The table of contents lists the pages to go to for setting up the features for the end user.
Safety Warnings .......................... 2-3
Important Safety Instructions ................... 4
TabLe of Contents ........................... 5
Step 1. LCDW/Monitor InstaLLation and Connections
Setup CheckList ............................ 6
InstaLLation/Connections Overview ................ 7
VESA Standard TV Mounts ...................... 8
TV and other Equipment Hookup
Antenna ................................. 9
CabLeService ............................. 10
Antenna 8,VCR............................ 11
CabLeService with VCR ...................... 12
S-Video (DVD-VCR) ......................... 13
Component Video (DVD) ...................... 13
PiLtwSpeaker Hook Up ....................... 14
Power Cord Hookup ......................... 15
Front Panel ControLs ....................... 16
Menus and DispLaysOverview
On-Screen Menus Overview .................... 17
Other Menus and On-Screen DispLays.............. 18
User Remote ControL Key Functions ............... 19
TnstaLLerRemote Key Functions ................. 20
Step 2. Channel Search and Reception Setup
Auto Program (Do a ChanneL Search) ........... 2t
ChanneL Menu
Channel List ............................. 22
Channel LabeLs Setup ....................... 23
Step 3. Customize the TV's Features
Setup Menu
CLock Setup ............................. 24
Menu Language ........................... 27
V-Chip ............................... 28-31
Caption Menu ............................ 32
Sound Menu .......................... 34-35
Picture Menu .......................... 36-37
Managing the ChanneL Banks ............... 38-40
InstaLler Overview ......................... 41
Commercial Mode Setup ...................... 42
CLoning Connections/Learning Setup .............. 43
CLoning Programmer Learning Setup .............. 44
CLoning Connections/Teaching Setup ............. 45
InstaLLer Menu .......................... 46-51
Reference ............................. 52-55
L26W58HA Camport Auto Sense Operation .......... 56
L26W58HA Aux Input Configuration/TroubLeshooting . . .57
TroubLeshooting ........................... 58
Reference: CLoning Procedure TroubLeshooting ....... 59
CLone TroubLeshooting FLow Chart ................ 60
TV Operating Check ......................... 61
GLossary of Terms .......................... 62
InstaLLer Quick Setup Guide.................... 63
Warranty ......................... Back Cover
Optional USER and Ins[aLter Remote ControLs for Mode[ No. L26W58HA
Shown herein is an optiona[ InstaLLer remote controL avaitabte for the L26W58HA mode[ onty. The
InstaLLer remote control is NOTincLuded with the LCD W/Monitor. However, both the User and
InstaLLer remotes can be purchased separateLy, see your Zenith dealer.
Purchase the Optional Insta[[er's Remote and CLone Programmer
To perform a normal instaLLation set up, you need an instaLLer's remote and the LT2002 Quickset II CLone Programmer -
both are shown and described in Later sections. See your Zenith/LG deaLer if you wish to purchase the InstaLLer remote and
LT2002. The instaLLer remote aLLows access to the InstaLLer menus, User menus, and ChanneL Banks in the ManuaL ChanneL
Set options on the Setup menu. The instaLLer remote has Menu, SeLect, and Adjust Keys. The LT2002 Quickset II CLone
Programmer is used to dupLicate a TV's setup and instaLL it on another identical TV.
*Note: Design and speci_cations are subject to change without prior notice.