1001 Broken Sound Parkway, NW Suite A Boca Raton, FL 33487 p 561.994.5550 f 561.241.2830
Helpful Hints when using the Grout Grabber, #75009Q
To remove grout, always approach the joint at a low speed and cut into the joint to the desired
depth. Once at the desired depth, increase the speed of the saw and pull backwards. Note: Never
use the saw at full speed.
Because all saws are different, performance will vary when using the variable speed control.
Practice first on a non-visible area to find the length of stroke that is compatible with the
grout joint
Start by using one blade in order to become accustomed with power of the tool and the
stroke of the blade. It will also help to test the width of the stroke to determine how many
blades are required for your grout joint.
Be especially careful at grout joint intersections to prevent chipping of tile edges
A second pass may be necessary to achieve the desire outcome
Let the adapter do the work – excess pressure limits the blade life
Rotate the outer carbide grit blades for even wear and increased blade life
For thicker grout joints, add QEP Grout Saw Replacement Blades, #75011Q
Note: After use, allow blades to cool before changing or rotating