Infocus INF75ML01, INF55ML01, INF65ML01, INF86ML01 Software Guide

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Software Guide for System Administrators
Page 1 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Conventions used in this guide ..........................................................................................4
SETUP .....................................................................................................5
Set up Windows 10 .................................................................................................5
Set up QuickLaunch .................................................................................................7
Register the Montage software .......................................................................................9
THE MONDOPAD LAUNCH USER INTERFACE ............................................................................10
Fullscreen View ...................................................................................................10
The Options menu bar ..............................................................................................10
Dock View ....................................................................................................11
CUSTOMIZING QUICKLAUNCH ........................................................................................12
SETTINGS MODE ..................................................................................................12
Import, Export and Reset settings .................................................................................12
The Options pane ...............................................................................................13
Before you modify QuickLaunch… .................................................................................13
License ....................................................................................................14
General ....................................................................................................14
Registration .................................................................................................15
Demo Mode .................................................................................................15
Display ....................................................................................................16
General ....................................................................................................16
Fullscreen ...................................................................................................17
Docked ....................................................................................................18
Clock ....................................................................................................19
Screen Saver ................................................................................................20
Theme ....................................................................................................21
General ....................................................................................................21
Advanced Settings ........................................................................................... 22
General — Advanced Settings ...............................................................................22
Actions — Advanced Settings ............................................................................... 23
AppBar — Advanced Settings ............................................................................... 23
Actions ................................................................................................... 24
General ................................................................................................... 24
Create a new block group .................................................................................. 25
Actions ...................................................................................................26
System ...................................................................................................28
General ...................................................................................................28
Reset Room ................................................................................................ 29
Network ................................................................................................... 30
Monitors ....................................................................................................31
Help ................................................................................................... 32
DESIGN MODE ................................................................................................... 33
Group blocks .................................................................................................. 33
Action Items .................................................................................................. 34
Move an icon within a group block ............................................................................. 35
Move an icon: Drag and drop ............................................................................... 35
Move an icon: Change Action Tiles ........................................................................... 35
Add or delete an icon, or change its background ................................................................. 36
Add an action to a group block .................................................................................37
Page 2 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Delete an action from a group block ............................................................................ 38
Delete an action by selecting its icon ...........................................................................38
Delete an action through the Actions window ................................................................... 38
Change a group block name, size and icon ......................................................................... 38
Move an action from one group block to another ................................................................... 39
Add or change a company logo ................................................................................... 39
Change the clock settings ....................................................................................... 40
Change the room name ......................................................................................... 40
Other Display Mode changes .................................................................................... 40
The resource monitor ............................................................................................41
The resource monitor icon .....................................................................................41
Monitor information in Fullscreen View ..........................................................................41
Monitor information in Design Mode ............................................................................41
MONTAGE ................................................................................................... 42
Initiating a meeting ............................................................................................... 42
Joining a meeting — in Windows or Mac .............................................................................. 42
Joining a meeting — Android and iOS ................................................................................. 44
The home screen tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
The screen share toolbar ........................................................................................... 46
BIGNOTE™ (Whiteboard) ..............................................................................................47
Open BigNote ....................................................................................................47
WHITEBOARD MODE ..............................................................................................47
The Whiteboard Mode home page .................................................................................47
Drawing ................................................................................................... 48
Create a text object ............................................................................................ 48
Import an image ............................................................................................... 48
Share (email) a le ............................................................................................. 49
Save a le ................................................................................................... 49
Growing the whiteboard canvas .................................................................................. 49
Navigating in the whiteboard canvas .............................................................................. 49
Copy, paste and move objects on the canvas .......................................................................50
Clear the canvas ...............................................................................................50
Copy and paste from the Windows desktop .........................................................................51
Copy and paste from the Windows clipboard ........................................................................51
Close BigNote ..................................................................................................51
GLASS MODE ................................................................................................... 52
The Glass Mode home page ...................................................................................... 52
Using the Mouse and Annotation tools ............................................................................ 53
Drawing ................................................................................................... 54
Create a text object ............................................................................................ 54
Modify drawing and text objects ................................................................................. 54
Save a le ................................................................................................... 55
Share (email) a le ............................................................................................. 55
Close BigNote ................................................................................................. 55
The BigNote toolbox ............................................................................................ 56
Settings ...................................................................................................60
Set up Email settings ...........................................................................................60
Choose a language ..............................................................................................61
Update BigNote .................................................................................................61
Page 3 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
121 VIDEO CALL DIALER .............................................................................................62
QUICKSHARE ................................................................................................... 63
Sharing HDMI content ............................................................................................. 63
The Quickshare settings menu ...................................................................................... 63
APPENDIX A ................................................................................................... 64
Touch screen techniques ........................................................................................... 64
QuickLaunch keyboard shortcuts ................................................................................... 64
APPENDIX B ................................................................................................... 65
ADJUSTING THE CAMERA ......................................................................................... 65
APPENDIX C ....................................................................................................67
MONTAGE NETWORK REQUIREMENTS AND ARCHITECTURE ...........................................................67
Limited Warranty ................................................................................................... 68
Trademarks ................................................................................................... 68
Data protection and GDPR compliance .................................................................................68
Page 4 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Conventions used in this guide
The term "Action" applies to a wide range of resources (for example: a utility, application, website, template, setting, le, or program)
which can be imported, exported and/or modied in QuickLaunch.
"Group blocks" are displayed in Fullscreen View. They are collections of actions grouped together, identied by area and name.
Page 5 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
1. Select a language and a region; tap Yes.
2. Select a keyboard layout; tap Yes. 3. Choose a second keyboard layout or tap Skip.
4. Accept the license agreement. 5. Choose a network and enter the license key. The system
checks for and installs updates.
Set up Windows 10
Before you begin…
you must be connected to the internet.
…locate the QuickLaunch license key. It is on a card (shown to the right) in the same carton as the PC.
(The Windows 10 license key is also in this carton.)
NOTE: The device may initially reboot itself a number of times without intervention. This is normal.
Page 6 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
6. Choose to set up for personal use or for an organization; choose a sign-in name.
7. Create a password and a password hint.
8. Choose to use Cortana; choose privacy settings.
Page 7 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Set up QuickLaunch
1. Choose network parameters. 2. Tap Install; tap Run.
3. Choose Yes. 4. Choose a Language.
5. Prerequisites: QuickLaunch will search for installed 6. Agreement: accept the license agreement.
applications in order to congure them. If you have not
installed applications you intend to use with QuickLaunch,
tap Cancel and install them before proceeding.
Page 8 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
7. License: Enter the name of the company registering the 8. Software registration: Enter the name, email, country
application, the license key from the PC carton, and the and phone number of the primary contact.
email of the primary contact.
Password Protection: InFocus encourages password protec-
tion to prevent unauthorized changes to administrator
NOTE: Make certain to enter the QuickLaunch license
key before proceeding.
9. System: Select "App starts automatically" if you would like 10. Reset Room: The default closes all background applica-
QuickLaunch to open when Windows starts. Select tions. A variety of options are available.
"Scheduled Reboot" if you would like Windows to reboot
at a specied time each day.
11. Display: Choose a Flat or a Tabbed Interface. 12. Design Mode: Choose to take a tour or close the window.
NOTE: Tabbed Interface is intended for small touch screens. Design Mode will be covered in detail beginning on page
QuickLaunch is installed. Next, register Montage.
Page 9 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Register the Montage software
1. Enter the email address and the name of the contact person (administrator), and their organization. Software updates, license
renewal and support notications will be sent to this person.
2. Montage is registered.
Page 10 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
The Mondopad Launch interface consists of two displays — QuickLaunch Fullscreen View and QuickLaunch Dock View. A typical pre-
senter will switch from one to the other during a meeting. All functions in both displays are accessed through icons which are mouse,
touch and stylus enabled. (See "Touch screen techniques," page 64.)
Icon Name Function
Help Opens the QuickLaunch user's guide.
Design Mode Customize the appearance of Fullscreen View and the behavior of the software. Hide to conceal ad-
ministrative settings — Enter Design Mode (page 33). Click or tap anywhere in the Options menu
bar and select Hide DesignMode Button. When the icon is hidden, type Ctrl-Alt-D to open Design
Settings Access and modify QuickLaunch settings. Hide to conceal administrative settings — Enter Design
Mode (page 33). Click or tap anywhere in the Options menu bar and select Hide Settings Button.
When the icon is hidden, type Ctrl-Alt-S to open Settings Mode.
The Options menu bar
The Options menu bar is located in the top right corner of the Fullscreen View display.
Options Menu
Help Design Settings
Total Touch
(TTC) menu
Commonly-used meeting
applications in a group block
Group blocks are collections of actions
grouped together, identied by area and
name. See page 33.
Closes all open meetings and applications
Desktop icon: Takes the presenter to Dock View
world clock
Total Touch
(TTC) menu
Fullscreen View
Fullscreen View is most often used to initiate meetings. Tap
or click the Desktop icon (shown below in the Tools group
block) to switch to Dock View (next page).
Page 11 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
video dialer My PC
HDMI Whiteboard
Montage Camera
New Meeting
Dock View
Dock View is a Windows desktop with a toolbar dock. It is
most often used as a meeting progresses, allowing clients to
take advantage of the Windows desktop while providing the
context necessary to switch among other meeting room ac-
Tapping the Home icon returns the user to Fullscreen View.
Home icon — Tap to re-
turn to Fullscreen View
Opens InFocus Big Note
Opens a keyboard
Opens stored applications
Access commonly-used
meeting applications
(Currently-selected icon is blue)
Closes all open meetings
and applications
Pins the toolbar to one
side of the display
Sidebar arrow — Moves
the toolbar to the other
side of the display
Icon Name Function
Close Exit out of Fullscreen View to the Windows desktop, without the Dock View toolbar. NOTE: Select
the Desktop icon (under the Tools group block) to go to Dock View with the toolbar.
Opens 121 Video Dialer (page 62)
Opens Quickshare (page 63)
Opens Montage (page 42)
Page 12 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Settings Mode is one of the two modes used to customize the appearance and functionality of QuickLaunch (the other is Design Mode,
page 33). Both modes allow you to modify QuickLaunch in both Fullscreen View and Dock View.
Many of the options available in Settings Mode are also available in Design Mode; which mode you choose is a matter of personal pref-
erence and/or expediency.
To enter Settings Mode, tap the Settings Mode icon (page 10) or type Ctrl+Alt+S.
Import, Export and Reset settings
The following row of options is at the bottom corner of each Settings window:
Reset All — Resets QuickLaunch settings to their default values
• Restore — Resets to a backup setting of your choice
• Import — Imports a settings conguration le created by another QuickLaunch installation
• Export
Backup All Settings will save the current QuickLaunch conguration to a le for backup or re-importing into another Quick-
Launch installation.
Create Room Template will save the current conguration with the exception of the license key, which can only be used on one
panel at a time.
NOTE: This template is especially useful to system administrators, who can apply it to any number of displays.
Export Generic Template saves a QuickLaunch template (QLT) text le to a specied location.
Save — Saves any changes you have made to the setting.
Cancel — You can select Cancel at any time to undo any setting changes and return to Fullscreen View.
Import, Export and Reset settings
Page 13 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
The Options pane
At the right side of each settings window are a row of context-sensitive options. Two of these options are common across all sections:
Hide/Show Advanced Settings — Reveals or conceals additional settings. Typically used by administrators for adjusting specic
infrastructure requirements.
Enter Design Mode — Closes the Settings window and takes you to Design Mode
Before you modify QuickLaunch…
The combination of options available to customize QuickLaunch is virtually innite. With that in mind, we recommend making a backup
copy of the original settings, should you ever need to revert to them, or if you inadvertently delete a graphic, video or other resource.
For the same reason, we recommend periodic template backups as you continue to modify the software.
To save a backup of the QuickLaunch base template, open any Settings window, click or tap on the Export tab and select Backup All
Page 14 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Information regarding your licensed version of QuickLaunch, including applying purchased license keys, is available within the License
Installed Version — The revision of the software currently installed.
Update Location — The URL on the internet which will be used to check for and install updates
Automatic Updates — Allows you to specify a schedule for updates, disable updates, or set updates after a specied period of inac-
Email — the contact email of the administrator or other authorized licensee, required for both support and password recovery.
Company Name — An associated company name for the contact email
License Key — The software license key provided with your software package and registered for activation.
NOTE: The license key is case sensitive.
Feature Keys — Reserved for future use
Maintenance Expires On — Reserved for future use
Password Protection — Administrators may choose to lock the settings to prevent unauthorized changes. If the settings are pro-
tected, access to Design Mode and Settings Mode is denied until the correct password is entered.
NOTE: InFocus encourages administrators to enable password protection to prevent unauthorized changes to administrator set-
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This section contains the contact information of the administrator or other authorized licensee who will receive emails about the
license. Annual maintenance notications will be sent to this email address.
Demo Mode
Demo Mode uses a set of pre-dened meetings to demonstrate the calendar functions.
NOTE: Demo Mode is only available in the Professional Edition of Launch.
Page 16 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Room Name — This op-
tional name will be shown
on Fullscreen View to iden-
tify the room. NOTE: This
option is also available in
Design Mode (page 40).
Room Name Location
Choose where to display the
room name, or not to display
it. Choices are Top Center,
Top Right, Top Left, Bot-
tom Center, Bottom Right,
Bottom Left or None. NOTE:
This option is repeated in
the Fullscreen tab.
App Icon is — Shows or
hides the QuickLaunch app icon
Sync Tab (Tabbed View) —
NOTE: The tabbed interface is intended for small touch screens — rather than having all the group blocks and their contents dis-
played at once, you tap on a group block to show the actions it contains.
Show Meet Now Icon in Meetings (Tabbed View) — Show or hide the Meet Now icon in Tabbed View
Enable AV Device Selection
Show Settings Icon — Show or hide the Settings icon (page 10) in Fullscreen View
Show Help Icon — Show or hide the Help icon (page 10) in Fullscreen View
Show Close Icon — Show or hide the Close icon (page 10) in Fullscreen View
Show Design Icon — Show or hide the Design icon (page 10) in Fullscreen View
Lockdown Mode — Removes the Windows Start menu in Dock View
Show Tooltip on Actions — Select to show a short denition of an application's function when you highlight it.
Suppress Error Messages — Hides error popup messages from showing on the display when there are connection or account issues
preventing QuickLaunch from connecting properly
Suppress Information Messages — Hides informational popup messages, such as messages of reconnection attempts, from appear-
ing on the display
Suppress Success Messages — Hides popup messages, such as reconnection successes, from appearing on the display
Suppress Warning Messages — Hides popup messages, such as network disconnections or service interruptions, from appearing on
the display
Show Microphone Icon — This function is not enabled.
Show Volume Icon — This function is not enabled.
Page 17 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Screen Id — If you have multiple screens, this setting allows you to choose which screen to display in Fullscreen View.
NOTE: QuickLaunch supports up to six screens.
Layout — Choose a at or a tabbed interface.
NOTE: A tabbed interface is intended for small touch screens.
Behavior — Choose between Dynamic, Fixed or Pinnable —
Dynamic — Applications selected in Fullscreen View open in Dock View.
Fixed — The display remains in Fullscreen View at all times.
Pinnable — When Layout is set to Flat, Fullscreen View can be minimized.
Layer — Choose between Always on Top, Normal and Always on Bottom
Room Name Location — Choose where to display the room name, or not to display it. Choices are Top Center, Top Right, Top Left,
Bottom Center, Bottom Right, Bottom Left or None.
NOTE: This option is repeated in the General tab.
Lockdown Mode — If Layer is set to Always on Bottom, selecting this option shows the Windows taskbar and start icon in
Fullscreen View.
Page 18 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Show Dockbar — This setting is locked.
Start with Dockbar — Selecting this option causes QuickLaunch to open in Dock View.
NOTE: QuickLaunch must be restarted for this option to take eect.
Dock on Screen — If you have multiple screens, this option chooses which screen will display the Dock View toolbar.
NOTE: QuickLaunch supports up to six screens.
AppBar State — Choose which side of the screen to initially display the Dock View toolbar.
NOTE: The toolbar can be moved from one side of the screen to the other by tapping the sidebar arrow icon (page 11) on the
top of the toolbar.
Left Latch/Right Latch — Adjusts the position and style of the indicator used to reveal the Dock View toolbar when it is hidden on
the left or right side of the screen.
AutoHide Time Out — The number of seconds before the Dock View toolbar will be hidden, if it is not pinned to the side of the
screen. By default, this is 2000 milliseconds (two seconds).
AutoShow Disable Period — Once hidden, the number of seconds the Dock View toolbar must remain hidden before it is revealed.
By default, this is 1000 milliseconds (one second).
Show Date/Time — Select this option to show the date and time at the bottom of the Dock View toolbar.
Show Meeting Timer — This function is not enabled.
Page 19 Mondopad Launch Software Guide for System Administrators
Use this tab to control the settings for the clock at the bottom of the Fullscreen View display. NOTE: These settings can also be
changed in Display Mode (page 40).
Display Mode — Choose Stacked or Scrolling.
• In Stacked, the cities are listed left to right, next to each other.
• In Scrolling, the cities and their local times are shown next to the time of the city at the top of the list, one at a time, with a
pause in between.
World Clocks — Contains the time zone and location of each city (or location) displayed on the clock. Clicking the plus sign ('+') at
the lower left of the window adds a 'City' which you can edit. Highlighting a city and clicking the 'X' removes the city. Use the Up
or Down icons to move a city up or down the list.
Time Zone — Select a city from the list, then its time zone.
Display Name — Enter the name of a city or a location for a chosen time zone. The entry will be saved as soon as you click on a
dierent city or location from the list.