For your safeW, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock
or personal injury
?;2Use this appliance only tor its intended
ptupose as described ill this ()wn(r's
_; This air conditioner must be properly
installed ill all ordan/e with tile his(alia(ion
Instructions before it is tts(d.
_; Never unphtg your air conditioner by pulling
on th( power cord. _Mways grip plug firtnly
and pull straight out fi'onl the re(epm(le.
;;2Ilepktce itnniediat<'ly all electric selwi(:e
cords that have becoln<: fl_ayed or other,rise
dalnaged. A dalnaged ltower supply cord
nlust be replaced with a new power SUl)ply
cord ol)tained ti-oln the mantdimtm-(r and
not lepair<:d. Do not us( a cord that shows
crocks or abl_lsion /]anlage along its length
or at either the phtg or connecU)r end.
_'2If'tile rl'cepmcle does not nlatch th( phtg,
th<: r(cepmcle ntust b( chang<'d out l)y a
qttalifled <4<!ctrician.
_; Turn th( unit OFFand tnlplttg your air
conditiolmr belbt ("nlaking ally t('l)ails
or cleaning.
NOTE: Westronglyrecommendthat anyservicing
be performedbya quafifiedindividual
{_;For your not stor( or use
(onibustible tnat( l_ials,_lsolille or other
flamtnable w_pors or liquids in tit<!vicinity
of this or ally oth(r altpliance.
{_;All air conditioners contain refl-igemnts,
whilh till(let fbd< ml law IIIllSt })e reHloved
prior to prodtu t disposal. [t 7,ou art getting
lid ot an old product with r(fiqgciwnts, ch(ck
with the / ompany handling disposal about
what to do.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut orremove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safeW, this appliance must be properly
DONOTuse an adapterplug with this appliance.
Th( power cord of this altpliance is (quil)ped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug whi/:h mates
with a standard ?.prong (grounding) _ll
outl(t to minilnize tile possibility ot ele(tri(
sllock hazard fi-om this applian(e,
Power lord illchldes a ( IllIX!Ill ititelTtl})t< I"
device. A rest and reset button is provided on
the plug (as<:. The devi(e should be t<st_d on a
p(lJodic ltasis by filst pr(ssing th( TESgbtlt_Oll
and (lien th( HESETbutton while phlggcd into
th<! otttlet. If die rESTbutton d/)es not u-ip
or it die RESgTbtmon will no_ stay (ngagt d,
dis(ontimle use of tile air ( onditioner and
contact a qualified ser,ice t_chnician.
tLtve tile wall outlet and citx:uit checked by a
qualified ele( tti(ian to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded.
"_\]lere a 2-prong _ntll outl(t is en/:otnlt_ r(d,
it is your personal responsibility and obli_,tion
to have it rel)laced with a properly groltnded
3-prollg _tll oudet.
The air condition(r should ab_tvs lie
plugged into its own individual electrical
outlet which has a vohage rating that nlatches
the lating plato.
This provides file best p(rlolntanc( and also
prevents oxerloading house wiring ( ircuits
which could cause a fire hazard tiwtn
ovelhealed wit( s.
Set the his(alia(ion [nsttttctions, Electrical
Requirements sc(tion tor spe(iti( eh'(tl'i(al
( onne(tion rcquirelncnts.