethanol or
methanol) canattract moisture, which ieadsto separation
and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can
damagethe fuel system of anengine while in storage.
Pretect Fuel System
Fueican becomestab when stored over 30 days.Stab fuel
causesacid and gum depositsto form in the fuei system or
on essentialcarburetor parts. To keepfue! fresh, use Bdggs
& Stratton FRESHSTAR7Mfuel stabiiizer, availableas a
liquid additive or a drip concentrate cartridge.
Thereis no needto draingasoiine from the engineif afuel
stabilizer is added according to instructions. Runthe engine
for 2 minutesto circulate the stabiiizerthroughout the fuel
system. Theengine and fuet can then bestored upto
24 months.
If gasolinein the engine has not beentreated with afuel
stabiiizer, it must be drained into an approved container. Run
the engine untii it stops from iack of fuel. The use of a fuel
stabilizer in the storagecontainer is recommendedto
maintain freshness.
Change (}ira
Whib engine isstiii warm, drain oil from crankcase. Refill
with recommendedgrade. See ChangingE,_gineOil.
Oil Cylinder Bere
* Removespark plug andpour about 1/2 ounce (15 mI) of
cleanengine oii into the cyiinder.
* Instali spark plugand pull starter handle slowly to
distribute oil.
Pretect Pump
To protect the pump from damagecausedby mineral
deposits or freezing, usePumpSaver,item 7174403GS,to
treat pump. This preventsfreezedamageand lubricates
)istons andseals.
You must protect your unit from freezing temperatures.
Failuretodo sowill permanentlydamageyourpurnpand
NOTE:PumpSaveris availabieasan optional accessory.It is
not included with the pressurewasher. Contact your iocaI
Searsservice center to purchase PumpSaver.
To usePumpSaver,makesure the pressurewasher is turned
off anddisconnected from suppiy water. Readand foliow aii
instructions andwarnings given onthe PumpSavercontainer.
ether $terage Tips
1. DONOTstore fuel from one seasonto another unless it
hasbeentreated asdescribed in Protect Fud System.
Repiacefuei container if it starts to rust. Rust and/or dirt
in fuel cancause problems if it's usedwith this unit.
Coverunit with a suitable protectivecover that does not
retain moisture.
_ Storagecovers can be flammable=
o DONOTplacea storagecoveroverahotpressurewasher.
• Letequipmentcoo[fora sufficbnttime beforeplacingthe
4. Store unit in acleanand dry area.