
Craftsman 580.752160, 580.752100, 580.752101, 580752160 Owner's manual

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2780 PSi MAX
2.5 GPff] MAX
_odei No. 580.752160
HOUriS: Non. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 5p.m. (CT)
Before usingthis product, readthis
manualand follow atI SafetyRutes
and Operating Instructions.
Antes de utiiizar el producto, Ieaeste
manuaiy siga todas IasReglasde
Seguridade Instrucciones deUso.
Sears, Roebuck and Ca., Hoffman Estates, _L 68179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website: www.craftsman.eom
Part No. 202663GS Draft B(04/04/2007)
,, Maintenance
,, Parts
,, Espa_oi,p. 32
WARRANTY.......................................... 2
SAFETYRULES...................................... 2-5
FEATURESANDCONTROLS.............................. 6
ASSEMBLY......................................... 7-9
OPERATION....................................... 10-13
SPECIFICATIONS..................................... 14
MAINTENANCE.................................... 15-19
STORAGE........................................... 20
TROUBLESHOOTING.................................. 21
REPLACEMENTPARTS.............................. 22-29
EMISSIONCONTROLWARRANTY..................... 30-31
ESPANOL......................................... 32-55
HOWTOORDERPARTS........................ BACKPAGE
If this pressurewasher faiis dueto a defectin materiai or workmanship within oneyear from the dateof purchase,return it to
any Searsstore, other Craftsman outlet, or SearsParts & RepairCenterin the UnitedStates or Canadafor free repair (or
replacementif repairproves impossible).
Ali warranty coverageapplies for only 90 days from dateof purchaseif this pressure washer is ever usedfor commercial or
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you mayalso haveother rights which vary from stateto state.
Sears, Roebuck and Ce,, Heffman Estates, JL68179
Sears Canada Jnc,, Terente, 8ntarie, Canada MSB 2B8
Thisis the safety alert symbol, tt is used to alert yea to potentialpersenaminjary hazards. ObeyaHsafety messages
that fellow this symbemto avoid pessiNe injuryor death.
_Read this manual carefully and become familiar
..... with yourpressurewasher. Knew its applications,
itslimitations, and any hazardsinvolved.
Thesafety alert symboi (,_) is usedwith a signal word
(DAr/GER,CAUTION,WARNING),a pictorial and/or a safety
messageto alert you to hazards.BANGERindicatesa hazard
which, if not avoided, wi/'/resuIt in deathor serious injury.
WARNINGindicates a hazardwhich, if not avoided, cou/d
result in deathor serious injury. CAUTtONindicatesa hazard
which, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate
injury. NOTICEindicatesa situation that could result in
equipment damage. Foiiow safety messagesto avoid or
reducethe risk of injury or death.
Hazard $ymhomsand NteanJngs
Kickback ElectricalShock
Fall FluidInjection
Explosion Operator'sManual
MovingParts FlyingObiects HotSurface
© SearsBrands, LLC
o Keepexhaustgasfromenteringaconfinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
o DONOTstartor runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea,
evenif windowsanddoorsareopen.
Usea respiratoror maskwheneverthereisa chancethat
Readall instructionswith masksoyouarecertainthernaskwill
Risk of electrocution.
Contact with power source can cause electric
shock or burn.
NEVERspray nearpower source
_'_ Fuet and its vapors are extremely flammable and
Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or
o Turn pressure washer OFFand let it cool at least 2 minutes
before removing fuel cap. Loosen cap slowly to relievepressure
in tank.
o Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
DONOTover% tank. Mow spacefor fue! expansion.
o If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbefore starting engine.
Keepfuel away frorn sparks, openflames, pilot lights, heat,and
other ignition sources.
DONOTlight a cigarette or smoke.
o Ensure spark plug, muffler, fuel cap, andair cleaner arein
o DO NOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
DONOTtip engine or equiprnentat anglewhich causesfuel to
o DONOTspray'flamrnable liquids.
o Transport/repair with fuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff valve
o Disconnect spark plug wire.
Store away from furnaces, stoves_water heaters_clothes
dryers, or other appliances that have pilot light or other ignition
source becausethey'can ignite fuel vapors.
Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
in bodily injury. Kickback will pulI hand and arm
toward engine faster than you can Iet go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
NEVERpull starter cord without first relieving spray gun
o When starting engine pull cord slowly until resistanceis felt
andthen pul! rapidly to avoid kickback.
o After eachstarting atternpt where enginefails to run, always
point spray gun in safe direction andsqueezespray gun trigger
to releasehigh pressure. Engagespray gutstrigger lock.
o Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure spray to avoid iniury when spray gun kicks back.
Useof pressure washer cancreate puddles and
slippery surfaces,
Kickbackfrom spray gun cancause you to fall,
* Operatepressure washer frorn astable surface.
o The cleaningarea should haveadequate slopes and drainageto
reducethe possibility of afall due to slippery surfaces.
o Be extremelycareful if you rnust usethe pressurewasher from
a ladder,scaffolding, or any other similar location.
o Firmly grasp spray gun with both hands when using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
Contact with muffler area can result inserious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing afire.
* DO NOTtouch hot parts andAVOID hot exlsaustgases.
* Allow equipment to cool before touching.
o Keepat least 5feet (152 crn) of clearanceon all sides of
pressure washer including overhead.
o Codeof FederalRegulation (CFR)Title 36 Parks,Forests,and
Public Property require equipment powered by an internal
combustion engine to have aspark arrester, rnaintainedin
effective working order, complying to USDAForestservice
standard 5100-1C or later revision. Inthe State of California a
spark arrester is requiredunder section 4442 of the California
Public resources code. Other statesrnay havesimilar laws.
pressure stream of water that thi-['s_
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
_ .underlying tissues, ieading to serious injury and
possibie amputation.
_l"_ Spray gun traps h gl water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
DONOTallow CHILDRENto operate pressure washer.
NEVERrepair high pressure hose. Replaceit.
NEVERrepair leakingconnections with sealantof any kind.
Replaceo-ring or seal.
NEVERconnect high pressure hoseto nozzle extension.
Keephigh pressure hose connectedto purnp and spray gun
while system is pressurized.
ALWAYSpoint spray gun in safe direction and squeezespray
gun trigger to releasehigh pressure, everytime you stop
engine. Engagetrigger lock when not in use.
NEVERaim spray gutsat people,animals, or plants.
DO NOTsecure spray gun inopen position.
DO NOTleavespray gun unattended while rnacbineis running.
NEVERusea spray gun wlsichdoes not haveatrigger lock or
trigger guard in place and in working order.
Always be certain spray gun, nozzbs and accessoriesare
correctly attached.
Unintentionalsparking can result in fire or
electrb shock.
o Disconnectthe sparkplugwirefromthesparkplugandplace
thewirewhereit cannotcontactsparkplug.
o Useapprovedsparkplugtester.
DONOTcheckfor sparkwith sparkplugremoved.
Starter and other rotating parts canentangie
hands, hair, clothing, or accessories.
DONOTwea!looseclothing jewelryor anythingthat maybe
caughtinthestarteror otherrotati_gparts.
o Tieup longhai!andrernovejewelry.
IRisk of eyeinjury=
..L..__jSpray cansplash backor propel objects.
Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthis equipmentor in
vicinityof whereequipmentisin use.
NEVERsubstitutesafetyglassesfor safetygoggles.
High pressure spray may damagefragiie items inciuding
DONOTpointspraygunatglasswhenusingMAX(0°) nozzle.
Improper treatment of pressure washer can damageit and
shorten its iife.
Ifyouhavequestionsaboutintendeduse,askdealeror contact
NEVERoperateunitswith brokenor missingpa!rs,or without
protectivehousingor covers.
DONOTby-passanysafetydeviceonthis rnachine.
DONOTtamperwith governedspeed.
Beforestartingpressurewasherincoldweathercheckall parts
oftheequiprner_tto besureicehasnotformedthere.
NEVERmovemachinebypullingon hoses.Usehandle
providedon unit.
Checkfuelsystemfor leaksor signsofdeterioration,suchas
chafedor spongyhose,looseor missingclamps_or damaged
Thisequipmentisdesignedto beusedwith Searsauthorized
partsONLY.If equipmentis usedwith partsthatDONOT
complywith minimumspecifications,userassumesall risks
,r' F I-_Read the Operator's ManuaJand safety ruJesbefore operating yourpressurewasher.
.... Comparethe illustrations with your pressurewasher to familiarizeyourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manualfor future reference.
A =Spray Gun-- Controisthe appiication of water onto
cleaningsurfacewith trigger device,inctudestrigger iock.
B oPresisieeSprayTM SeJestor-- Containssix different
setting for various appiications.
C- Cleaning Tank - Usedto provide pressure washer safe
detergents into the iow pressurestream.
D -Resoil Starter -- Used for starting the engine manuatiy.
E - Fuel Tank-- FilItank with reguiar unleadedfuel. Aiways
leaveroom for fuei expansion.
F =Warning/Operating instructions Tag-- Identifies hazards
and proper procedureto start/stop pressure washer,
G - Air Filter -- Protects engine by fiitering dust and debris
out of intakeair=
H =ThrottleLever-- Setsengine in starting mode for recoil
starter and stops a running engine.
J =Choke Lever -- Preparesa coid engine for starting.
J(- Pamp -- Developshigh pressure=
L - A[itematic CoolDown System-- Cycleswaterthrough
pump when water reaches 125°=155%.Warm water wiii
discharge from pump ontoground. This system prevents
internal pump damage.
Ni- Oil Fill/Dipstick -- Check,add and drain engineeli here=
N =High Press[ireHose -- Connectone end to waterpump
and the other end to spray gun.
P - Accessory Tray -- Provides convenientstorage for
standard and optional accessories,such as brushes,
turbo wands, etc=
items Not Shown:
Data Tag (near rear of base plate) -- Provides model and
serial number of pressurewasher. Pieasehavethese readily
avaiiabieif calling for assistance.
High Press[ire O[itJet-- Connectionfor higil pressure hose.
Safety Goggles-- Always usethe enciosedsafety goggies
when runningyour pressurewasher.
Water inlet -- Connectionfor garden hose.
Jfyou haveany prohbmswith the assembly of your
pressurewasher, please call the pressurewasher hempline
at 1o800o222o3136.
1. Removeeverything from carton exceptpressure washer.
2. Opencarton completely bycutting eachcorner from top
to bottom.
3. Removepressure washer from carton.
Checkali contents, if any parts are missing or damaged,call
the pressure washer hetplineat 1=800=222=3136.
° Main Unit
* Handb with CieaningTankAssembly
, AccessoryTray
° High PressureHose
° Spray Gun
, PrecisionSprayTM Selector
, DetergentSiphoning Hose/Fiiter
* Oil Bottle
, Parts Bag (which includesthe following):
. Operator's Manual
, Owner's RegistrationCard
, SafetyGoggies
, HandieFasteningHardwareKit (whichincludes):
, CarriageBolts (2)
, Plastic Knobs (2)
, Tree6iips (4)
Becomefamiiiar with eachpiecebefore assembiingthe
pressure washer. Identify alIcontents with the illustration on
page 6. if any parts are missing or damaged,callthe
pressure washer helptineat 1-808-222-3136.
Your Craftsmancleaningsystem will needassembly before
1. Fiii out andsend in registration card.
2. Attach handieand accessorytray.
3. Connectdetergent siphon hoseto pump.
4. Add elito enginecrankcase.
5. Add fuel to fuel tank.
6. Connectpressure hoseto spray gunand pump.
7. Connectwater supply to pump.
8. Attach PrecisionSprayTM Selector to spraygun.
Attach Handle and Accessery Tray
1. Placehandb (A) onto handb supports (8) connectedto
main unit. Makesure holes (C) in handb align with holes
(C) on handle supports.
NOTE:it may be necessaryto move the handle supports
from sideto side in order to align the handleso it wifl slide
overthe handIesupports.
2. Insert carriagebolts (A) through holesfrom back of unit
and attacha plastic knob (8) from front of unit. Tighten
by hand.
3. Placeaccessorytray (A) over holes (g) on handle
(viewing from front of unit). Pushthe tree clips (8) into
the holes until they sit fiat againstthe accessorytray.
Insert supplied accessoriesin spacesprovided in
accessorytray. SeeHow to UseAccessofy Tray.
Attach Detergent Siphon Hose te Pemp
Thepressure washer is equippedwith two detergent
siphoning hoses.One is attachedto the cleaningtank and
one is loosefor siphoning pressure washer safe detergents
from a bottle or container.
Attach one of the detergent siphon hoses (A) to the barbed
hose fitting (B) on the pump.
iMPORTANT:Onlyone detergent siphoning hosecan be used
at a time. When cleaningtank is not used, makesure
detergent shut-off valve on cleaningtank is in the "Off"
Add Engine Oil
1. Placepressure washer on a flat, ieveisurface.
2. Cleanarea around oii fiii and remove yeiiow oii fiii
NOTE:See 0i/Recommendations in Maintenancesection.
Verify provided oil bottle is the correct viscosity for current
ambient temperature.
3. Using oiI funnel (optional), slowly pour contents of
provided oil bottle into oil fill opening.
improper treatment of pressurewasher can damageit and
shorten its life.
DONOTattempttocrankor sta!ttheenginebeforeit hasbeen
4. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstick and fully tighten.
Add Fee?
Fuel must meet these requirements:
Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline.
. A minimum of 87 octane/87AKI (91 RON).Highaltitude
use, see HighAltitude.
° Gasolinewith up to 10%ethanol (gasohoI) or up to
15% MTBE(methyl tertiary butyi ether) is acceptable.
Avoid pressure washer damage.
Faiiumto foliow Operator's Manuaifor fuet
recommendations voids warranty.
DONOTmixoil in gasoline.
DONOTmodifyengineto runon alternatefuels.
To protectthefueI systemfrom gum formation, mix in afue!
stabiiizerwhenadding fueLSeeStorage.Ali fueiis not the
same.if you experiencestarting or performanceproblemsafter
usingfue!,switch to a differentfuel provideror changebrands.
This engineis certifiedto operateon gasoiine.Theemission
control systemfor this engineis EM(EngineModifications).
Fueiand itsvapors areextremely flammable and
Fireor explosioncan causesevere burns or
TurnpressurewasherOFFandletit coolatleast2 minutes
beforeremovingfuelcap.Loosencapslowlyto relievepressure
in tank.
o DONOToverfilltank.Allowspaceforfuelexpansion.
Iffuelspills waituntilit evaporatesbeforestartingengine.
o Keepfuelawayfrornsparks,openflames,pilotlights,heat,and
DONOTlighta cigaretteorsmoke.
1. Cieanareaaround fuel fiii cap, removecap.
2. Siowiy add regular unleadedfuel (A) to fuettank (B). Be
carefui not to overfiii. Aiiow about 1.5" (4 cm) (C) oftank
space for fuel expansion.
CAUTION! AIcohoI-blendedfuels (caiiedgasohot,ethanol or
methanol) canattract moisture, which leadsto separationand
formation of acids during storage.Acidic gas candamagethe
fuel system ofan engine while in storage.
To avoidengineproblems,the fuelsystemshould betreated
with afuel preserveror emptiedbeforestorageof 30 days or
longer,if addinga fuel preserver,fiii the fuei tank with fresh
fuel. if oniy partiaiiy fiiied, air inthe tank wiii promote fuel
deterioration during storage. If fuel preserver is not used,
drainthefueI tank,startthe engineand ietit rununtiithe fuel
linesandcarburetorare empty. Usefreshfuel nextseason.See
Storagefor additionalinformation.
NEVERuseengine orcarburetor cleaner products in the fuel
tank as permanentdamagemay occur.
85octane/ 85 AKI (89 RON)gasoline is acceptable.To
remain emissions compiiant, high attitudeadjustment is
required. Operationwithout this adjustment wiii cause
decreasedperformance, increasedfuel consumption, and
increasedemissions. Seea qualified Searsdealer for high
altitude adjustment information. Operationof the engineat
altitudes below 2,500 feet (762 meters) with the high altitude
kit is not recommended.
Cennect Hese and Water Supply te Pump
NOTE:Removeand discard the shipping capsfrom the
pump's high pressureoutiet andwater inlet before attaching
1. Uncoii high pressure hoseand attach one end of hoseto
baseof spray gun. Tighten by hand.
The high pressure stream of waterthat this
equipment producescancut through skin and its
underlyingtissues, leadingto serious injury and
)ossibb amputation.
* NEVERconnecthighpressurehoseto nozzbextension.
* Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto purnpandspraygun
whilesysternis pressurized.
. Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesandaccessoriesare
Attach other end of high pressurehoseto high pressure
outlet on pump. Tightenby hand.
3, Beforeconnecting garden hoseto water inlet,inspect
inletscreen. Cleanscreen (A)if it contains debris or have
it replacedif damaged.DONOTrun pressurewasher if
inletscreen is damaged or missing,
Runwater through garden hosefor 30 secondsto flush
it of debris.Turn off water.
iMPORTANT:DONOTsiphon standing water for the water
supply. UseONLYcoId water (Iessthan 100%).
5. Connectgarden hose(not to exceed50 feetin length) to
water inlet. Tighten by hand.
Using a OneWay Vatve(vacuum breakeror checkvaiv@
at pump inlet cancause pump or iniet connector damage.
ThereMUSTbeatleasttenfeet(3 rn)ofunrestrictedgarden
avacuumbreakeror checkvalve.
Darnageto equipmentresultingfromfailuretofollowthis
6. Turn ONwater, point gun in asafe direction and squeeze
trigger to purge pump system of air and impurities.
jRiskof eyeinjury.
_Spray cansplash backor propel objects.
Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthis equipmentor in
vicinityof whereequipmentisin use.
NEVERsubstitutesafetyglassesfor safetygoggles.
ChecMJst Befere Starting Engine
Reviewthe unit to ensureyou haveperformed all of the
1. Besureto read SafetyRu/'esand Operationsections
before usingthe cleaningsystem.
2. Makesure handle is in placeand secure.
3. Checkthat oii has beenaddedto proper level in engine
4. Add properfue! to fueI tank.
5. Checkfor proper hoseconnections (high pressureand
water suppiy) and that thereare no kinks, cuts, or
damageto the high pressure hose.
6. Provideproper water supply (not to exceed 100%).
If you haveany probbms operatingyour pressurewasher,
pleasecallthe pressurewasher heJpfineat 1-800-222-3136,
Pressure Washer Lecation
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibbs,
structures or damagefuei tank causing afire.
o Keepatleast5ft. (152cm)clearanceonall sidesofpressure
Macepressure washer outdoors in anareathat wiii not
accumulate deadtyexhaustgas. DONOTpiacepressure
washer where exhaustgas (A) could accumulateand enter
inside or bedrawn into a potentiaily occupied building.
Ensureexhaustgas is kept awayfrom any windows, doors,
ventiiation intakes, or other openingsthat can aliow exhaust
gasto coiiect in a confinedarea. Prevaiiingwinds and air
currents should betaken into considerationwhen positioning
Runningengine gives off carbon monoxide, an
odorless, colorless, poison gas.
Breathingcarbon monoxidecan causeheadache,
fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion, seizures,
nausea,fainting or death.
° OperatepressurewasherONLYoutdoors.
o Keepexhaustgasfromenteringaconfinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
DONOTstat or runengineindoorsor in anenclosedarea,
evenif windowsanddoorsareopen.
To Start Your CmeaningSystem
To start your engine=poweredcleaning system for the first
time, foiiow these instructions step=by=step.This information
also applies wheneveryou start the engine after you havelet
the pressurewasher sit idle for at bast a day.
1= Placepressure washer nearan outsidewater source
capableof supplying water at a flow rategreater than
3.5 galions perminute andno iess than 20 PSiat
pressurewasher end of garden hose.
2. Checkthat higil pressure hose istightly connectedto
spray gun and pump. SeeAssemby for illustrations.
3. Makesure unit is in a ieveiposition.
4. Connectgarden hoseto water inteton pressure washer
5. Turn ONwater, point gun in asafe direction and squeeze
trigger to purge pump system of air and impurities.
6. Attach PrecisionSprayTM Selectorto spray gunaccording
to PrecisionSprayTM Selector instruction sheet.
7. Engagetrigger lock (A) to spray gun trigger.
8. Movethrottle lever (Ai to "Fast position, shown hereas
a rabbit.
9. Move chokeiever (B) to "Choke" position.
NOTE:Fora warm engine,besure the choke leveris in the
"Run" position.
iMPORTANT:Beforestarting the pressurewasher, be sure
ou are wearing adequatesafety goggbs.
>_ iRiskof eYeinjurY.
" |Spraycansplash backor propel objects.
Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthis equipmentor in
lB. Whenstartingengine,positionyourselfas
Startercord kickback(rapid retraction) can result
in bodily injury. Kickbackwill pulI handand arm
toward enginefaster than youcan iet go.
Brokenbones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
o NEVERpullstartercordwithoutfirst relievingspraygun
andthenpullrapidlyto avoidkickback.
o Aftereachstartingattempt_whereenginefailsto run,always
pointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezesprayguntrigger
to releasehighpressure.Engagesprayguntriggerlock.
Firmlygraspspraygunwith bothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidiniurywhenspraygunkicksback.
1. Return recoii starter slowly. DONOTlet rope"snap
back" against starter.
12. Whenengine starts, slowiy move choke ieverto "Run"
position, asengine warms, if engine falters, move choke
leverto "Choke" position, then to "Run" position.
13. After eachstarting attempt, where enginefails to run,
alwayspoint gun in safe direction and squeezespray
gun trigger to releasehigh pressure. Movechoke lever
to "Choke" position, and repeatsteps 10through 12.
14. If engine faiis to start after six pulis, move choke leverto
"Run" position, and repeatsteps 1Othrough 12.
NOTE:Alwayskeepthe throttle ieverin the "Fast" position
when operatingthe pressurewasher.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that thb
equipment producescancut through skin and its
underlyingtissues, ieadingto serious injury and
)ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can causeinjury.
Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
NEVERaimspray'gutsatpeople,animals,or plants.
DONOTsecurespraygun inopenposition.
DONOTleavespraygununattendedwhilernachineis running.
NEVERusea spraygunwhichdoesnothaveatriggerlockor
triggerguardin placeandin workingorder.
Contact with muffler area can result in serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing afire.
Keepatleast5 feet(152cm) ofclearanceonall sidesof
Codeof FederalRegulation(CFR)Title36 Parks_Forests,and
combustionengineto haveasparkarrester rnaintainedin
effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDAForestservice
standard5100-1Cor laterrevision.IntheStateof Californiaa
sparkarresteris requiredundersection4442oftheCalifornia
How te Step Your Cleaning System
1. Reieasespray gun trigger and let engine idle for two
2. Movethrottle to SLOWposition, then STOPposition.
Backfire,fire or enginedamagecould occur.
o DONOTstopenginebymovingchokeleverto "Cheke"position.
3. ALWAYSpointsprayguninasafedirectionandsqueeze
The high pressure stream of waterthat this
equipment producescancut through skin and its
underlyingtissues, leadingto serious injury and
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can causeinjury.
Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto purnpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
o ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezespray
guntrigger,to releasehighpressureeverytimeyoustop
4. Engagetrigger lock on spraygun when not in use.
How te 8so Accessory Tray
Theunit is equipped with an accessorytray with placesto
store your spraygun and PrecisionSprayTM Seiector.Thereis
also a hook at the front of the accessorytray to hoid your
high pressurehose. identify alI accessorieswith the
iliustration on page 6.
NOTE:Theextra hoie in the tray is for storing a utiiity brush.
Theextra ciip in thetray is for storing aturbo nozzle.The
brush and turbo nozzieare NOTincludedwith your pressure
washer.You canbuy these items as optional accessories.
1= Mace PrecisionSprayTM Selectorthrougll holeon
accessorytray, as shown.
Mace spray gun through hoteon accessorytray on rigllt
side of unit.
Hanghigh pressurehose on hook attachedto accessory
tray onfront of tray as shown.
How to Use PrecidonSpray TM Sdedor
Referto the PrecisionSprayTM Selectorinstruction sheet for
proper use.
Product damagewiii occur if the gun trigger is squeezed
whiie the Selector is in-betweerH_ozziesettings.
Cteadng and Applying Hetergent
Chemicalscan causebodily injury, and/or property damage.
Teapplydetergentfeiiew thesesteps:
1. Attach oneof the detergentsiphon hosesfoiiowing
instructions Attach DetefgentSiphon Hoseto Pump.
iMPORTANT:Besure engine is off and allowedto cool before
switching detergent siphoning hoses.
Contact with muffler area can result in serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing afire.
o DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexhaustgases.
2. Preparedetergent soiution as required byjob.
3. Makesure detergent shut=offvalve on cleaning tank is in
"Off" position.
4= If using cleaningtank, pour detergentinto cleaningtank.
NOTE:Thecleaningtank holds one gaiion.
5. RotatePrecisionSprayTM Selector to a iow pressure
position, as described in the PrecisionSprayTM Selector
instuction sheet.
NOTE:Detergentcannot be applied with the PrecisionSprayTM
Seiector in a high pressure position.
6= Makesure garden hose is connectedto water inlet.
Checkthat high pressure hose is connectedto spraygun
and pump.Turn onwater.
You must attachali hosesbefore
thewaterturnedONwill damagethepump.
Damageto equipmentresultingfrom failureto followthis
7. EngagetriggerIockonspraygunandstartengine
foliowinginstructionsHow to Start YourPressure
If using cbaning tank, rotatedetergentshut-off valve on
cleaningtank to "On" position (A).
iMPORTANT:if using detergent siphoning hose, makesure
detergent shut-off valve on cleaningtank is in the "Off"
8B. If using detergentsiphoning hose, piacesmali fiiter end
of detergentsiphoning tube into detergentcontainer.
NOTE:Makesure the fiiter is fully submergedin detergent
while applying detergent.
Contact with the hot muffbr candamagedetergent
siphoning tube.
thetubesoasto keepitfrom inadvertentlycontactingthehot
9. Apply detergentto a dry surface,starting at lower
portion of areato bewashedand work upward, using
long, even, overlapping strokes.
10. Aliow detergentto "soakin"for 3-5 minutes before
washing and rinsing. Re@plyas neededto prevent
surfacefrom drying. DONOTaiiow detergentto dry on
(prevents streaking).
iMPORTANT:When using the detergentsiphoning hose,you
mustflush the detergent siphoning system after eachuse by
placingthe fiiter into a bucketof cteanwater, then run the
pressure washer in Iow pressure for 1-2 minutes.
Pressure Washer Rinsing
After detergentis applied, scourthe surfaceandrinseit clean
f. if using cbaning tank, rotate detergentshut=offvalve on
cleaningtank to "Off" position=
2. Rotate PrecisionSprayTM Selectorto a high pressure
position, asdescribed in the PrecisionSprayTM Selector
instruction sheet.
3. Keepspray gun a safe distancefrom spray surface.
Kickbackfrom spray gun cancauseyou to fall.
o Operatepressurewasherfrom astablesurface.
o Beextrerne[ycarefulifyou mustusethepressurewasherfrom
a ladder,scaffolding,or anyothersimilarlocation.
pressuresprayto avoidiniurywhenspraygunkicksback.
4. Apply a high pressure spray to a small areaand then
check the surface for damage.If no damage,proceedto
step 5.
Start at top of areato be rinsed,working down with
same overiapping strokes usedfor cleaning.
Cteaning Detergent $iphening Tube
If you usedthe detergentsiphoning tube,you must flush it
with cleanwater beforestopping the engine.
1. Engagetrigger iock on spray gun.
2. Piacedetergent siphoning tube/filter in a bucketfull of
ciean water.
3. RotatePrecisionSprayTM Selector to a iow pressure
position, as described in the PrecisionSprayTM Selector
instruction sheet.
4. Flushfor 1-2 minutes.
5. Shut off enginefoliowing instructions How to Stop
Pressure Washerand turn off water supply.
6. ALWAYSpoint gun in a safe direction and squeezespray
gun trigger to releaseretained high water pressure.
IMPORTANT:Spraygun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engineis stoppedand water is disconnected.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this
equipment producescancut through skin and its
_ nderlying tissues, ieadingto serious injupj and
}ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can causeinjupJ.
o Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto purnpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
guntrigger,to releasehighpressure,everytimeyoustop
engine.Engagetriggerlockwhennotin use.
autematic Ceel gewn System {Thermal lleiief)
If you run the engineon your pressure washer for
3-5 minutes without pressingthe trigger on the spray gun,
circulating water in the pump can reachtemperatures above
125%. Thesystem engagesto cool the pump by discharging
the warm water onto the ground.
This is asingle cylinder, overheadvalve (OHV),air cooled
engine, it is aiow emissionsengine.
Inthe Stateof Caiifornia, Model 120000enginesare certified
by the California Air Resources Boardto meetemissions
standardsfor 125 hours. Such certification does not grant
the purchaser, owner or operator of this engineany
additional warranties with respectto the performance or
operational life of this engine.Theengine is warranted soidy
according to the product andemissions warranties stated
elsewherein this manual=
Power Ratings
Thegross power rating for individuaI gas engine models is
labeledin accordancewith SAE(Societyof Automotive
Engineers)codeJ1940 (Small EnginePower & Torque
Rating Procedure),and rating performance hasbeen
obtained andcorrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995
(Revision2002=05).Torquevalues are derived at3060 RPM;
horsepower values are derivedat 3600 RPM.Actuai gross
engine power wiii be lower and is affected by, among other
things, ambientoperating conditions andengine-to-engine
variabiiity. Givenboth the wide array of products on which
enginesare placedand the variety of environmental issues
appiicabb to operatingthe equipment, the gas engine wiii not
developthe ratedgross power when used in a given pieceof
power equipment (actual"on-site"or net power). This
difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not
limited to, accessories (air cteaner,exhaust,charging,
cooiing, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.),appiication iimitations,
ambient operating conditions (temperature,humidity,
altitude), and engine-to-engine variabiiity. Dueto
manufacturing and capacity iimitations, Briggs & Stratton
maysubstitute an engine of higher ratedpower for this
Max Outbt Pressure ....................... 2,700 PSi
Max FtowRate............................. 2.5 GPM
DetergentMix ........................ Useasdirected
Water SuppiyTemperature .......... Not to exceed 100%
Shipping Weiglst............................. 71 Ibs.
Engine Specifications
Bore ................................. £69 in. (68mm)
Stroke ............................... £04 in. (52ram)
Displacement ........................ 11.57in. (190 cc)
Type:..................... Briggs & Stratton 491055S
SetGapTo: ...................... O.020inch(O.50mm)
ArrnatureAir Gap: ........... 0.006-0.014in.(O.15-0.36rnm)
(6 turn)pasttopdeadcenter(checkwhenengineiscold),
Intake.................... 0.004°0.006in.(0.10=0.15ram)
Exhaust .................. 0.004-0.008in.(O.10-O.20turn)
FuelCapacity............................... 1.6Quarts
OilCapacity....................... 22 Ounces(0.65liter)
NOTE:Forpracticai operation, the engine ioad should not
exceed 85% of rated power. Enginepower will decrease
3-I/2% for each1,000 feet (300 meters) abovesea Ieveiand
1% for each 10° F(5.6° C) above77° F(25° C). It should
operatesatisfactorily at anangle upto 15°.
Followthe hourly or calendarintervals, whichever occurs first.
More frequent service is required when operating in adverse conditions noted below.
Chec_dcieanwater inlet screen
Check high pressure hose
Check detergent hose
Checkspray gun for leaks
Purge pump of air and contaminants
Prepare pump for storage below 32°F
X 1
Every25 1 Evely 50
Hours or Hours or
Yearly Yearly
See WiRter Storage,
Every lO0
Hours or
Check oil level
Clean debris
Changeengine oil
Service air cleaner
Service spark plug
Service spark attester
Clean cooling system
Prepare for storage
If unit is to remain idle for longer than 30 days,
Cleanif clogged. Replaceif perforated or torn.
Change oil after the first (5) operating hours and every 50 hours or yearly thereafter. Changesooner when operating under dirty or dusty conditions.
Replacemore often under dirty or dusty conditions,
Reguiarmaintenancewill improve the performanceand
extendthe life of the pressurewasher. Seeany Searsor
other qualified service deaierfor service.
Thepressure washer warranty doesnot cover items that
havebeen subjectedto operator abuseor negligence.To
receivefuli valuefrom the warranty, the operator must
maintain pressure washer as instructed in this manual
including proper storage as detaiiedin Storage.
Someadjustments wili needto bemadeperiodicaliy to
properiy maintainyour pressurewasher.
Ali serviceand adjustments should bemadeat ieast once
eachseason.Foiiow the requirementsin the Maintenance
Schedu/echart above.
NOTE:Oncea year you should clean or replacethe spark
ptug and repiacethe air fiiter. Anew spark piug andclean air
fiiter assureproper fuel-air mixture and hetpyour engine run
better and iast longer.
Maintenance,replacementor repair of the emission control
devicesand systems may be performed by any non-road
engine repair establishment or individual.
1. Checkengine oil Ievei.
2. Cleandebris.
3. Checkwater inlet screen for damage.
4. Checkhigh pressure hose for ieaks.
5. Checkcleaningtank for damage.
6. Checkspray gun for ieaks.
7. Purge pump of air and contaminants.
Daily or before use,clean accumuiated debris from cleaning
system. Keeplinkage, spring and controts ctean.Keeparea
around andbehind muffler free from any combustible debris.
Inspect cooiing air siots andopenings on the pressure
washer. Theseopenings must be kept cleanand
Cleaningsystem parts should be kept cleanto reducethe risk
of overheating and ignition of accumuiated debris.
o Usea dampcloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
, Usea soft bdstie brush to loosencaked on dirt, oil, etc.
, Useavacuumcleanerto pickup loosedirtanddebris.
jlmproper treatment of pressurewasher can damageit and
_horten_ ....
its life.
Check and Clean inlet Screen
Examinegarden hose inlet screen.Cleanif it is clogged or
replaceif it is torn.
Check High Pressure Hese
High pressure hoses can developleaks from wear, kinking,
or abuse,inspect hose beforeeach use. @eck for cuts,
leaks,abrasions, buiging of cover, or damageor movement
of coupiings. If any of these conditions exist, replacehose
The high pressure stream of waterthat this
_ quipment producescancut through skin and its
underiyingtissues, ieadingto serious injury and
)ossibb amputation.
* NEVERrepairhighpressurehose.Replaceit.
* ReplacementhoseratingMUSTexceedmaxh_nurnpressure
ratingof unit.
Check Spray Gun
Examinehose connectionto spray gun and makesure it is
secure.Testtrigger by pressing it and making sure it springs
back into piacewhenyou releaseit. Put safety iatch in UP
position andtest trigger. You should not beabie to press
trigger. Replacespray gun immediately if it fails any of these
Hezzle Maintenance
A pulsing sensationfelt while squeezingthe spray gun trigger
may becaused by excessivepump pressure. Theprincipai
cause of excessivepump pressure is a nozzleclogged or
restricted with foreign materials, such asdirt, etc. Tocorrect
the problem, immediately cleanthe nozzlefollowing these
1. Shut off engineandturn off water suppiy.
2. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in asafe direction and squeeze
spray gun trigger to releaseretainedhigh water pressure.
Thehigh pressurestream of water thatthis
equipment produces cancut through skin andits
_ nderiying tissues, ieading to serious injury and
possible amputation.
Spraygun traps high water pressure, evenwhen
engine is stopped and wateris disconnected,
which cancause injury.
* Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
wbilesystemis pressurized.
o ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezespray
gemtrigger,to releasehighpressure,everytimeyoustop
3. Disconnect PrecisionSprayTM Selectorfrom spray gun.
4. Usea smaii paperclip to free any foreign material
clogging or restricting the high pressure nozzies(A).
5. Using a garden hose, removeadditional debris by back
flushing water through PrecisionSprayTM Selector. Back
flush between30 to 60 seconds.
6. ReconnectPrecisionSprayTM Selectorto spraygun.
7. Makesure garden hose is connectedto water iniet.
Checkthat higil pressure hose is connectedto spraygun
and pump.Turn onwater.
8. Engagetrigger Iock onspray gunand start engine
following instructions How to Start Your Pressure
9. Test pressure washer by operating with eachnozzie
g_lling Maintenance
Purchasean O-Ring RepairKit atyour iocaI Searsor by
cailing l o800-4-MYoHOME(469-4663) or ontineat
www.sears.com, it is not inctudedwith the pressure washer.
This kit includes replacemento-rings, rubber washer and
water inlet fiiter. Referto the instruction sheet provided in the
kit to serviceyour unit's o-rings.
Thehigh pressurestream of water that this
_ quipment producescancut through skin and its
underlyingtissues, ieadingto serious injury and
}ossibte amputation.
NEVERrepairleakingconnectionswitb sealantof anykind.
Replaceo-ringor seal.
Pump Oil Maintenance
DONOTattempt any oiI maintenanceon this pump. This
model doesnot requireany pump oii maintenance.Thepump
is pre°iubricated andseaiedfrom the factory, requiring no
additional lubrication for the life of the pump.
Unintentional sparking can result in fire or
_ electric shock.
* Disconnectthe spark plug wire from the spark plug and place
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
* Use approvedspark plug tester.
o DO NOTcheckfor spark with spark plug rernoved.
NOTE:Usea high quality detergentoiIciassified "For Service
SF,SG,SH, SJ" or higher. DONOTusespecial additives.
1. Choosea viscosity according to the table below:
104 F
40 C
o 30
_ 0
NOTE:Synthetic oii meeting iLSACGF-2,APIcertification
markand APi service symboi with "SJ/CF ENERGY
CONSERVING"or higher, is an acceptabieoii at aii
temperatures. Useof synthetic oil does not alter required oil
SAE30: 40°Fand higher (5°C and higher) isgood for aii
purpose useabove40°F, usebelow 40°F will causehard
10Wo30:0 to !O0°F(=18to 38°C)is better for varying
temperatureconditions. This viscosity improves coid weather
starting, but may increase oil consumption above80°F
*Check oii ieveifrequently at highertemperatures,
Synthetic 5w-3g: =20to 120°F(=30to 40 °C) provides the
best protection at alltemperatures as well as improved
starting with iess oii consumption,
5W-30: 40°Fand below (5°C and be/ow)is recommendedfor
winter useand works best in cold conditions.
CheckingOil Level
OiIlevelshould becheckedprior to each useor at least every
5 hours of operation. Keepoii ievei maintained.
1. Makesure pressure washer is ona ieveisurface.
2. Removeoii dipstick and wipe dipstick with cleancioth.
Reptaceand tigilten dipstick. Removeand and check oil
3. Verify oiI is at "FuIF' mark on dipstick. Replaceand
tighten dipstick.
1. Makesure pressure washer is ona Ieveisurface.
2. Checkoii ievei as describedin CheckingOffLevel
3. If needed,siowiy pour oil into oil fiii openingto the
"Full" mark on dipstick. DONOToverfill.
Overfiiiing with oil may cause the engine to not start, or
hard starting.
DO NOToverfill.
Ifover the FULLmark on dipstick, drain off to reduce oil levelto
FULLrnark on dipstick.
4. Replaceand tigllten dipstick.
Changeengine oii after the first 5 hours and every 50 hours
thereafter, if you are usingyour pressure washer under
extremeiy dirty or dusty conditions, or in extremely hot
weather, changeoil more often.
Avoid proionged or repeatedskin contact with used motor
Usedmotoroil hasbeenshownto causeskincancerincertain
Thoroughlywashexposedareaswith soapandwater.
Changeoil whileengineisstill warmfrom running,asfollows:
1. Drainfuel tank by running pressurewasher until fuel
tank is empty.
2. Disconnectspark plugwire andkeepit awayfrom spark
3. Cleanarea around oil fill, remove oil fill cap/dipstick.
Wipe dipstick clean.
4. Tipyour pressurewasher to drain eli from eli fiii into a
suitabie container making sure you tip your unit away
from spark plug. When crankcaseis empty, return
pressure washer to upright position.
5. Slowly pour recommended oil (about 20 oz.) into oil fill
opening. Pauseto permitoil to settle. Fillto "Full" mark
on dipstick.
6. Wipe dipstick cleaneachtime oil levelis checked. DO
7. Replaceand tigllten dipstick.
8. Wipe up any remaining eli.
g. Reconnectspark plug wire to spark plug.
Service Air Cteaner
Your enginewiil not run properly andmay be damagedif you
run it with a dirty air cteaner.
Servicethe air cleaneronce every 25 hours of operation or
once eachyear, whichever comes first. Service more often if
operating under dirty or dusty conditions. Replacementsare
availableatyour local Searsservicecenter.
Teservicethe air cleaner,follow these steps:
1. Loosentwo screws (A) and lift off cover (B).
2. Carefully removeair cleaner (C)from base(D).
3. Instati ciean (or new) air cleanerin base. Air cleaner
must fit securely in base.
4. Placecover over air cleanerand tighten screws.
NOTE:You can purchase newair filter elements by caIling
Service Spark Plu9
Servicethe spark piug every 1O0hours of operation or
yearly, whichever occurs first.
1. Cleanareaaround spark piug.
2. Removeand inspect sparkplug.
3. Repiacespark plug if electrodesare pitted, burned or
porcelainis cracked.Usethe recommended replacement
plug. See Specifications.
4. Checkelectrode gap with wire feelergauge and set spark
plug gap to 0.020 inch (0.50 ram) if necessary.
5. Instali spark piugand tighten firmly.
NOTE:You canpurchase a new spark plug bycalling
Spark AttesterService
Your engineis not factory=equippedwith a spark arrester. In
some areas,it is iiiegaito operatean engine without a spark
arrester. Checkiocai iaws and regulations. A spark attester is
avaiiablefrom your nearest Searsservicecenter, if you need
to order a spark arrester, pleasecall 1-800-4-MY-t-tOME
Thespark arrester must be serviced every50 hours to keepit
functioning asdesigned.
If the engine hasbeen running, the muffler wiii be very hot.
Ailow the muffler to cool before servicingthe sparkarrester.
_ ontact with muffler area can resuit in serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causing afire.
o DO NOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaust gases.
Allow equipment to cool beforetouchh]g.
o Keepat least5 feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sides of
pressure washer including overhead.
Codeof FederalRegulation (CFR)Title 36 Parks,Forests, and
Public Property require equlprnent powered by an inten]al
cornbustion engineto haveaspark arrester rnaintainedin
effective working order, complying to USDAForestservice
stal]dard 5100-16 or later revbion. Inthe Stateof 6alifornia a
spark arrester is required undersection 4442 of the California
Public resources code. Other statesmay havesimilar laws.
Remove spark arrester screen for cleaning and inspection.
Replace if screen is damaged.
Air Ceomin9System
Overtime debris may accumulate in cylinder cooiing fins and
cannot be observed without partiai engine disassembly. For
this reason,we recommendyou havean qualified Sears
servicedealer cleanthe cooling system per recommended
intervals (see MaintenanceSchedub). Equaliyimportant is to
keeptop of engine freefrom debris. See@'eanDebris.
Water should not remain in the unit for iong periods of time.
Sedimentsor minerals candeposit on pump parts and
"freeze" pump action. Followthese proceduresafter every
1. Ftushdetergentsystem byturning its detergent shut-off
valveto "Off" position and run pressurewasher with
PrecisionSprayTM Selector in aiow pressureposition.
Flushfor one to two minutes.
2. Shut off engine,turn off water supply, point gun in a
safe direction and squeezetrigger to relievetrapped
pressure,engagetrigger lock olsspray gun andlet
The high pressure stream of waterthat this
equipment producescancut through skin and its
_ nderiying tissues, ieadingto serious injury and
Spray gun traps high water pressure,evenwhen
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can causeinjury.
* Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
o ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezespray
guntrigger,to releasehighpressureeverytimeyoustop
3. Disconnect hosefrom spray gun and high pressure
outbt on pump. Drainwater from hose,gun, and nozzie
extension. Usea ragto wipe off the hose.
4. Empty pump of aii pumped iiquids by puIiing recoii
handb about6 times. This should remove most liquid in
5. 6oiI high pressure hoseand properly hangit on hook
provided on accessorytray.
6. Store unit ina dean, dry area.
7. If storing for morethan 30 dayssee Long Term ,Storage
on nextpage.
Fueiand its vapors areextremely flammable and
Fireor explosion cancause severeburns or
° Storeawayfromfurnaces,stoveswaterheaters,clothes
dryers or otherappliancesthathavepilotlightor otherignition
Toprotectthe unit from freezingtemperatwres:
1. Emptycleaning tank as follows:
a. Disconnecthoseconnectedto injection fitting on
pump. Piaceend of hoseinto suitabie container.
b. Rotatedetergent shut-off valveto "On" position and
open the tanks cover. Gravitywiii empty tank
contents into container.
c. Reconnect hoseto injection fitting on pump. Add
0.5 quart of cleanfresh water to cleaningtank and
ciose tanks cover.
2. Fiush cteaningsystem byturning detergentshut-off
valveto "On" position, rotate PrecisionSprayTM Selector
to a Iowpressure position and run pressure washer.
Flush untii cleaningtank is empty.Turn its detergent
shut-off vaiveto "Off" position.
3. Foliow steps 2-5 in the previous sectionAfter EachUse.
4. Use pump saver,availableat Searsretail item
7174403GS,to treat pump. This minimizesfreeze
damageand iubricates pistons and seals.
5. If pump saver is not avaiiabie, connecta 3-foot section
of garden hoseto water inlet adapter. Pour
RV-antifreeze (antifreezewithout alcohol) into hose. Pull
recoii handletwice. Disconnect3-foot hose.
6. Store unit ina clean,dry area.
If you do not plan to usethe pressure washer for morethan
30 days,you must prepare the engine and pump for long
term storage.
It is important to preventgum deposits from forming in
essentialfuel system parts such asthe carburetor, fuet filter,
fuel hose or tank during storage. Also, experienceindicates
that alcohol-blendedfuels (called gasohol, ethanol or
methanol) canattract moisture, which ieadsto separation
and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can
damagethe fuel system of anengine while in storage.
Pretect Fuel System
Fueican becomestab when stored over 30 days.Stab fuel
causesacid and gum depositsto form in the fuei system or
on essentialcarburetor parts. To keepfue! fresh, use Bdggs
& Stratton FRESHSTAR7Mfuel stabiiizer, availableas a
liquid additive or a drip concentrate cartridge.
Thereis no needto draingasoiine from the engineif afuel
stabilizer is added according to instructions. Runthe engine
for 2 minutesto circulate the stabiiizerthroughout the fuel
system. Theengine and fuet can then bestored upto
24 months.
If gasolinein the engine has not beentreated with afuel
stabiiizer, it must be drained into an approved container. Run
the engine untii it stops from iack of fuel. The use of a fuel
stabilizer in the storagecontainer is recommendedto
maintain freshness.
Change (}ira
Whib engine isstiii warm, drain oil from crankcase. Refill
with recommendedgrade. See ChangingE,_gineOil.
Oil Cylinder Bere
* Removespark plug andpour about 1/2 ounce (15 mI) of
cleanengine oii into the cyiinder.
* Instali spark plugand pull starter handle slowly to
distribute oil.
Pretect Pump
To protect the pump from damagecausedby mineral
deposits or freezing, usePumpSaver,item 7174403GS,to
treat pump. This preventsfreezedamageand lubricates
)istons andseals.
You must protect your unit from freezing temperatures.
Failuretodo sowill permanentlydamageyourpurnpand
NOTE:PumpSaveris availabieasan optional accessory.It is
not included with the pressurewasher. Contact your iocaI
Searsservice center to purchase PumpSaver.
To usePumpSaver,makesure the pressurewasher is turned
off anddisconnected from suppiy water. Readand foliow aii
instructions andwarnings given onthe PumpSavercontainer.
ether $terage Tips
1. DONOTstore fuel from one seasonto another unless it
hasbeentreated asdescribed in Protect Fud System.
Repiacefuei container if it starts to rust. Rust and/or dirt
in fuel cancause problems if it's usedwith this unit.
Coverunit with a suitable protectivecover that does not
retain moisture.
_ Storagecovers can be flammable=
o DONOTplacea storagecoveroverahotpressurewasher.
Letequipmentcoo[fora sufficbnttime beforeplacingthe
4. Store unit in acleanand dry area.